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Vagina's. The good the bad the ulgy? Boost our sexual body image!

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Good Morning everyone. I hope you all are having and have a great day!


I was thinking about something yesterday and was going to start a thread, but in all honesty I was just too knackered to put it up. But something came across my mind I'm not sure if there is already a thread that touches specifically on this topic. I know there are threads on body image, but not if there are ones that focus specifically on a woman's lower bits.


What is that strange illusive thing between our thighs? It has so many names and yet we sometimes worry Does it smell as sweet?

Before the crazy of labiaplastics, anal bleaching, hyman reconstruction, and all the other pussy perfecting cosmetic procdures we could have; there was always an innate sense of, does it look good down there?


I'm sure that most women at one time or another have looked at there nether regions and thought uh I don't like my pussy! And it would make sense, our self image of one of our most beautiful, pleasure giving and receiving, life bringing parts has been talked about in a negative light since we were knee high to a grass hopper.


Think back, did you ever hear someone tell you any of these? You have to wash it or it will get smelly, it's dirty. Don't touch it. Don't show it. Don't talk about it. Don't let anyone else touch it, don't let anyone else see it. And then puberty hits and a gift that doesn't always seem like a gift comes. We have the ability to start a cycle of life for a new person to enter the world! But we hide it, as if we are embarrassed by it. A natural monthly occurrence, but there is shame towards it. And not only towards that, but towards our vagina's/vulva's as well!!


We have pussy shame! Our society that loves to sell sex is the same society that teaches us from early on that our pussy's are bad, dirty, secrets, that we shouldn't show anyone or touch. And we must always clean, douche, and hide it!


Well This is why I am starting this thread. I wanted to start a thread about Vaginas and all the wonderful, positive things about them!


I hear stories about wives who don't want their men down there because of vagina insecurities, or I hear friends talk about their pussy and how they don't like this or that. I just hear women in general going to great lengths to change there pussy's because no one has every really made them feel that it was beautiful just the way it was.


Well let's talk about it! Lets talk about what makes us insecure about them, lets talk about what we like about them. Lets just talk about them, Vagina's!


I'll go first. The first serious boyfriend I had made me feel terrible about my vagina, for a really long time I thought it was ugly and that there was something wrong with it. He told me that he had once been with a girl who had the perfect text book pussy. It was perfect! How is a 16 year old who is a virgin suppose to feel about that...I'm already insecure enough! But now I have to worry about my pussy! And if it looks perfect...eventually he saw it and said, "your hood is really long and your lips are long too" My heart and ego were crushed! Just crushed. And then all the questions came flooding in...Does that mean it doesn't look good? Does that mean it doesn't feel good? Does that mean there's something wrong with it? and the insecurities, it's ugly, I hate it, it's gross, it doesn't look right, I wish it looked like this. I wish my hood was shorter, my lips were shorter, I wish it looked better.


And once you have that in your head, well shit it's hard to love your pussy. And then I had a child, I was with someone who said and this still makes no sense to me till this day! "You're loose!" WHAT! "You're tight with 2 fingers, but your loose"...SO now my lips are too long, my hood is too long, and I'm loose...I'm not loose by the way he was trying to be hurtful and owned up to it, but man does that word play havoc on girls ego!


Being a squirter is difficult sometimes to. I mean I love that I can squirt, I train so I can gain more distance and I love to let it fly, but sometimes it's a pain in the ass...Once people know you can squirt you have added pressure to orgasm that way. Sometimes my pussy just doesn't want to cooperate. And I have different kinds of orgasms, clitoral orgasms I can't squirt from and if I do its far and few in between. And I feel people are let down when it doesn't happen. Having that added pressure of "I want to see you squirt" doesn't help me feel relaxed enough to do it...If anything it adds to the pressure and prevents from doing so...SO if you want to see a water show, just see where it goes and let nature take it's course...otherwise you might end up dry.


I have grown to love my pussy though, but don't worry I still have my pussy insecurity days where I think my lips and hood or too long, or i wish I didn't react that way when I orgasm, or I wish it was more pink, or smaller, or tighter, or that I got wetter like when I was younger. But I can certainly appreciate it a hole lot more, and I hope you ladies appreciate yours for the beautiful part it is.


Feel free to share stories, or insecurities, or things you love/like about your lower areas. And gentlemen please tell us or add your own comments! Maybe you have penis insecurities share those as well!


We spend too much time not loving our unique design that we forget that people love the very things about our parts we don't. So let's share and boost our sexy parts ego!


Thanks for reading and I hope you see you share!

Edited by M****ella's C****s (retire

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I'm all for body acceptance and finding the beautiful in our bodies. I enjoy Miss Emily J's take on these things. You should really read her blog and or older posts, you would really like them. She touches on a lot of different aspects of self approval. We all come in different packages and not one is better than the other.



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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Thank you! I do enjoy her posts, but hadn't seen this one. Excellent. I hope you are doing well, I miss you tons chickie.



I'm all for body acceptance and finding the beautiful in our bodies. I enjoy Miss Emily J's take on these things. You should really read her blog and or older posts, you would really like them. She touches on a lot of different aspects of self approval. We all come in different packages and not one is better than the other.



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I have never met a pussy I didn't like. I am unaware of a standard by which all pussies are judged. I would venture to say this is one area men compete with women insecurity wise. Our privates. Like your vagina, ours has many names. We must also keep it fresh ad washed. Is it big enough? Is it thick enough? Is the head too bulbous? It is too small or weird looking? How come I don't have a giant schlong like the porn start dudes? Then, after al of that, it has to rise up to meet the needs of the day.......


P.S. Any guy who says his ex had a perfect pussy, is an insensitive pinhead. Just my opinion

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I actually have no shame about my vagina and its appearance. Not only do I love the way it looks ( it is voluptuous too :) ), but I have also been told by many men that I have a beautiful pussy. Their words, not mine ;)

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Back at ya ;) I think yours is just puurrrrrfect! It's pretty, pink, juicy, and I just love it!! It's super duper ^_^


Well Roddy .... call me insensitive cuz Michaella's pussy is perfect ;) lol. Its Slurps, Squirts and Roars! :) Mmmmmmmmm.


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Thank you for sharing! Confidence goes a long way with us ladies and even more the way a man can make us feel. We are very psychological creatures in the bedroom, so if you can ease our minds and make us feel like the sexual goddess we are we won't worry about what your packing. We will only be focused on enjoying the sex and making you scream our name.


I have never met a pussy I didn't like. I am unaware of a standard by which all pussies are judged. I would venture to say this is one area men compete with women insecurity wise. Our privates. Like your vagina, ours has many names. We must also keep it fresh ad washed. Is it big enough? Is it thick enough? Is the head too bulbous? It is too small or weird looking? How come I don't have a giant schlong like the porn start dudes? Then, after al of that, it has to rise up to meet the needs of the day.......


P.S. Any guy who says his ex had a perfect pussy, is an insensitive pinhead. Just my opinion

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Thanks for this thread, Michaella's Caress. A topic dear to my heart. :)


Take it from a man, there is no thing as a vagina that isn't in it's own way an incredible thing of beauty and it is sad to hear that there are women and young ladies who have these irrational fears about their 'girly bits' being a cause for insecurity, shame, and compulsion to take care of them with all sorts of chemical products to insure ultimate freshness. If you regularly wash with mild soaps, eat healthy, the body takes care of all the rest.


The Sanskrit term 'yoni' for the vagina means 'sacred temple', 'womb', or 'divine passage'. It is an amazing apparatus and should be treated with reverence and carried and experienced with pride. I won't go into all the scientific and other reasons for it's unique magnificence, as that would be quite a lengthy opus.


I hope that negative body image is becoming less of a problem than in the past, it is so fundamental to one's overall self-image and hence may even relate to one's life goals and fulfillment in general. (not to mention a healthy and pleasurable sex life)


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Great post Michaella. I had a long, philosophical reply written on societal standards, emotional manipulation, the joys of variety, self-esteem, and a few links to articles for good measure.


Instead, let me just say if I'm seeing a vagina I'm too busy thinking about how awesome my day is clearly going to waste time making silly judgements.

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I can see this being the same for both the gents and the ladies. Insecurity happens. Is it because of the sheer pressure of being accepted in the society? I blame it on the media. amongst many things that I blame on the media. Instead of looking for the imperfection shouldn't we look for the good in someone? -- yes that sounds awfully naïve but yep I said it.


In terms of vagina itself... my thought is for someone to not appreciate something its because they feel their own insecurity and not knowing what they could do with it. I personally love them all! As long as they are clean I can lick, suck, nibble and you name it. to every area of the vagina, be it the lips, clitoris; everything! YUM!


This part is meant to be funny; and not to be taken any different or other way. For someone to say their partner is loose, maybe they are just not big enough? LOL. What happen when the ladies start using that? Haha. As many time it has been said, its not the tool, its how one use it proficiently.


And yes, I am one of those that get more turned on when I see the lady is having fun -- and I do understand squirting just does not always happen. This should not be an expectation or a sole reason you see/be with someone. It should be a reward and excellent surprise, don't demand it ...



My rambles... (I don't know if they worth anything now... I mean used to be my 2 cent. but the government round that down ... so I guess its worth nothing now.)

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Thank you Emily, I love you're input and in depth comment! I agree with you on the points you stated. Especially that society sell shame in many forms. And it's not to tailored to women, a lot out there is geared towards men. The truth is there is a profit for major companies to sell shame...Love and hugs are free so lets try to spread those so we can love our selves and other...I know this seems a very hippy dippy sentiment, but its true. We all need and crave love and acceptance, so lets love ourselves and others...We are all beautiful in our own unique way and so are our genitals!


Awesome thread Michaella!


And thank you for the mention Peachy! I love everyone else's replies so far as well. :) I had a feeling that would be the response, and it makes me happy.


This is indeed a topic close to my heart. I have posted on my blog several times about loving our vulvas the way they are. Genital healing is very important to having a positive sexuality, which in turn, as women, is vital to our overall self-worth.


I can definitely relate to a lot of things you said. When I was a teenager I was also self conscious about my labia, and at one point thought my lips were longer because I masturbated too much! LOL. I also had a boyfriend who told me they were too long (And this was at 22!) I'm sure all those little boys who made girls feel shitty about their vulvas always felt awesome about their cock and balls too, right? My issue was never something that held me back or I took too seriously, but it was something that I was conscious of for a long time.




Our faces all look different, so why should our pussies all look the same? Wouldn't that be boring? By "text book" pussy, that little boy really meant "porno pussy". The last few decades of mainstream porn were pretty much exclusively shaved pussies with minimal lips and tiny, barely visible clits. The only thing I can come up with of why porn producers thought this was what the average porn user wanted to see is because of our society's obsession with youth, and trying to show pussies that look like little girls, rather than grown women. Shitty mainstream porn also damaged many men's self esteem with the types of cocks that are generally cast - huge and always uncircumcised.


Anyways, a generation or two of men grew up thinking that was what all vulvas looked like before they actually had the chance to explore, because that is where they saw the most pussy. Sex education still doesn't properly cover these things. On the bright, with the popularity of amateur pornography and the internet, it seems that there is more variety of vulvas out there for people to see, and people have a better appreciation of the variety of vulvas that are really out there.


I can happily and proudly say that today, I absolutely love my vulva just the way it is. And my feelings about it have only gotten better since I started escorting. I have never been complimented so much on my bits. There isn't a thing I would change about my labia, clit, hood, or hole! They all make me feel good, and that is what really matters.


Keeping clean is one thing, but it is entirely possible to over-cleanse the vagina. It is supposed to have a natural scent! Women need to accept this... and consider that most men actually love and crave this delicious natural pussy scent! Douching and using all those products they sell at the drugstore actually causes infections by throwing off the natural balance of flora in the vagina. Those companies (like all companies that sell "beauty" products) prey on self conscious women to hawk their crap.


It is very sad that so many women avoid and deny themselves the sexual pleasure that they deserve because they have been conditioned to be ashamed of their parts. This sexual anxiety causes dysfunction and it also a main reason why so many women can't let go and have trouble achieving orgasm during sex.


I watched a documentary recently called The Perfect Vagina, which deals with this subject and delves into the labiaplasty phenomenon. It even shows an actual surgery being done on a lovely young woman with a beautiful pussy.


They also talk about "Vulva show-and-tells", in which the idea is that a small group of women who are dealing with genital shame get together and show each other their pussies and talk about it. It can be incredibly healing for women to realize that they are not alone in how they feel, and to actually see other vulvas in real life. They don't usually look like the ones they saw in porn, and they come in all shapes, colours and sizes.


If we think about it, I would say that the CERB men are a good sample of the average sexually active man, and we often see threads about guys looking for "large labia and clits". More to play with, lick and suck on!


Love your genitals!! :)




Additional Comments:

Forgot to add something there is a book called petals, it's a beautiful book which displays every kind of vagina there is in a very tasteful way...It's a very beautiful black and white photo book. I myself plan on getting a copy, but I thought you might be interested in it.



Thank you Emily' date=' I love you're input and in depth comment! I agree with you on the points you stated. Especially that society sell shame in many forms. And it's not to tailored to women, a lot out there is geared towards men. The truth is there is a profit for major companies to sell shame...Love and hugs are free so lets try to spread those so we can love our selves and other...I know this seems a very hippy dippy sentiment, but its true. We all need and crave love and acceptance, so lets love ourselves and others...We are all beautiful in our own unique way and so are our genitals![/quote']

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Guest A*ro**n

It probably doesn't help that society has championed other words for vagina as swear words. Pussy gets used to describe an unmasculine male. C**t is even harsher and reserved to really berate someone (and which I just found out, gets sensored by this site). It's all part of that underlying misogyny that's still around.


For me, I love the sight of a pussy. Usually, because I'm about to go down on a woman and I can see her body from her pelvis up, which is just a beautiful sight.


I guess my own insecurities revolve around worrying about being too small, being uncircumsized I worry about always being clean. Fortunately, I've never been put down by a lover about my genitals. I can only imagine it would be a huge shake to your confidence, especially when it comes from someone you've chosen to be intimate with. So my heart goes out to you if you've been in that situation.

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It probably doesn't help that society has championed other words for vagina as swear words. Pussy gets used to describe an unmasculine male.


Very true! :) Ha ha... reminds me of this...



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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Love this!! haha made my whole day, I love Betty white! ^_^


Very true! :) Ha ha... reminds me of this...




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Thank you for input! And you're right, it's not about how big the tool is, just how you us it...make use feel amazing and well hell-O You're bound for a good time ;)


I can see this being the same for both the gents and the ladies. Insecurity happens. Is it because of the sheer pressure of being accepted in the society? I blame it on the media. amongst many things that I blame on the media. Instead of looking for the imperfection shouldn't we look for the good in someone? -- yes that sounds awfully naïve but yep I said it.


In terms of vagina itself... my thought is for someone to not appreciate something its because they feel their own insecurity and not knowing what they could do with it. I personally love them all! As long as they are clean I can lick, suck, nibble and you name it. to every area of the vagina, be it the lips, clitoris; everything! YUM!


This part is meant to be funny; and not to be taken any different or other way. For someone to say their partner is loose, maybe they are just not big enough? LOL. What happen when the ladies start using that? Haha. As many time it has been said, its not the tool, its how one use it proficiently.


And yes, I am one of those that get more turned on when I see the lady is having fun -- and I do understand squirting just does not always happen. This should not be an expectation or a sole reason you see/be with someone. It should be a reward and excellent surprise, don't demand it ...



My rambles... (I don't know if they worth anything now... I mean used to be my 2 cent. but the government round that down ... so I guess its worth nothing now.)

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It is a shame that people, both men and women, when wanting to hurt someone always go for the looks, why I'll never know but that's what happens. Forever and a day people have been comparing and claiming this is prettier, or better, bigger or smaller, tighter, more cute, whatever! Individuality is what should be celebrated and differences should be accepted and appreciated. Those who don't imo are shallow, lacking personality and just mean. Love yourself, if there are imperfections all the better, those are what make you stand out in a crowd, its those that make you YOU and me, he, she and you are all equally worthy of acceptance and appreciation and beautiful the way we are. If someone says different tell them to fuck off!

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Guest S****r

Omg, I had no idea women felt shame about pussies!! I have never even had it cross my mind that my pussy or anyone else's was less than beautiful. This seems really bizarre and shocking to me!

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

I agree Summer it is sad. But making people aware that they are a thing of beauty is the first step to helping them have a positive sexual body image!! Thank you for your input.


Omg, I had no idea women felt shame about pussies!! I have never even had it cross my mind that my pussy or anyone else's was less than beautiful. This seems really bizarre and shocking to me!

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Kind of shocked by this thread. I never knew women felt like this! My handle is "olderguy" and as a result I've seen (HAPPILY) my fair share of female vaginal flowers (I wish I could say not many, but I'm afraid its been more than a few) over my 58 years. I've never seen 2 that looked the same. I've never seen 2 that tasted the same. I've never encountered 2 that had the same fragrance. I have always reveled in that fact! When I lower myself down to orally enjoy a woman's charms, I am always enthralled with the fact that it is a unique experience because the vaginal zone I'm visiting, is completely unique - the look, the taste, the smell, the texture, it's length, the size of the mound.., the way it responds....It is an adventure! It's just so damn special because it is (to me anyway) as unique as a persons fingerprint. Never seen two labia the same, never seen two vulvas the same, never seen two clits the same..... I could go on and on. Point is, I hope the ladies reading this realize that your unique difference "down there" is a wonderful thing. I long ago figured out that I spent the first 10 months of my life trying to get out of the vagina (face first I might add) and I've spent the next 57 years 2 months trying to get back in the vagina (NOT THE SAME ONE!!). Often face first I might add!

If a lady compliments our manhood - we believe you! Trust me when I say we worship the fact that every single lady is a little different in the presentation of her womanhood. :)

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Emil and olderguy have it right! Think about it for a minute, guys and girls too, there is NOTHING sexier than the smell of a vagina, so much it is the scent of a woman, I'm not talking about overwashed or perfumed or god forbid musky smell, I mean just natural scent of a vagina!!! Ladies, you have nothing to be ashamed of in this regard, we worship your 'private parts dowm south'. Thank you for being you!! :)

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Maybe I'm naive or hypocritical, but never did I ever for one second think a woman may have insecurities about their vaginas. Yet here I know for fact that there are guys like myself, that have there own insecurities with their man part at one point or another. So I suppose it shouldn't be different for woman, why I never thought there were woman out there, that felt this is beyond me. I can say quite honestly I have had some insecurity with my manhood, is it big enough, is it thick enough heck can I hit her g-spot with it? Should I trim it or shave it off and suffer ingrowned hair? Do I dare wax it? Heck I sweat a lot down there, does it stink? I guess this is why I practice oral so much:) satisfy a woman with my tongue no need to worry, takes the pressure of the other guy. Now logically if there is no two penis the same why should there be two pussy the same. I can say quite proudly I love pussy, the feel, the texture, the taste and look of pussy. Quite frankly I don't understand how someone can be prejudice towards one, it make you unique, its your own. To compare them to other would be like try to compare two different people's finger prints they may each have similarity or complete opposites. I don't think there should be anything to be ashamed of.

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I love ladies' Holes a Hole lot, in fact, I consider them to be Holey!

Edited by crankF
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As someone who love to explore a vagina thank god that they come in different shapes and sizes. Never even occurred to me that woman would be self conchence about there vagina but honest nothing better when there is a bit more to explore, so ladies don't be self conchence about it just be happy and show away

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Wow. This is a fascinating thread. I have to say that I'm kind of surprised that some girls feel this way about their vaginas. You ladies own one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It has the power to make strong men turn to jello at the mere suggestion of a chance to see, smell our perhaps even taste it. Ours is not to question it's appearance, (that would be like questioning ones own god), but to bow down in appreciation of any willingness you may have to let us share it with you.


To all of the ladies who have graced me with even the briefest if visits with your wonderful vaginas, thank you. You have honored me.

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