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In this youth obsessed society, sadly, appearances seem to mean everything. But how we look in large part can be a reflection of our health, physical and mental. Genetically, some of us are given the short end of the stick by being predisposed to certain diseases which can manifest into health risks these can be altered by ones lifestyle, environment and certain chemicals. What if anything do you do to ward off father time and disease. Or do you just accept and say what will be will be and do nothing:)

Drink lots of water?

eat properly?

eating organic foods?


lots of sleep?


keeping a positive outlook?

having a purpose?

having a home that is toxin free?

I walk daily, I have to, having 2 dogs:) and try hard to eat reasonably, being a chip and sugar gal its a daily struggle as I don't have a full point, lol. Also each day I set a goal to accomplish and try to remain positive in the bleakest moments:)

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I do not fare as well as I would or should. But I do make some effort.


Drink lots of water?

Yes. Every day. Eight glasses plus...


eat properly?

Most of the time. I limit myself to restaurant and take out food to two or three times a month.


eating organic foods?

At least once a day. I also eat lean and extra lean meats.



Not as often as I should or would like. No excuse here.


lots of sleep?

Yes. Plus an afternoon nap.



Only when I am in the hospital.


keeping a positive outlook?

Live one day at a time.


having a purpose?


having a home that is toxin free?

I think it is.

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I do not fare as well as I would or should. But I do make some effort.




having a home that is toxin free? I think it is.


It sounds like you are doing a great job, I'm impressed at how much water you drink:) as far as a toxin free home, this can be difficult and complicated, here's a link to some pervasive toxins



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I pump iron, golf a lot, cycle, drink an ton of water every day, eat pretty well, read, watch movies, laugh, and have lots of sex which is the fountain of youth!

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Water, cleaned up how I eat with no more sugar, rarely any alcohol, long walking, sleep is my best friend, not worrying about trivial things and this below....lol. I


On a superficial level, I don't frown, smile excessively to create deep laugh line or crows feet and I don't smoke and stay out of sun so I don't have those kinds of lines but I'm in my 30's and I'm sure a plastic surgeon's office will be my new place to hang out. I plan to do some maitenance on my face here and there but don't want a facelift or any of that b.s till I'm really old. What about the newest rage of doctors taking blood out of your arm and injecting it into your face? lol.


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I gave in (somewhat) to the aging process. Tried to reverse it for awhile, but I failed. I work hard and I play hard and that simply ages one. I have always thought that I liked woman, cheese, whisky, wine and scotch well seasoned, or aged. Interesting, but I have discovered that a man can be the same to some women - better with age.

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Guest *ig*****Hor****

So motivational! You've encouraged me to wake up early tomorrow for a walk! :) Thanks Chisty!

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Guest A*ro**n

Good thread Christy, thanks.


For me, eliminating stress is a big thing. Thankfully to CERB, I've found a nice way to help with that ;)


As for the questions you posed:


Drink lots of water? Yeah, pretty much water is all I drink now, with the occaisional tea, beer. I was notorious pop/diet pop drinker not too long ago.

eat properly? Pretty good now, a lot of veg and protein, trying to cut down the grains and sugars. Again, the sugar monster had a good hold of me there for a long time.

eating organic foods? Yup

exercise? Running every other day and feeling great. Some cycling as well. I think I want to start some cross training in the next couple of weeks.

lots of sleep? Usually 8 hours a night

yoga? Have stayed away from it up until now, but I'm thinking the meditative aspect may be helpful for me

keeping a positive outlook? Mostly, although my natural tendency is to worry.

having a purpose? This is a heavy one. I think I need to spend a bit more time thinking about this.

having a home that is toxin free? Yeah, I'd say so.

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Good thread Christy, thanks.


For me, eliminating stress is a big thing. Thankfully to CERB, I've found a nice way to help with that ;)


As for the questions you posed:


Drink lots of water? Yeah, pretty much water is all I drink now, with the occaisional tea, beer. I was notorious pop/diet pop drinker not too long ago.

eat properly? Pretty good now, a lot of veg and protein, trying to cut down the grains and sugars. Again, the sugar monster had a good hold of me there for a long time.

eating organic foods? Yup

exercise? Running every other day and feeling great. Some cycling as well. I think I want to start some cross training in the next couple of weeks.

lots of sleep? Usually 8 hours a night

yoga? Have stayed away from it up until now, but I'm thinking the meditative aspect may be helpful for me

keeping a positive outlook? Mostly, although my natural tendency is to worry.

having a purpose? This is a heavy one. I think I need to spend a bit more time thinking about this.

having a home that is toxin free? Yeah, I'd say so.


Thank you for your response, the sugar monster attacks me often, lol, as far as having a purpose, I, as this threads responses will attest, believe is the most important factor in staying healthy. We all should wake up with a goal in mind, something to accomplish each day, your reason for being here, a purpose! Something you do or are working towards achieving. I have decided my purpose is to improve the lives of animals, one dog or cat, ect, at a time. This is what truly gives me satisfaction and inner peace. That can be simply buying food for a shelter, walking dogs, or helping out with surgery costs when I can, reporting cruelty, ect. So think of something you'd like to accomplish, set a goal. It could be sending your kids, if you have any, to university, growing a garden, helping a neighbour when you can, volunteering, anything really, because having a purpose will make each day a better one:)

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I spent most of my life not giving a crap. I ate, what I want, when I wanted. Often being fast food crap since I would never bring a lunch to work. I even wouldn't eat at all some days. I worked too much and too long in hostile and stressful jobs.too much Stress and anxiety is a killer to the body and mind.

Often worked in unsafe environments without proper equipment, although employers are suppose to provide safety, I was to naive and stupid and did things anyways to get the job done. Used and abused my body at work.


After reevaluating my life I've done drastic changes in the last 8-9 months, both mentally and physically.


1. Started going to kickboxing 2-3 a week

2. No longer eat fast food crap. (I think I would die if I ate McDonald again)

3. Soda was my drug of choice from 2-3 a day to now 2-3 a month.

4. No more working unsafe, if required a mask I wear one, harness or any other safety equipment necessary, not ashamed or afraid to refuse otherwise.

5. Work is almost virtually stress free and hostile free, got a great boss. Changing company Maybe the best thing.

6. Water I drink lots and when I need some flavour I add mio to it.

7. Most important changed my outlook on life.

8. Started seeing cerb ladies. Mental benefits work amazing, hell orgasm aren't to shabby either lol


So far I've lost over 40 pounds, I got way more energy. Self esteem has greatly improved. I worry far less, which is great cause honestly could not handle it anymore. I'm trying to live a life rather than living lifelessly. Accepting certain things in my life that aren't in my control.

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I spent most of my life not giving a crap. I ate, what I want, when I wanted. Often being fast food crap since I would never bring a lunch to work. I even wouldn't eat at all some days. I worked too much and too long in hostile and stressful jobs.too much Stress and anxiety is a killer to the body and mind.

Often worked in unsafe environments without proper equipment, although employers are suppose to provide safety, I was to naive and stupid and did things anyways to get the job done. Used and abused my body at work.


After reevaluating my life I've done drastic changes in the last 8-9 months, both mentally and physically.


1. Started going to kickboxing 2-3 a week

2. No longer eat fast food crap. (I think I would die if I ate McDonald again)

3. Soda was my drug of choice from 2-3 a day to now 2-3 a month.

4. No more working unsafe, if required a mask I wear one, harness or any other safety equipment necessary, not ashamed or afraid to refuse otherwise.

5. Work is almost virtually stress free and hostile free, got a great boss. Changing company Maybe the best thing.

6. Water I drink lots and when I need some flavour I add mio to it.

7. Most important changed my outlook on life.

8. Started seeing cerb ladies. Mental benefits work amazing, hell orgasm aren't to shabby either lol


So far I've lost over 40 pounds, I got way more energy. Self esteem has greatly improved. I worry far less, which is great cause honestly could not handle it anymore. I'm trying to live a life rather than living lifelessly. Accepting certain things in my life that aren't in my control.


Your post touched me as I could feel the pain in your writing. I'm so glad you've found some inner peace and made positive changes. The most important thing is how you now feel, so much more important than how you look, looking better is just a bonus. Congratulations and may things just keep getting better for you:)

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Your post touched me as I could feel the pain in your writing. I'm so glad you've found some inner peace and made positive changes. The most important thing is how you now feel, so much more important than how you look, looking better is just a bonus. Congratulations and may things just keep getting better for you:)


I don't need to worry about looking young for two reason

1. I already, appear 10 years less than my age to a lot.

2. I am young.


If you think of it, the longer life expectancy you have the younger you are.

It's not how many years you have it's how many years you have left. Since its unknown live it to the fullest but hey why not plan ahead a healthy youth could mean a long future.

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I am a man who has always looked younger than he is. This has generally never helped me out.


In my career I have had to be more aggressive in order to achieve success because when people look at me they do not see experience or authority. They see this cute boy who doesn't need a promotion right now because he has "all the time in the world".


In my personal life, it also makes dating somewhat difficult. I tend to attract women who are college age, but then I have trouble relating to them because we're just at different stages in our lives. Women my own age tend to feel they look old standing next to me, and no woman wants that. So my best hope would be to find a fellow babyface my own age.

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I don't need to worry about looking young


I don't think anyone should worry about looking young, this shouldn't be a goal. Being healthy should be and youthful looks will be an off shoot of that. To much emphasis is put on youth, imo, but to each their own. I just want good health, to feel appropriately energized, happy and at peace at all times:)

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I have greatly reduced red meat intake. Starch, and excess carbs bad. I eat oatmeal once daily and drink lots of well or spring water. Fresh veggies are important.


At the least, my diet is allowing me to take a daily massive dump to help with intestinal health which I feel is tantamount to overall wellness! A good grunt makes for a good day!

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Guest A*ro**n
Thank you for your response, the sugar monster attacks me often, lol, as far as having a purpose, I, as this threads responses will attest, believe is the most important factor in staying healthy. We all should wake up with a goal in mind, something to accomplish each day, your reason for being here, a purpose! Something you do or are working towards achieving. I have decided my purpose is to improve the lives of animals, one dog or cat, ect, at a time. This is what truly gives me satisfaction and inner peace. That can be simply buying food for a shelter, walking dogs, or helping out with surgery costs when I can, reporting cruelty, ect. So think of something you'd like to accomplish, set a goal. It could be sending your kids, if you have any, to university, growing a garden, helping a neighbour when you can, volunteering, anything really, because having a purpose will make each day a better one:)


Thanks for your take Cristy. It's great that your balancing out some of the negative effects we have on animals.


I've been thinking about volunteering recently, but haven't struck the match yet on that one. At this point in my life, I'm feeling like a new branch is starting on my tree, and I'm trying to figure out where I should go.

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I stopped caring about looking younger, or older for that matter, when I turned 50. I stopped worrying about how my body looked when I got treatment for my eating disorder. I was diagnosed with Binge Eating disorder about eighteen months ago.


It explained a lot. I was binging on high fat, high calorie foods, yo-yo dieting and slowly isolating myself. I would eat a family portion alone in my car at lunch. I would consume thousands of empty calories alone in the dark with the TV as my only witness. I had candy stashes and kept treats in the car. Worse, I had become completely sedentary. The most exercise I got daily was when I got dressed in the morning.


Following the diagnosis, I sought treatment with a psychiatrist who specialized in treating eating disorders. I was prescribed an antidepressant to help me cope with the depression that accompanied the disorder. The six months of therapy that followed helped me to realize that valuing the opinion of others as a measure of my self worth perpetuated my own feelings of shame and inadequacy. Once I became accepting of myself and of others I was free to focus on feeling better and healthier.


I work with a personal trainer three times a week. I take the stairs. I watch what I eat and I stop when I'm full. I don't obsess over food or tracking or calorie counting. I don't weigh myself any more. I had an unhealthy relationship with my body. Each day that I am in recovery is a day closer to a more active life, healthy life. I'm less concerned about how my body looks, or how young I look and more concerned about how I feel.


I've come to accept my grey hair, my less than Herculean physique, my weathered skin and my laugh lines. They are my badges of honour, they are the sum of my parts. How Hollywood or Madison Avenue thinks I should look has no bearing on how I feel about myself anymore. In many ways, I'm not getting older, but I am getting better.

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Guest ***nno**n***

Lifestyle is such a complicated thing. Your mood, how you feel your life is going and just overall well being has an enormous impact on what your lifestyle looks like. The stage you are at in your life also has a big impact.


Single/Dating life period : in general while single and dating or looking for a potential life partner people as a general rule will take better care of themselves, be conscientious about what you eat, what exercise routine you have and what friends you gravitate too.


Married/SO/ relationship : in general people tend to relax when they have hit this phase in their life because the constant need or desire to look good wears off. If you have a partner who have a significant lack in a healthy lifestyle both parties tend to go down with that ship. You get busier, work, kids, family and next thing you know all your good intentions are somewhere in the bottom of your to-do list.


Divorce. separation. drastic unplanned life change: in general this one is the worst because not all people handle change and the unexpected very well.

Sugar, comfort foods do exactly that, comfort you. Sugar is an addictive substance. It takes a daily focused commitment to say no to sugar. I still have to tell myself everyday, sugar is not my friend lol. I found when i hit 2 weeks without sugar i didn't crave it anymore. Now if only salt was the same!


It really takes a strong person to step up and take control of their lifestyle and say I'm going to do what makes me happy and then following through with the rest is so much easier.


So for me personally, since I decided that my happiness was the only way to go....

drink lots of water Drinking water is a chore, i always have to remember drink more...I love healthy smoothies, fruit and protein shakes but plain water is just, well plain lol work in progress

I eat way better, and I am more adventurous with food selection and trying healthier things

Eating organic is so easy in summer with the farmers market and fresh produce programs in winnipeg.

exercise is pleasurable, I consider it "me time" It may be a 2 hour walk around birds hill or a few 10 minute high intensity workouts at home, or moving in my case as i've done it 3 times in 6 months now lol no more moving for me.

sleep I've always been a night owl and sleeping in is never a problem lol

yoga I bought the clothes, took the class, now I'm back to just wearing the clothes

keeping a positive attitude this is key for me everyday, forgive, let go and forgive some more. Forgiving doesn't help the other person it's for you. Anytime i start bashing someone in my mind i gotta just let it go and get my peace and enjoyment in life back. I smile a whole lot more when i do.

having a purpose I do have a purpose :-)

having a home that is toxin free i look at this a little differently, If i have people here who are very negative, trash talking and being overall buttheads, they get a first class ticket out my door (friends and family included). I need a peaceful home and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

As for the other toxins, scrubbing bubbles is my best friend. I'm a tad OCD when it comes to things being clean, so I have every chemical based cleaner (that works and i can tolerate the smell) in my home. The bubbles and smell make me happy so the toxin aspect isnt a problem for me.


I am very happy with who I am and where I am in my life. I haven't had a person yet guess my correct age always younger. Life is too short to spend it angry, unhappy or with regret on what you should have done.

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