Susie 1472 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 I am worried about this in particular SA in uniform approaching workers on street while holding signs and bibles,praying? many of us feel vulnerable or exsposed while at work in particular on street, approaching, harassing or humiliating in anyway is unacceptable and could trigger a worker sending them into self harm mode, making them use or need drugs and engage in high risk behaviour. Also, SA in uniform outside strip clubs or massage parlours, not only does that put workers at risk but also SA members?the potential for a violent clash is definitely there?? For any sex industry community members who feel outside of issues on the street?strip club and massage parlour are listed as a target?.. love susie September 26- Friday night prayer walk: Join the country-wide prayer walk! Gather with other corps and churches and pray in small groups at key locations in your city (such as the police station, strips where women sell themselves, strip club, massage parlour, local newspaper, etc.) Stand in the gap and pray for victims of human sex trafficking (see below for some community prayer walk guidelines). If your group cannot prayer walk outside of your building, set up a prayer walk inside of your church or in a public place (click here for prayer station ideas). Weekend of Prayer for Victims of Sex Trafficking is happening September 25-27, 2009. The weekend was an initiative of The Salvation Army Canada & Bermuda Territory?s back in 2006, and we?ve been commemorating it every September since then. It has become an international call to prayer from the General of The Salvation Army, so the Weekend is commemorated in all corners of the globe where The Salvation Army is at work. In Canada, this year?s focus is on sex trafficking that happens within Canada, and that is expected to increase with the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Our theme is ?More Precious Than Silver?-to link with the Olympics, but also with the idea that victims are people-not merchandise to be bought and sold. This year we?re also intentionally trying to get Christians from churches outside of The Salvation Army to join us in prayer. We want to unite with as many believers as possible to pray for victims and ask God to put a stop to human sex trafficking Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susie 1472 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 guidelines for praying.....?people are just nuts man......:confused: Use your senses to take in your surroundings. What do you see, hear and smell? What do these observations prompt you to pray about? You may find yourself praying aloud. If so, please be mindful of the person near you who may wish to pray silently and be distracted by your words. You may be led to sing a hymn or song aloud as you walk. Again, be mindful of others and separate yourself a distance away from those who may lose their concentration by your singing. If you are part of a group, it is important to reassemble as a group to share with the Body what you may have felt or heard from the Holy Spirit, as well as the emotions you may be experiencing. Pick a time and place to assemble so that you can debrief and close the walk in group prayer. 11. Make your prayers as specific as possible. For instance: Pray that the hearts of those involved in the sex industry in any capacity will be captured by God's immense love for them. Pray that God will make true love apparent to them and remove blinders of lust, greed, shame, desperation, and hopelessness. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities or powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height or depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. .Romans 8:38 ‐39 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. .John 12:46 Pray against the strongholds of the enemy. Pray that God will destroy the business structure that supports the sex trade industry. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. .Ephesians 6:12 Pray for workers to enter the harvest. Then he said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." .Matt. 9:37‐38 Pray for God to make a way for us to share the gospel. Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I also am in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. .Colossians 4:2 Pray for fearlessness and love. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. . 1 John 4:18 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Psalms 34:7 Pray for everyone with thankfulness. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. .1 Timothy 2:1 Pray in confession of sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. .1 John 1:8 Pray for spiritual awakening. If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. .2 Chronicles 7:14 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 wtf is that all about? do you have a link for that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted August 31, 2009 wtf is that all about? do you have a link for that? Good news from their guidelines (my emphasis): As a group we want to avoid making a spectacle and/or creating possible confrontations with the public or persons from the commercial sex industry. So, for instance, do not prayer directly outside of a sexually oriented business, but across the street from it. There are worse things than prayer (it is basically talking to yourself or amongst yourselves). Which is not to say that good intentions always yield positive results! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 We had a religious man try to preach at the door of a gentleman's club I managed. We actually had the police remove him from the property and when he came back we had to threaten to obtain a court order to keep him away if he returned again. He left after some choice words and did not return but instead took his fight to the city council meetings - if he had have been at all reasonable at the meetings some of the council may have listened to him but he was a nut and started preaching and throwing every scare tactic (every scare term he could come up with) in his rants trying to get people on his site to crusade with him. When the council let him speak he went on about strip clubs bringing unwanted people into the neighborhoods putting our children at risk. Saying children would start getting attacked as a strip clubs brings sexual deviants and predators such as child molesters and rapists than he went on to say it would bring street prostitution, gangs and "drug lords" he was really way over the top (Just ridiculous) trying to get his point across so no one was even paying much attention to what he was saying but rather they were just jaw dropped at how hard this crazy preacher guy was trying. It pissed me off however as they let him go on and he was making all these claims and I am sure a few of the week minded people at the meeting though he was actually stating real facts. To this day I am not sure what religion or church he was from but a customer who was also at the city council meeting said he was a minister in a church from a adjoining town. After comparing notes with others in the business I found that this was very common (not usually one person but groups of people) as some of the churches would encourage this. I don't get it... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 wow, thats about all i can think of to say right now:shock: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted August 31, 2009 Religious zealots are as obsessed with sex as we are on CERB. Like us they think about it constantly, it is frequently the subject of their sermons and preaching, in short they devote a lot of energy to the subject. IMHO they are sexually frustrated and seek release by going after those who are on the opposite spectrum, the people who feel sexually liberated (or are at least are willing to admit they love it and seek ways to experience it). Nothing serves as a better remedy for the guilt they feel about their own sexual desires than to appear righteous and vituous, to attempt to "will" themselves above their own human nature. What better way to convince others of your righteousness than to be willing to publicly confront and attack those who act on their sexual desires and freedom. They're annoyning to say the least, and sometimes destructive. What they probably need most of all is a damn good fucking. :wink: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 That is a interesting theory! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susie 1472 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 while i agree the no public spectacle sentiment makes it seem more benine,...take a look at the following prayer booth outline, bloody dress? talk about sensationalizing and if you follow the link it's even crazier, stuff about consumers...we pray to you oh lord, to please make men un horny and lay low their evil erections...... sorry link won't publish but it's under prayer walk on caption "ideas for prayer station's" Station #4 - Healing for Survivors Scripture: Jeremiah 30:17 “I will restore you to health and heal your wounds’, declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion of whom no one cares.” Materials Station instruction poster (materials needed: poster board, markers) Sufficient copies of Prayer Guide – Station #4 (text provided below) Basket Table (small square table) Water basin Water Pitcher Blue material (approx. 12 feet long) Banner/Poster with the main scripture verse on it. An old dress Red paint Grey Chalk Scissors A new white dress A cracked mirror (full size) A whole mirror (full size) Mannequins / or two coat racks and two hangers Set Up Instructions: On a piece of poster board, write out the station’s name and main scripture. Put this introduction poster at the center of the station. (Suggestions: Hang the poster on a wall or place the poster on a stand.) Make copies of Put the basket of Prayer Guides near the introduction poster. Set up a table in the middle of the station. Drape the material over the table, allowing it to fall to the grown and extend on either side of the table. Put water in the basin and pitcher. Set the basin and the pitcher on the table. Set up the mannequins / coat racks on either side of the basin. Take the old dress, and use the paint, chalk and scissors to make the dress look worn and tattered and as if there are blood stains on the dress. Hang the tattered and stained dress on the left of the basin, and the white dress on the right of the basin. Set the cracked mirror to the left of the basin, and the full mirror to the right of the basin. Prayer Guide – Station #4 (text provided below), and put the Prayer Guides in a basket. Make sure there are sufficient prayer guides for all participants of the Prayer Walk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suzirider 737 Report post Posted September 1, 2009 (edited) Religious zealots are as obsessed with sex as we are on CERB. .... They're annoyning to say the least, and sometimes destructive. What they probably need most of all is a damn good fucking. :wink: And some do till they get caught. How does that saying go again ?, " he who is without sin ...." Edited September 1, 2009 by Suzirider guilt to sin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bylogger 136 Report post Posted September 1, 2009 My belief is correct. Others' are wrong: smoking drinking sex religion who one marries living together outside of marriage what colour one wears! The list goes on and on. Thankfully everyone agrees that Opera is the best music ever. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted September 10, 2009 Opinion by Mark Hasiuk in the "Vancouver Courier", 9 Sep 2009. Subject is Susie's protest against the Salvation Army's anti-trafficking initiatives, including the upcoming Prayer Vigil: "Davis plans to mobilize other pro-prostitution activists and protest the Salvation Army's upcoming day of prayer, scheduled at churches and Salvation Army sites for Sept. 27. "She also targets Salvation Army volunteers who will visit Downtown Eastside street corners to pray for the anguished and abused. Davis plans to produce pamphlets warning street prostitutes about the Salvation Army threat." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted September 10, 2009 Sex workers having events outside of churches.. now that is interesting. Passing out flyers to all the church goers.. I don't see that ending in a positive light. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susie 1472 Report post Posted September 10, 2009 Strategies against Salvation Army; Part 1- for vancouver...but anybody please contribute, critisize, or edit...i welcome any input.... March on any salvation army at location... by city hall(vancouver or your town), very visible 261 W 12th Ave Vancouver, BC V5Y 1T9 (604) 874-4721 Or divisional head quarters in burnaby. 3833 HENNING DR BURNABY, BC V5C 6N5 We need to make placards and arrange a predetermined time…laurel already made some kick ass ones you can see on our facebook group page- lies are sexy for van... So let’s say, meet @ city hall 3 pm and we will move over to SA location for about 3:30.let me know what works for people. We should do a press release and inform media where an when we will be protesting How about this: “Lies ARE Sexy” The Salvation Army’s ‘The Truth isn’t Sexy’ anti-trafficking poster campaign has set a new standard in ‘low’ featuring pictures of women being abused, a young Asian girl being kicked on the street and an under aged sex worker being stomped on the head on the floor. Anti trafficking campaigns such as the Salvation Army’s “the truth isn’t sexy” campaign have escalated fears about the sex industry and prompted police services all over Canada to raid massage parlours in particular businesses employing workers of Asian decent. The racist and anti immigrant tone of these raids is clear in the targeting of mostly Asian businesses and workers. No one supports exploitation of youth or any person, but that does not make it ok to contribute to perceptions of sex workers as dirty, broken, abused victims who need rescuing. The photos are extreme and unnecessarily sensational and clearly are a fund raising tactic. Information on their website related to numbers of victims is skewed and been disproved by many credible sources. Salvation Army are deliberately capitalizing on society’s fear of the sex industry and doing it to make money. Apparently lies ARE sexy....and they are exploiting it…… On Friday September 26,2009 Salvation army members are being asked to take part in a “prayer walk” to raise awareness about the victims of human trafficking. Members are asked to set up “prayer stations” in areas where street sex work takes place, massage parlours, exotic show lounges and police stations. Suggestions for prayer stations included a “bloody and stained” dress members are encouraged to create depicting violence against sex workers. And I quote; • Put water in the basin and pitcher. Set the basin and the pitcher on the table. • Set up the mannequins / coat racks on either side of the basin. • Take the old dress, and use the paint, chalk and scissors to make the dress look worn and tattered and as if there are blood stains on the dress. • Hang the tattered and stained dress on the left of the basin, and the white dress on the right of the basin. • Set the cracked mirror to the left of the basin, and the full mirror to the right of the basin. As if we are broken, dirty and need to be cleaned. Sex industry community members are no longer willing to stand by quietly while groups like the Salvation Army perpetuate myths about our lives and jeopardize our safety. As a community we are completely offended by this campaign and are working to hold accountable those responsible. We will meet them in the street and challenge their actions. We will take the fight to them since they refuse to meet with us. We will disrupt every one of their events and challenge them to justify what they have done. We respectfully request the Salvation Army end the “truth isn’t sexy” campaign and that members of the public do not contribute money to this harmful action. Join us on Friday September 26 at 3pm on the front stairs of Vancouver City hall as we march on the Salvation army in protest. Also, I am putting together an info sheet for CAEC I will include info aboutCAEC, TNT, WCCSIP,BCCEC hustle,swan on one side and trafficking facts on the other. Madame j sent me some great material from NY sex workers so I’ll pull some choice pieces….i may include Canadian stories and impacts of enforcement so people understand the violent nature of raids. People from other agencies can use it too by just cutting and pasting info about their org in place of CAEC,etc We can hand them out on our march and later downtown in the ahem pub crawl portion of our march. I spoke to kate at wish and map and we were thinking we should put together something to make workers on the street aware of what is going on and remind people that they have rights, can walk away, do not have to speak to them etc. it may be a way to prevent people from being triggered by SA prayer marchers… The Vancouver Courier called me and I think it was the reporter who hates us…eeep! I also spoke to a woman from the Globe and Mail today so it’s really heating up. I learned from the reporter the SA have hired a publicist to promote truth isn’t sexy and launch transition house for victims of trafficking in lieu of Olympics I really think we need to come up with a plan quickly as it is getting away from me fast….. I am planning to picket the fancy luncheon and transition house launch…… Any input welcome… and i am unsure of format for press release any assistance welcome it would be great to keep a common message. i am in court tomorrow but will work on hand outs on trafficking and info for outdoor sex workers on friday and get em out as soon as possible!! if any one needs to reach me (604)671-2345 and please feel free to take over a piece or edit my work, i welcome it! love susieXXXO Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bylogger 136 Report post Posted September 10, 2009 Shades of Emily Pankhurst. Public marches have been going on for over a hundred years (feminists), and more recently the homosexual movement. As Mod seems to suggest there may be interesting responses to the march. I hope all are safe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted September 10, 2009 Susie I think the best strategy is one that contrasts the reasonable against the lurid. The SA campaign is one that is based on the worst kind of ideas often found in the US anti-abortion campaigns (lurid street theatre). Most people do not respond well to this type of display (the bloddy dresses, mannequins etc), especially here in Canada and even more especially in Vancouver. Also people in Canada and the West coast in particular do not approve of overtly religious moralising especially in regards to sexuality. Having said that there is widespread concern and opposition in Canada regarding child trafficking and street prostitution. My suggestion co-opt the best part of their message (We too are against child trafficking, and pimps, and unsafe conditions for street workers) but do so in a peaceful and respectful fashion. Avoid the counter protests across from their locations, avoid marching on their offices etc. Instead organize a seperate rally in another location with the purpose of providing public education and offering suggestions for addressing the concerns Canadians and residents have for the darker aspects of the trade. Make your rally festive, colourful, and receptive to all, make people feel welcome, engage in positive debate and messages, let the other side appear shrill, and loopy. Don't let the public see you as the other side of a coin no one wants to pick up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susie 1472 Report post Posted September 10, 2009 i wish i had funding. an event like you describe takes money, permits time, resources....i am one person and to be brutally honest i am getting tired of it. i am always out on my own dealing with this stuff. it would be nice if some one else did something... i never have time to work at sex work and am on 15 committees, no pay and trying to defend a commuity of sex workers i am not a part of in an anti trafficking nightmare. raids of legit safe work spaces or insinuating trafficked people work in strip clubs is are not going to help victims of trafficking. it will make it worse, drive it further underground and mean criminal charges for workers all over it already is causing. look at this article out this week..... i am named a career fuckin mad... i never lobbied for legal brothels we already have them...i lobbied for a cooperatively run safe work space for dtes workers and i won....we have public support...just no money...i don't understand how people can lie in print and it's not illegal... Pro-prostitution lobby wages war on Salvation Army Protesters will target prayer vigils Mark Hasiuk, Vancouver Courier Published: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 Name the greatest threat to Vancouver prostitutes toiling on street corners and in storefront brothels: A) pimps B) abusive, disease-carrying johns C) an apathetic public D) the Salvation Army According to Vancouver's pro-prostitution lobby, the answer is D, the Salvation Army. Tell them what they've won, Regis. The Salvation Army launched its local anti-human trafficking campaign last September after working on global sex trade issues for years. The charitable organization joins a growing movement of feminist and church groups who fear a spike in trafficking as the 2010 Winter Olympics draw near. Human trafficking is among the world's fastest growing criminal industries, rivalling the illegal arms industry and drug trade in scope and impact. According to the U.S. State Department, approximately 800,000 victims are trafficked annually across international borders. Victims include women and children from Asia, South America and Eastern Europe. In Vancouver, where brothels bloom like dandelions in some neighbourhoods, the magnitude of the problem is unknown. Due to a lack of law enforcement, Vancouver's sex trade industry--fuelled by domestic and international trafficking--remains a mystery. Like most other anti-trafficking campaigns, the Salvation Army campaign targets the demand side of prostitution--pimps and johns. Last month the Salvation Army hung posters, depicting young women being beaten and abused, above urinals in downtown bars. "This is a bold step for the Salvation Army," says Brian Venables, a Salvation Army spokesperson and chief architect of the campaign. "We've stepped out of the shadows and said this isn't going to happen anymore, and we're going to do what we can to stop it." The pro-prostitution lobby is not amused. The Salvation Army received several threatening emails about the campaign, but Venables says the criticism is misguided. "Our campaign is not against or about prostitution, it's about people who are forced into sex slavery," he says. "The issue is about those who don't have a choice." But according to Susan Davis, a vocal member of Vancouver's pro-prostitution lobby, anti-trafficking campaigns are dangerous. Such campaigns, she says, prompt law enforcement to raid massage parlours--which she describes as "safe work places"--and drive the industry underground. However, according to the city's licensing department, no massage parlours have been shut down this year. Davis, a 41-year-old career prostitute, also claims that "Vancouver police are raiding Asian massage parlours" in a "racist and anti-immigrant" assault on the industry. While the VPD cited "ongoing investigations," no massage parlours have been raided this year. In fact, more than 50 de facto brothels--officially known as health enhancement centres--operate in Vancouver. Countless other unlicensed establishments operate with tacit approval from city hall. Davis also attacked UBC law professor Ben Perrin, Canada's foremost expert on human trafficking. (The Salvation Army crafts its campaign on information complied by Perrin and others. The Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada and the U.S. State Department have confirmed Perrin's findings.) Perrin, she says, uses "fear mongering" and "demonization" to promote his anti-trafficking agenda. Perrin dismisses the attack, noting Davis unsuccessfully lobbied in 2007 for legalized brothels in Vancouver. "This a pro-brothel lobby group," he says, "whose business is threatened by individuals who try to help people exit the sex trade and who try to confront exploitive pimps and traffickers." Davis plans to mobilize other pro-prostitution activists and protest the Salvation Army's upcoming day of prayer, scheduled at churches and Salvation Army sites for Sept. 27. She also targets Salvation Army volunteers who will visit Downtown Eastside street corners to pray for the anguished and abused. Davis plans to produce pamphlets warning street prostitutes about the Salvation Army threat. The pamphlets, she says, will be distributed by the publicly funded Mobile Access Project--also known as the MAP van. MAP van spokesperson Kate Gibson says she was unaware of Davis's plans but didn't rule out distributing the pamphlets. "There's potential for a violent clash between sex workers and Salvation Army people, who have no comprehension of the way that we live," says Davis. "They assume we need rescue when in fact what we need is rights." Davis may not need rescue. The vocal members of Vancouver's pro-prostitution lobby claim to live charmed lives. But considering the widespread misery and abuse associated with the sex trade, her opposition to the Salvation Army campaign is desperate and her intentions are small. Nevertheless, when she waves her placard in protest outside a Salvation Army church, she'll be included in those prayers--whether she likes it or not.and it's not illegal... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted September 10, 2009 OK Susie I hear you, I thought you had more support out there. Going it alone is tough and courageous, your frustration is understandable. If you want to fight back against this reporter and how he has portrayed you the best method is more media exposure. If I were you I'd contact the editor and demand an opportunity to write an Op-ed piece for the paper, this will give you the opportunity to express your views on your own terms unfiltered. Take advantage of any interview opportunities you may get and always have your talking points ready to go. This kind of exposure may get you some followers who can help out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suzirider 737 Report post Posted September 12, 2009 (edited) "We've stepped out of the shadows and said this isn't going to happen anymore, and we're going to do what we can to stop it." says Brian Venables. "they refuse to meet with us" (Suzie) Have they launched their campaign without trying talk first ? (it appears so) From what I see, there is some common ground that both sides agree on (jail traffickers,pimps). To me the question is not What, but How. If the SA refuses to meet with "people/ groups", (in response to their recent theatrics) I will quote their own words. "Specific Prayer Requests: Pray that God would unify the various groups who are working on trafficking. Ask God to weed out any current divisions between people/groups, and to protect the people who are working in this field from future divisions. Pray that God would raise up peacemakers in this fight who will serve as Ambassadors to other ideologies." (from prayer_walk.pdf , on SA site) God, God, God. How about you, me, and we ??? Edited September 12, 2009 by Suzirider punctuation Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted September 13, 2009 One thing that has always annoyed me is when someone says that prostitutes are "selling themselves" or "selling their bodies." As if that is somehow wrong. What is a neurosurgeon selling? An astronaut? An airline pilot? An actor? A chef? A computer programmer? I don't know anyone who could get his job done without a body, and so it's fair to say that they're "selling their bodies" as much as I do! My work requires my mind, my body AND my personality. I can't send my body off to work without the rest of me -- without the knowledge and skill I've acquired, without my senses, without my people skills, without my heart. So why would anyone think it's wrong for me to "sell myself"? Perhaps because they think I'm selling something I don't have a right to? That's what I suspect. I believe that many religions are based on the notion that women are not valid people -- that we're somehow less than men, and that men should own and control us, as they would children or cattle. And that makes me sick. As for the Salvation Army, in these times of terrorism and security fears, one has to wonder about a religious group with such a militant name. The government protects the religious, but leaves the secular (either atheists or people of faith with no religious affiliations and no desire to see religion used as a basis for law and policy) to twist in the wind. We need to speak up to our leaders and let them know that we aren't going to take being walked on and bullied by Christians any more than we would from any other religion. If they want our vote, they must extend protection to us under the law. It should be illegal for religious people to harass secular persons minding their own business. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suzirider 737 Report post Posted October 27, 2009 Anyone have news/links about the SA prayer walk ? Can't find any ! Was it a non-event ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites