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New Parking Violators App?

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I was watching ctv news yesterday or Tuesdays edition and learned there will be a new app available to persons whom wish to report parking violators. The creator that was informing the public was based out of Ottawa. He said (paraphrased of course) this app gives the public a chance to make changes. You get this app and can go up to a vehicle in violation, send to parking enforcement and the ticket will then be forwarded . Also says its set up like crime stoppers. Ottawa signed his app deal so that for example if you see a car parked in a handicapped spot without there sign hanging visible on there car, the normal fine is 100$, you as the tipster (and the violator is found guilty) get 8$ for reporting the violation. This of course is new and only in the midst of beginning. So I ask do you think this is a good revenue for provinces or will this be another foolish financial gane for the government?


I am against this idea. I think its foolish and another way to get money out of us tax payers.

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I also agree with you, i think it is just another way for the govt to make money off of people. It should be the citys job to report or give tickets in regards to people violating the parking restrictions. I have had one too many parking tickets, some ridiculous, some my fault.

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Sounds like the start of parking by-law officers losing their jobs (and joining the ranks of the unemployed)...why need them if John or Jane public will do it for them

Mind you, I've noticed a few police who park in no parking zones hmmmmm


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Guest **l****uz

I am against this idea. I think its foolish and another way to get money out of us tax payers.


I would have to agree completely! My question would be, " What happens if it's just some jerk wanting to report someone he or she is pissed off at?" What happens to people who give faulty reporting?? And how are they going to prevent that from happening??

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I'm curious how the violation would be verified or could I just randomly report people who irritate me.

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Looks like an evolutionary step after self-checkout.


Heck, some republican (Rubio?) was pushing for self-deportation of illegals, so why not crowd-sourcing violation tickets.


Next up, self-serve prostate exams? Oh, wait...

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It just seems to be the next step in our high tech evolution, this is the start of us policing ourselves... didn't they make a movie about this? Lol :)

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Problem will be people doctoring photos. It does not take mad skills to take a picture of a car near the curb, come back 30 minutes later after the car is gone and take the same picture (lighting conditions) with the meter expired and make a fake photo that would fool everyone. I'd do it for some cop cars and show it in court if ever I was given something like this. I don't see how this could be enforced honestly.

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i don't have any problems with this, especially for handicapped parking spots or maybe in front of a fire hydrant...quick and easy way for reporting it. I get irritated when this happens.


As for the gov getting more money from it, don't park illegally, pretty simple to me and if you do you get dinged.


I'm sure there are ways to mitigate it, if it is abused.

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I think it's a great idea. Part of the proceeds may go to charities too!


It's not just the picture alone that gives people the fine... The picture is simply sent to the authorities in real-time and a parking officer who is on-call at the time is dispatched to go verify and actually physically give out the ticket.


I have no issue with the city (of who the vast majority are law abiding citizens) profiting off people who are breaking the law and inconveniencing handicapped drivers, or potentially endangering people and property by parking in front of a fire hydrant. Better to make extra cash off them, than the law-abiding taxpayers, IMO.


Unless someone is parking illegally and being inconsiderate to others, then no one is taking their money.

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I'm so sick of this country and our beloved city figuring out new ways to take my money. This app is crazy and I hope it fails miserably.


Anyone who's lived downtown has seen bylaw write tickets like they are handing out Christmas presents.

We hire by law enforcers for a reason. Sometimes it's bad enough dealing with them.

I can imagine every damn yahoo in ottawa trying to screw people over. Especially if there is a money incentive.


Call me crazy but we have too many laws in this country.


Sorry for the Rant.

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I think it's a great idea. Part of the proceeds may go to charities too!


It's not just the picture alone that gives people the fine... The picture is simply sent to the authorities in real-time and a parking officer who is on-call at the time is dispatched to go verify and actually physically give out the ticket.


I have no issue with the city (of who the vast majority are law abiding citizens) profiting off people who are breaking the law and inconveniencing handicapped drivers, or potentially endangering people and property by parking in front of a fire hydrant. Better to make extra cash off them, than the law-abiding taxpayers, IMO.


Unless someone is parking illegally and being inconsiderate to others, then no one is taking their money.[/quote



You must not drive? Lol.. I can't believe you agree! I feel this is another government skem to get money from us! In my opinion everyone has not parked legitmetly once or twice in there driving experience me included. To have someone come up to your car, take a photo and send it to parking authorities is not okay. It's wrong in every aspect! This happens, then what next? Tell us our exterior homes are not to code.. Our attire is not politically correct?


One, step leads to a mile and beyond.....

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You must not drive? Lol.. I can't believe you agree! I feel this is another government skem to get money from us! In my opinion everyone has not parked legitmetly once or twice in there driving experience me included. To have someone come up to your car, take a photo and send it to parking authorities is not okay. It's wrong in every aspect! This happens, then what next? Tell us our exterior homes are not to code.. Our attire is not politically correct?


One, step leads to a mile and beyond.....


I actually do drive.


But I am a respectful driver and obey parking by-laws. I have had one parking ticket in my entire life and it was because it was my fault for staying over my paid time and I accepted the consequences and paid the fine. Obeying parking laws that make the city streets safe and run smoother has not made my life difficult in any way, so I don't really understand why other people seem to have problems with it.


The government catching people who have done something wrong is not a "scam". It's the ones who broke the law who fucked up, not the government.

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Guest realnicehat

You must not drive? Lol.. I can't believe you agree! I feel this is another government skem to get money from us! In my opinion everyone has not parked legitmetly once or twice in there driving experience me included. To have someone come up to your car, take a photo and send it to parking authorities is not okay. It's wrong in every aspect! This happens, then what next? Tell us our exterior homes are not to code.. Our attire is not politically correct?


One, step leads to a mile and beyond.....


Why does everything always have to be a government scheme? The app was developed by a private firm that is trying (unsuccessfully so far) to get Canadian cities involved.


Personally, I don't think I would ever take the time to photograph someone's car and send it in but I have no issue with the concept of the app, especially since it will only apply to the larger parking offences such as loading zones and handicapped spaces. If someone does not have enough respect for the people who need those spaces why should anyone respect them. And the next time you are stuck in a bottleneck, waiting to get around that delivery truck sitting in the middle of the street, just remember that all those people parked in the loading zone have probably only done it "once or twice in their driving experience".


Any ticket I have ever gotten I deserved. Whether someone had reported me or the officer stumbled upon it I was still in the wrong. If I hadn't broken the rules I wouldn't have gotten the ticket. End of story.

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Unless a law is unjust and we're breaking it as some sort of moral protest, I'm not sure we can be that upset if we pay the price when we break it.


As far as most parking laws go, from what I can see they are usually there for a reason. I've been dinged with a couple tickets myself, generally because I wasn't paying enough attention to signs, but sure enough each time I didn't have any real grounds to protest. I can understand arguing against a given law if you don't think it's one that makes sense (and certainly there are some of those!) or you think the penalty doesn't fit the crime, but the general concept that laws should be enforced for the most part keeps society running.

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