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What is your biggest fear?

What is your biggest fear?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your biggest fear?

    • Spiders
    • Snakes / Reptiles
    • Heights
    • Injections or medical needles
    • Thunder and lightning
    • Darkness
    • Having a disease
    • Public speaking
    • Loneliness
    • Other

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According to the Huffington Post, One quarter of the population reports excessive fears of at least one social situation and public speaking fears top the list.

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I have to with heights, being fairly adventurous several times I've put myself in the position that I wasn't sure I was going to get out of.

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My biggest fear ever since it happened the first time. Is having hot steamy fast sex with a woman. With her on top. She slipped and sprained my penis.


I fully recovered but stay away from the cowgirl position from now on.




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Guest ***nno**n***

Without a doubt spiders. I do crazy things and react in extreme when i see one.

I fell in love with my ex-husband because he killed them for me.


So happily divorced, but the fear is back because I have no spider-killer now.


I spent a whole night sitting on my kitchen table because i saw a spider crawling on the floor. When my son (6 at the time) woke up he found it and killed it so I was safe to come down.


Another time I was working and saw a spider on my co-workers desk. I dumped out her coffee cup (full) on the floor (carpet) to put over the spider and left for the day.


Next there was one crawling on my bf's (now ex)bedroom ceiling. I duct taped a large plastic mixing bowl over it on the ceiling and broke up with him via text on my way out the door.


Worse than seeing them is not knowing where they are if they run away.


The last person to do a "spider crawl" with their hands on my back got punched in the face.


So to anyone who is not afraid to kill spiders I salute you and can I have your phone number lol.

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There are things that I don't like that scare me such as roller coasters but then there are things that scare me like not living for today.


Society tells us to save for retirement but when it comes, whether it's aging, illness, or circumstances where some opportunities may have passed for what we wanted to do in previous years.


While it's wise to save for tomorrow whether it's through monetary gain, sometimes money cannot replace life experiences that can easily pass us by. Bottom line, life is too short and too precious. Live everyday as if it were your last.


The one thing that REALLY scared me is when I found a centipede in my garage....They best not be getting in my house!!! Shivering just thinking about all those little feet crawling!!

Edited by Nicolette Vaughn
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Heights! Without a doubt. Hell I got queasy at certain parts of Man of Steel. And when watching Chronicle, I literally had to look away at some of the flying parts....and I was watching it at home! I don't know how I'm ever going to grow balls big enough to actually get on a plane when I can't even watch movies about flying on my tv lol.


Additional Comments:

Spiders come in a close second to heights. But only spiders in my home for some reason. If I'm outside or at someone else's house and I see a spider...it's no biggy. I can usually deal with it. But a spider in my home? Oh yeah, I totally turn into a whimpering snivelling little wuss :p

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My biggest fear is to get into a car or some sort of accident and find myself in a coma, unable to move or talk and yet my mind is fully conscious.


My second biggest fear is if and when my favorite SPs refuse to see me! :biggrin:

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Guest ChantalSummers

Lol my biggest fear is dying and what comes next... Perhaps meeting the devil hehe. Not to worry I have a couple tricks up my sleeve when I do meet him. Lol.


Seriously though my biggest fear is associated with dying and anything to do with potential excruciating pain. I fear for my safety and loved ones safety everyday. That's another thing. Life is so short sometimes that you never know when you're going to lose someone you care about so dearly. Death is never an easy subject for me. The idea of permanent loss is so scary :-(.

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Like Chantal, I'd have to name death and what comes (or doesn't come) after.


But as I find that depressing to dwell on, I'll share instead a short Simpsons clip on phobias: :)

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I am not realistic about the life cycle to be honest, as death is inevitable for everything, but that is my biggest fear having something I love die. I don't fear death but it is unbearable for me to have to part with someone or something I love.

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I actually don't have any fears or phobias. Never even did as a child either, which may explain why bosses would always send me in to do the dirty work in war zones!!!

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Guest ****ven

For me I chose heights, however it is more of a security thing. In a 20 story building enclosed in a safe structure no prob. But put me on top of a wobbly ladder and I freeze up like crazy!

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I have one and only one genuine fear. My father. I didn't actually think I would survive to see 18 and when I was allowed to leave my family house, I knew I was walking away from the most dangerous situation I would ever be in. There are things I'm not fond of but they don't cause me angst. My stomach flips with heights that I'm unsecured upon but I still mastered trapeze and love standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. I'm not fond of swimming in a deep body of water with seaweed tangling in my feet but I won't hesitate to dive off the boat to cool off. I don't like the look of swarms of anything or the holes in sponges but they don't panic me. I have no fear of what follows this life and have experienced holding someone when they die. Nothing I have ever experienced in my work or adult personal life comes anywhere near the genuine terror I experience from even seeing a picture of my father. The way I see it, if I survived him, there is nothing and no one out there big enough or mean enough to cause me any genuine harm and when you have no fear, no one even tries to fuck with you imo.


Funny thing tho. One of my best friends is a doppleganger for my dad. They could be brothers and yet I adore this man. I think what attracted me to him to begin with was that he looked like my dad but his energy was so warm and genuine that I was just drawn in. 5 years later, we are very close and I often wonder if somewhere in our family tree we share a gene string or two.


My father nicknamed me Cat. He told everyone I had nine lives and he was working his way thru them but had lost count of how many I had left. I guess I got out before he used up all nine...



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I fear dying before my kids are independent. I've gone through lots of medical issues and have chronic issues that will effect my life expectancy...Since my divorce, it scares me to think I will leave them alone with their mom. She had an affair and my kids resent her - I'd hate to think they'd ever have to count only on her.

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My biggest fear is not outliving my children.


That's such a biggie! Perhaps I have some rethinking to do..

Me being a swimmer, mine is drowning.

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Been deathly afraid of snakes since I was nearly bit by a rattlesnake when I was three. I'm a bit better now, but used to have to sleep with the light on and no covers on the bed if I even saw a snake while flipping through TV channels. I would imagine they were squirming up my bed under the covers if I even felt a fold or something with my foot or leg.

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