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what are you doing at this very minute?

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Sitting on my screened in back deck, enjoying some tunes and a cool drink while I watch the approaching thunderstorm. Thunder buddies forevah!

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Guest Be***iful****lah

Lounging on my couch, listening to familiar sounds around me. Feeling so happy for this mini moment of rest.

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At bank paying yearly property taxes :( judging by the line up and City of Ottawa tax envelopes in hands there are others doing the same.

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But really, this moving is not going so badly.


End of Day 1.


I can't feel my toes.


(This place does have two lovely new rooms which I can reserve exclusively for entertaining!)

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Having a bit if a down day attended the funeral of an amazing family friend who passed away on Monday. So I'm not doing to much...

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Sitting in a lineup @ recycle station behind 30 other trucks @ the weigh staion before being allowed entranrce to unload.

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Listening to songs that were summer time hits from the seventies. I'm sitting in my screened in deck, grooving on the tunes and bulk posting on Cerb. It's passed 4:20, so I'm nicely relaxed. I have a cold can of Diet Orange Crush at hand and I'm time travelling, thanks to the music and the heat from the day. Gotta love summer in Ottawa!

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Just got cancelled :( I hate those last minute cancellation grrr...so i guess its Harry Potter time :) sipping one last coffee!



Silly... Silly... Silly.. Man.

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Finished doing a customer satisfaction survey for a hotel I stayed at

Reading and replying to some emails, and surfing CERB

while drinking a coffee and having berries for breakfast

And watching Thunderball on tv



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I Woke early this morning..... which is not unusual for me... as usual I checked my email and CERB.... and have been sitting here in the quiet of my home while my family sleeps thinking.... our days and our lives are all to often dominated by the negative things that are happening around us.... just this week the thoughts and minds and posts of many of us have been focused on The crazy acts in Moncton and the stupid laws being proposed in Ottawa....


While these events are important and we should be thinking of the individuals whose lives have been or will be shattered by them... and if course we should be taking actions to support those affected and fight for changes.....i think it's also important to focus on the positive....the many good and amazing things that happen in our lives every day which we often seem to take for granted.


I was reminded of this this morning when I read a late night text sent to me by an amazing friend I met in this hobby.... my friend spoke of friendship and caring about someone who is important to their life (no not me) and this made me sit and think of all the things I have to be thankful for in my life not the least of which is the friend who sent me the message.


I encourage everyone who reads this post to take a minute today to think about the blessings in our lives.... so far... for me anyway it is a very nice way to start your day.


I'll finish by just saying Thank You to my friend who sent me the text.... THANK YOU of course for your message but more importantly THANK YOU for all the things you have brought into my life.

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After two days of rain and very cold and wind the sun is coming out and it will be a decent day. I am in my work clothes, checking my list over. My begonias have been staked and tied and the hummingbird feeders refilled. It will be an outdoors day!

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Getting ready to cut the lawn before it rains. I so love riding on the Deer so much fun doing 40 kmp on it.

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Back from a walk and going to the grocery store

Having lunch (Caesar salad) washed down with water

And surfing CERB, and reading/replying to emails



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