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I can't help recommend any but I can say you should decide what it is for. Body toning, weight loss, or just plain exercise. Are you planning or currently on some sort of diet. Sometimes just cutting out certain things in your diet can go a long way, along with exercise 2-3times a week for as little as 30-45min. Other thing is are you motivated, I for one sometimes have difficult getting motivated so I joined kickboxing which is a class so being around others pushes me to try harder. Rather then being on my own.

But honestly cristy you look fabulous in your pics you doing something right:)

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But honestly cristy you look fabulous in your pics you doing something right:)


You are so sweet, but its as much about being optimally healthy as it is about wanting to look better:)

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You know done right sex can be an awesome workout, and burn alot of calories. Want a gym buddy? Lmoa hehe sry couldn't help myself

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One of my old clients is a fitness instructor. Unfortunately she moved to Alberta to take care of her mom, otherwise we were proposing a little agreement that she would train me, I'd shoot her wedding.


We did have a couple of sessions before she left. It was different, you really push yourself harder when someone is there with you. And female equality and all my feminist notions aside, I couldn't let a girl out do me! She is 6" shorter than me, but was incredibly strong and fit.


All in all, I should really find a personal trainer, it was amazing the first time.

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Body toning, weight loss, or just plain exercise. Are you planning or currently on some sort of diet.


Hi Cristy, Empty83 has identified the key questions to ask yourself so that you and your trainer can identify some goals and establish an exercise program.


As for who to select as a trainer, I'd suggest 2 things:


1) The trainer should have a training certification. There are lots of people, who call themselves trainers, but other than doing their own exercise program (usually building muscle bulk exclusively), they don't have a clue as to how to design a program, monitor a client's progress and motivate someone. They may even cause harm. I've attached a link which addresses certification and personal development for trainers. Even though it's for trainers, it's useful for clients and includes links to the major fitness certification organizations.


2) If you go to one of the major gyms such as Goodlife, Dalhousie, Canada Games Centre, Sportsplex etc. you'll not only get a certified trainer, but you'll also be assured that their performance as a trainer is being monitored by their employer. After all it's one thing to get the piece of paper, it's another to put the knowledge into practice with a client. It's also helpful that they can call on the expertise and advice of other trainers when necessary.


The only other thing I'd add is that some people are gym monkeys, but most people aren't. In addition to getting a trainer and starting a fitness program, it's good to find physical activities that you enjoy doing and can do regularly with others that don't necessarily require you to go to the gym.


Good luck and I hope you have fun!



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Guest ***nno**n***

hi Cristy,


If you're already in good shape and looking to optimize ( better nutrition, increase workout performance) I would suggest a body builder.


Personal trainers are not all created equal.

I know 2 body builders in the city but I will ask if I can give out their information first as they don't advertise.


Allan is someone who is a great trainer and works primarily at Good Life fitness. You don't need a membership to see him there- pm me for the phone number


If you're looking for more of a martial artist (well trained in overall body health)

I can give you the information of a professional kickboxer in winnipeg. He owns his own gym so he has great availability.


There are 2 pron bodybuilders in Winnipeg right now although they both travel a lot.

One is in Steinbach, a bit of a drive but worth his weight in gold.


The other is in Jamaica at the moment. If any of them interest you just pm me for their #'s.



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The only things I would add is to be consistent and honest with your personal trainer if get one. Because a personal trainer isn't there to motivate you to workout, they're there to help push yourself when you do.


I've work with one before and I love what I've been able to accomplish with him and what I've be able to do since. He help me change my routine and help push just that much harder.

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