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There is a pervasive perception in this industry that rate=quality. The lower the rate, the lower the quality of the woman behind it and the experience you will receive. To this I say, take your judgments and misconceptions and ***** them.


Until you meet someone and interact with them, you will never know the quality of them so to make the above statement is judgment clear and simple. Personally, a rate reflects more than just the quality of the encounter because like any business, there are more things taken into account than the service provided. There is the space used for said services, how said services are presented, bells and whistles that accompany the service, the availability of the service and the service itself.


I do not consider myself any less or any more quality than anyone else and to others, that is a subjective thing anyway. You could pay $50 or $500 yet if you don't connect with the person, that impacts the value you believe you received.


Rates are personal to each individual and are set based on their own criteria and what the market will bear. Are rates set based on how each individual views themselves and the worth they believe they are bringing to the table? For some people, yes. This does not mean for everyone. Some offer lower rates due to the place they live and work. This is a business and as such, you need to be in the business to make money. If you're spending out more on business related items and not making anything, this is not a good business model.


All I'm saying is that just as there are many individual providers with individual personalities, likes, dislikes, turn on's, turn off's, so are there reasons behind rates. Just as the value and quality of a hobbyist shouldn't be based on how big his wallet is, SP's shouldn't be judged on how much they charge, high or low.


I know people won't change unless they chose to, this is just a "food for thought" topic because I for one, am not cheap or lower quality. It also works on the other foot as well, SP's shouldn't be judged if their rate is higher. They shouldn't be classified as a greedy or a snooty b**ch. Lower rates shouldn't make higher rates look bad. These are all judgments and perceptions that we are in control of. We CHOSE to make these comments that then create tension and negativity.


Think about it...maybe.

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From my personal experience since I've been with lady on both side of the scale,

I cannot say one was better than the other cause they are both different people. It's like comparing apples and oranges. What a woman charges is her business and midnite is absolutely right some may charge more or less may depend on their expenses. Maybe those on a higher end charge this because they can, they've establish the clientele. I do not know the answer to how they evaluate themselves and decide how much they feel their time is worth, but it is their right and choice. Just like almost any other business out there. A good example are contractors you can get a cheap or and expensive contractor and who knows they may give the same quality of work. Or you can get screwed by either one. So never judge by their set prices that just plain stupid. I am in construction business and we get a lot of work not because we are the lowest bidder nor the highest bidder but often because of our reputation and repeat clients.

The quality given reflects in my opinion the connection between you and the provider. I've meet some of the nicest ladies on both side of the scale.

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