Sweet Emily J 172062 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 Walk your dog for a nominal fee? C---. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest C**Tra****er Report post Posted June 20, 2013 "like getting your carpets cleaned or your nails done" That's what I like to see in ads! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sweet Emily J 172062 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 This idiot is the G&M's "Sex Columnist" and admittedly knows nothing about this subject she is talking about in the article and says she has never even to a strip club. Oy. I am actually quite surprised and impressed with many of the user comments. The last article about prostitution in a mainstream newspaper that I read was that stupid CBC NFLD one about a month ago, and the user comments were nearly all anti-prostitution. Seems the opposite with this article, and some great feedback, in fact. "Strippers make more money than you do, they don't need to pick up extra cash walking your dog, they don't need or want your charity or your sympathy. But thanks for looking down on them" "This article is even less helpful than the original one. Most journalists don't go looking for someone to agree with them and then write up an article. They look for both sides of the debate. Perhaps the author should heed the advice that the thing to do when you find that you have dug yourself a hole is to stop digging." "This is embarrassingly sheltered, classist, and naive all rolled into a condescending prude ball. Seek out the PoV's of a few sex workers. It will also make you a better reporter and you'll learn a few things about life." "The man who wrote the letter asked for responsible, non-judgmental guidance. What he got was an idiotic, sanctimonious diatribe. If Amberly McAteer wishes to make a fool of herself with moronic tales from the ivory tower, that is her prerogative. That the G&M decides to print her nonsense under the guise of "advice" displays a paucity of judgement and respect for its readers." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 Yay, another middle class woman who thinks we're all broken, desperate women! Could she be more condescending? Also, I really enjoyed how she described us relationally ("reducing someone's daughter to a paid means of sexual enjoyment"), as if we only exist in relation to someone else, and we're not individuals at all or anything. Garbage, utter, garbage. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhantomKnight 7914 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 Wait. So you ladies don't find me attractive, charming and intelligent? : P Only kidding. This article is what happens when the ill informed people of the world with no life experience get a chance to voice their opinion to the world sadly on a large scale. Plus why the hell would I pay for my dog to get walked if I could spend an hour with a sexy and intelligent woman? Such disrespect this author has shown. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 Ignorant people like this have most often times lead sheltered lives and always have so anything or anyone else who is not the status quo like they are become fearful which they hide with ignorant insults and opinions. They think they know the ways of the world or claim to have life experience but most don't. I know soooooo many people like this. Opinions are like a**holes. Everyone has one but in his case, the author's seems pretty dirty to me. ;) I like to plug my nose and walk away very quickly from people like this. Hehehe. And FYI, many women ( not all of course) who men meet at the bar he may engage in riskier sexual activities due to being intoxicated and could find themselves in a compromising position because of it. I've seen it with my own eyes. And I've heard these women say disparaging things about prostitutes. If you really break it down, what is the difference of meeting a guy in a bar for a few hours compared to meeting a client as an SP? Do you really know much more with a guy at a bar? Probably not. Anyone can say or do anything. There are risks on both sides but people just see the stigma of prostitution so as long as woman gives it up and not get paid, she is still accepted by society. Utter bullshit. I just laugh in my head as many give it up to a stranger willingly and sometimes under not so good circumstances such as being drunk or under some kind of influence. People can think what they want about prostitution but most SPs are educated on STDs etc so this is just an ignorant person talking out of their ass. Society whether it's men or women ( usually women from what I've experienced) get caught up in the exchange of money. It's like that episode that many ladies here who watched Sex and the City can relate to. The main character Carrie Bradshaw has a one night stand with a European business man and he leaves her 1 k in an envelope on the nightstand but he leaves without her number. It is right then and there that she realizes that he thought she was a call girl and she is totally disgusted by the fact but she winds up being a hypocrite and ends up on spending the money on herself but not without consulting with her girlfriends first. Society is full of hypocrites and closed minded. However when someone publishes a book like "50 Shades of Grey" and the media approves it claiming that "it's interesting and a must read", suddenly society catches on and they think the BDSM scene is now something that is somewhat acceptable.. or at least to be able to discuss it in mainstream society. Of course it will only be limited to blindfolds, handcuffs and if they're REALLY adventurous, a riding crop. Many people in life are followers. I prefer to make my own trails. ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realnicehat Report post Posted June 20, 2013 Sadly, this is the state of journalism today. Someone 5 years out of college is given a national forum on sexual advice based only on their ability to form a paragraph and maintain a cute Facebook page. Whatever happened to paying ones dues? If they are going to give a national sex column to a twenty something blogger why not Emily J? At least we know she knows what she's talking about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S****r Report post Posted June 20, 2013 OMG, I couldn't stop myself. I had to fire off an email to this woman. Jeez! Ignorant people! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 (edited) When does a man not pay a woman for sex. Relationships come with strings attached. You think conventional relationships like marriage are free???...ask how free if you get divorced. And marriage has a poor success rate, something like 54% failure rate I believe. The proverbial bar pick up/one night stand. How often do you get phone calls the next day or days. For that matter, even a blind date. You don't want to see her again (not clicking) and she calls asking when you are going out again And how safe is that woman in the bar, who has sex with a stranger after a few drinks. For that matter the same holds true for the guy too. What does the lady know about the man she just met in the bar. A professional companion, well many of them employ verification/screening. The ladies I see know my real name, phone number, email etc. Some even have my home address. As for multiple partners, well a lady can have multiple partners whether as a civilian lady or paid companion. The cause of STD's/STI's is sex, not paid sex and can happen to anyone except the celibate. Professional companions however are well versed on safe sex and for me at least, three years this July seeing companions and I have always tested negative. The way the media portrays it by now you'd think something would have fallen off LOL Seeing a escort. It is paid companionship, and yes, sex is part (but not all) of the companionship. Friendships, while not sought out can happen. And we can, yes scary LOL, care for one another without it leading to a strings attached relationship. Just recent posts, pm's and emails, some over the past few months, is proof of that. In short, seeing a professional companion is just the most honest male/female intimate relationship that exists, and has the benefit of no strings attached. And my experience, all I have met in this lifestyle are ladies and I try to be and am treated like a gentleman A rambling RG Edited June 20, 2013 by r__m__g_uy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted June 20, 2013 Most people are ignorant to things they know nothing about...she is very ignorant and probably lives a very miserable life...to each their own and everyone has the right to make their own choices in life...who is she to judge the life we live? We are not just sex workers we are friends companions and so much more...great women who not only provide companionship but also a friendship...and I will never let the words of an ugly person make me feel any less of a woman...Iove what I do and will continue to do it as long as I can ...screw her and anyone else who doesn't like it...WE ROCK LADIES Xo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted June 21, 2013 I think that was the most pointless pile of drivel I've read for a long time. The only slight upside was that the author was up-front about her complete lack of knowledge of the issue. It's a shame she lacks the self-awareness to realize that writing and publishing an article on a subject of which she admits she's thoroughly ignorant merely makes her look stupid. Anyways, I'd never read anything of hers before today, and I'll probably never do so again as she's now been filed under "time-wasting fucktards". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maverick 2873 Report post Posted June 21, 2013 That was incredibly offensive and frustrated me so much I couldn't even finish reading it. The ignorance and naivety of so many people never ceases to amaze me. She just has some ridiculous out-dated fantastical concept of 'sex' when really she's arguing that you shouldn't pay for a therapeutic massage either because physical enjoyment requires a subtext of a legitimate human connection. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted June 21, 2013 I think that was the most pointless pile of drivel I've read for a long time. The only slight upside was that the author was up-front about her complete lack of knowledge of the issue. It's a shame she lacks the self-awareness to realize that writing and publishing an article on a subject of which she admits she's thoroughly ignorant merely makes her look stupid. Anyways, I'd never read anything of hers before today, and I'll probably never do so again as she's now been filed under "time-wasting fucktards". Guess it irks me because the writer imposes her values on the readers without, by her own admission even knowing what she is talking about. And in her world her values are right and those values that differs with hers are wrong. And Phaedrus you are right, it was the most pointless pile of drivel from a person who is ignorant about the subject matter she is writing about RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MsMorganThorne 260 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 Wow! That was so offensive. I can't even begin to tell you how angry reading that made me....almost as angry as the other article they published recently. People who know nothing about SWs shouldn't talk about us. I just had an article published in NOW (not sure if I'm allowed to link, so I will err on the side of caution) talking about my very positive experiences over the last 3 1/2 years that I've been in this industry. I wrote it precisely because people know nothing about us and they need to see us as real people! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Wow! That was so offensive. I can't even begin to tell you how angry reading that made me....almost as angry as the other article they published recently. People who know nothing about SWs shouldn't talk about us. I just had an article published in NOW (not sure if I'm allowed to link, so I will err on the side of caution) talking about my very positive experiences over the last 3 1/2 years that I've been in this industry. I wrote it precisely because people know nothing about us and they need to see us as real people! The Rules disallow posting to other escort or review sites other then the Acceptable sites (see http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_whynotreview). If in doubt ask mod. Cheers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrettonWoods 4365 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 There is only one possible additional comment for this: WTF!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toklat77 4616 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 A famous quote comes to mind regarding this: "Don't judge, less ye be judged!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nntsci 11076 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 One of the things that bugs me about the assumption that paid sex is dangerous is that it ignores the role of alcohol. Paid gals typically do not need to get drunk to engage in sex. The one of two times I brought a small bottle of wine to share with a lady, she drank very little. Once upon a time, I nearly had an affair with a gal a while back, but she would only overcome her inhibitions if drunk, and I'd personally rather be sober. I'd rather make potentially life changing decisions with a clear head. The thing is sex when drunk is much more dangerous because people are much less likely to take precautions. My main reason for going to professionals actually is to avoid the attachments that come with a relationship. I already have a wife, I don't need another. The problem with the columnist opinion is it ignores that men typically don't view sex as some spiritual act of love. It can be, but most often it more about fun, pleasure, and stress relief. That difference in attitude toward sex between men and women will be there regardless of whether she's paid for it or not. And I agree with the other poster that noted that all sex comes with a price. And both men and women know this. My wife will get me to do home repairs, or do various other things for her (e.g., agree to go drive her mother to her brothers cottage for the weekend), with a promise of sex. Basically sex at home is paid for one way or another. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites