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Desert island game...with a twist

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I'm sure everyone's heard of the desert island game, where you name the three items you'd want with you if trapped on a desert island (not to be confused with a dessert island...yummy).


Anyway, I thought we could play but with a slight twist. Assume you are trapped along with a lady/gent of your choice. Also, rescue is luckily already on the way, but (even luckier) won't show up until the next day.


So, now what three items do you want with you?


For myself, I think a pitcher of margaritas, a plump soft blanket, and a change of underwear (that last one has nothing to do with the fantasy, I just think it's always a good idea to have a change of underwear when away from home :lol:).

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- Sleeping bag for two (it's cold at night on those little islands off Halifax)

- Box of condoms (going back to our lives the next day)

- Bacon (everything is better with bacon)

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A cooler filled with drinks and food to last a week

A large blanket for two

Toilet paper (better than using leaves ;-) )


and since it would be on a desert island with a favourite lady, turn off the gps feature on my smartphone...well turn the phone off completely, and have a week long escape, not just an overnight. Make it just a little difficult for the rescuers to find us



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Music.... Really I can not live without music

Toothbrush/Toothpaste.... I assume we will be doing a lot of kissing... so fresh breath is a must

Wine.... Well if we are going to be trapped might as well have a little wine, everything is better with Wine!! hehe....


And I would hope that they would wish for the "practical" stuff.... food/water, blanket and sunscreen.... I will leave that up to my special Someone.... any takers????

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Well if I am with the lady of my choice and the rescue boat is coming the next day then......



Sun block - gotta protect the bums, boobs, pussies and peckers and stuff


Spanking paddle - used for tons of spanking fun but can also be used to paddle a boat, swat flys, smack wild boars for food, slap chop rattlesnakes in half, flip fish outta the water, cook raven's eggs in the hot desert sun, and if there is a golf course it can be a driver, 3 iron and a putter.


7 MM Rifle and one billion bullets - in case the spanking paddle didn't kill the wild boar....feisty little devils they are.





If all goes well on the Island with my sexy lady........... I vote all of you OFF the island !!!!!! Anyone that brought a change of underwear with them....take the dirty's with you please.

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Booze. Snacks. Box of condoms. Yep seems like my three things I'd have to have!


Take away the food actually replace it with a giant bottle of cherry flavoured lube.

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1) A luxury hotel suite. It's hard to pack, but I believe it counts as a single item.


2) Condoms.


3) Morgan Freeman. I want him to narrate the adventure and tell amusing stories when my companion and I are not having "the sex"

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I think I would bring

-my second favourite lady

-my third favourite lady

-my fourth favourite lady


Why well for body heat of course in case it gets cold. Strength in numbers we would have our love nest set up in no time. And hope that my 4 lady each brought there 3 things to share since I'm more than willing to share lmao!

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