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changed plans.. no drumming... making & testing toothpaste instead.. puuuurusing lyla... addressing messages, contemplating more pix for 'you know where' ;)


(this toothpaste tastes like icing!! spurred out of an idea to help periodontal disease.. ease pain, inflammation, get rid of bacteria/plaque....whiten teeth.... day-yum.. nicely done!)

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watching the senators game while looking at lyla in hopes of booking with a lovely sp for tomorrow.

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Guest n*gu**6

Typical morning routine and getting ready for a Moncton road trip for a meeting this morning

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enjoying a leisurely coffee... responding to emails, scheduling some lovely appointments in the den <grin>..... dreading going to the dentist this afternoon so intent on thoroughly enjoying my morning hehe

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spending a few minutes addressing messages.. after a wonderfully tipsy night of belly dancing, redd wine and great friends..


soon to enjoy an amazingly high-pressured boiling hot shower before falling into my huge oh-so-soft and comfy bed to sleep ;)

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Guest Prufrock Cummings

Cleaning my house for a visitor coming tomorrow :)

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Just got home in time before it started to watch Vampire Diaries, during commercials i'll be checking out threads here, taking a look at Twitter and responding to emails/PM's

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Guest n*gu**6

Getting fire going this wickedly windy morning. Coffee brewing and getting ready to take on friday

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In the Starting Block set position waiting for 4:30 so i can start my weekend as quickly as possible :)



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whiskey shared... showered....puuurusing lyla, addressing emails/msgs... enjoying the all over relaxation at the end of my day


<....stretching languidly.... every muscle sated... purring most contentedly....>

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