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There are those precious moments in our day when someone has done something for you, or you have something that you have done that brings warmth to someone's day. Could be small...could be substantial.


has anyone reached out to you lately that made your day nicer? Easier? More Special? Tell us about it. I will start!



The other day a lady that works with me wrote me a note. Brought tears of joy. She said how much she appreciates all that I do to make sure our girls are comfortable and cared for. She says, you put your own needs on hold for our benefit, and wants me to know that she really appreciates what I do:)


I was so thankful for her note, and it brought me much joy:)



Just the other day, I donated 50.00 to Red Cross for Alberta relief:) I felt good doing it, and also 50.00 to the Zoo of Calgary:)


Also, contacted a former cerb member, to invite to a picnic and swim at my cottage:) He will appreciate knowing that our friendship was not only cerb based:)

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During the day whenever I have a thought about someone who makes me smile or excites me or whatever, I like to drop a note just so they know I was thinking of them. Sometimes it's nice to know that you're on someone's mind.


Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most!


Miss Sophia V.....YOU are an amazing and special lady and you never fail to impress me with your inner beauty!

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Guest B**na***oy

Well Miss Sophia V and Midnite, when you leave messages in my guestbook, you always make me feel very good. It matters a lot more to me when the comments come from kind people like you.


I recently noticed a posting in the Inspiration and affirmations thread by Cristy that deeply touched me. I frequently witness incredible act of kindness and mutual support right here on CERB.


Thank you for those that care and take the time to make a difference.



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I have always been more a giver than a receiver... In many ocations I have open the door of my home to friends that were new immigrants to Canada and helping people in general fulfills me.. I care lots about my friends and people around me...


But there was this one particular occation last summer, I came home, after work, went to the liquor store to buy some wine, just as I was leaving I noticed this old gentleman just sittinmg on the ground with his little doggie, asking for some food for his dog (not even for him) he wanted food for his little friend... I am not a person to give money, so I went into the grocery store right beside me.. Grabbed a big bag of doggie food, and a hole cooked bbq chicken some salad and home fries... Brougjt them out to this guy... His eyes watered and he was so thankful, I then asked him if he had a home.. He said yes, I ll have to walk there now because I don't have money for the bus, I asked him where it was, it turned out to be very close and on my way home, so I told him come with me I will drop you off... We had a little chat on the way... I was very moved and as soon as I dropped him of I broke into tears... I gave god a big thank you for blessing me with good health and all the other perks, sometimes we take for granted just the fact that we are able to eat every day...

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I posted this in 2011 on here. This simple act of kindness saved me long ago...



This is a most difficult question to answer. In my life I have seen some of the most vile and disturbing acts anyone can ever imagine. I've served in Bosnia 3 times, Croatia twice, Kosovo twice, Afganistan twice officially and 4 times on short stays, and Iraq twice. Recently early in the summer, I was also in another war zone. This is an experience I would not wish on anyone, what you see in the movies gives you no concept of the realities of war. I was very happily out of it all, when I was asked last fall to go back and take on a slightly different job. Is this something that I regret, no. It was a very difficult decision to make, and I made it for the right reasons. Why, because protecting those who cannot protect themselves is always worth the risk.


So what is it that inspires me? A moment in time, I sometimes ask myself if it was even real. During some of the worst fighting in Iraq, something outstanding occurred. We were in Az Zubayr, it was I figure around 6am. Fighting had been raging all night and I was on almost no sleep for 3 days. I came around a corner with the young soldier who still serves with me today, weapons were up and ready. I still don't know what caused either one of us to hesitate, something didn't feel right for whatever reason. As we came around the corner there was a little girl standing there. I don't know why she was there, she must have been maybe 6 or 7, but she smiled at us. Both of us lowered our guard just so she knew we would not hurt her, she reached down and picked two little flowers that were growing next to the wall and walked over and gave them to us. The young soldier and I looked at each other in amazement....how could something like this happen here, in this place, under these circumstances? Then she smiled again and walked away...I still wonder how any of it was ever real! Well it was real, I still have that flower tucked away in a very safe place. It reminds me that no matter how terrible things can get, there is always something that can make you smile and remind us, there is some good in this world!


My grandfather said to me as a very young boy, "Do what's right, not what's easy". I live by those words every day, and will never give up hope on humanity.

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Just finished a massage, and my dear friend left me with a small gift to enjoy while away on PEI. He left me a bottle of Chocolate Tequila he got in Mexico!

I am so impressed that he would think of that, as I told him a story about me in Mexico the year previous!



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