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After almost every encounter I usually send a thank you message via pm or email, usually same method used for booking. I just figured its polite and I know personally if the roles were reversed I would love the compliments and gratitude.

So this question just occurred to me, is this a common thing to do?

Ladies do you enjoy if or does it get annoying reading extra messages/email?

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After almost every encounter I usually send a thank you message via pm or email, usually same method used for booking. I just figured its polite and I know personally if the roles were reversed I would love the compliments and gratitude.

So this question just occurred to me, is this a common thing to do?

Ladies do you enjoy if or does it get annoying reading extra messages/email?

I can't sleep so I'll answer your question ;)


I always send a thank you note to the gentleman I have spent time with after an encounter. Sometimes I am not fast enough in sending my thank you email and my gentleman beats me to it. Does it annoy me when I see a thank you note in my inbox? Absolutely not because I love reading those special notes :)

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i can't sleep either lol.


yes, always send a thank you note...always appreciate the provider's time and hospitality, and it's a nice thing to do.


Nothing to over think, just acknowledging a great time :)

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I don't send thank you notes, when a gentleman leaves my company I have made it clear that he is welcomed to come back and appreciated, so anything after that I feel is up to him. I appreciate getting a thank you, as it shows that the gentleman liked the time he spent with me and its very thoughtful. As long as he is being truthful;) when he sends it:)

Edited by cr**tyc***es
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I always send a thank you note to the lady I've seen. I feel it's a thoughtful gesture which also reiterates how much I value the privilege of having been able to spend some quality time with her.

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I don,t always send a message after an encounter but i do love receiving them and i will reply for sure! It is greatly appreciated :)))

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After almost every encounter I send a thank you email to the lady. It's just a small way I can personally and privately show my appreciation to the lady for the companionship she provided.

My public thank you comes in the way of a recommendation

And I am happy to write both


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Yes I like receiving thank-you notes whether it's a PM or a text. I don't do email because I don't like it.


I will send a thank-you Pm here on Cerb but once a client has left my company, I will not send a text for discretion reasons and I respect their privacy. If they text me, I will respond back if I am able to answer right away. If not, I send them a PM on Cerb.

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I generally always send a thank-you note of appreciation to the lady and let her know how much I valued and enjoyed her company. I think that's a nice gesture and will usually (I presume) be regarded as thoughtful. Usually it results in a reply and optionally it can lead to getting to know one another or just keeping in touch in between encounters.


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I always choose to send a passionate thank you as well to the lady for the pleasure of her company. I personally consider ladies I visit with to add a great deal of value to my life beyond the physical of the moment. It's a gesture that I would consider CENTRAL to a client being able to consider himself a "gentleman". Besides that, hey it's just polite etiquette.

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Guest ChantalSummers

The thank you messages are that extra special touch that yes I do enjoy receiving. It comes off as very genuine and thoughtful. I can relate to you, Cristy Curves in the sense that for myself I don't send thank you messages because I've already made the gentlemen feel warm and welcome all throughout their session and thanked him genuinely for his time. I never want to come off as repetitive. Happy Fun Friday to everyone btw :icon_wink:!!

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I love sending a thank you text or pm after an encounter. It's a fun way to sort of keep the flirty fantasy going and it shows the lady you appreciate the time you spent with her.

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Guest B**na***oy

I greatly value the opportunity to spend quality time with the amazing ladies that offer sensual companionship and always send a thank you note to show my appreciation.

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I always send a brief thank-you note afterward (well, unless the thing went disastrously, but that's almost never happened). If I try to break down my reasons for it, I guess it's a combination of:


- a nice way to add a little "P.S." to the encounter, during that period afterward when I'm still thinking about it and smiling; essentially, "even though our time is over I'm still carrying the memory with me, so thank you for that too."


- a way of saying "I know I said thanks while I was there in your presence, but that could have been mere politeness because we were in the same room; let me thank you once more now that we're apart, so you know the feeling is genuine."


I suppose it's part of the way I manage the emotions involved in the experience, putting the last feelings away somewhere safe and then moving on.

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I don't send messages as a rule but enjoy receiving them, those messages always brighten my day and put a big smile on my face and I respond either through email or here but never text unless I'm told that it is fine to do so.

I always before we depart let anyone that I've had a nice quality encounter with know what a great time I've had and I thank them and let them know that they can use me as a reference if they ever need one.

We never part without a warm passionate thank you hug and/or kiss!

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I love receiving emails saying thanks for the great time. I do reply to them. However, I generally don't send out emails if they don't send me one first. I am always worried that if I do send out an email, its not at the right time for him and he has someone looking over his shoulder at that moment.

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I love to keep in touch with everyone through emails and Pms, before and after an encounter.. I have develope wonderful friendships with some of the gentlemen I have the pleasure to meet.. and is great to keep in touch specially when time or other reasons do not allow to get together often... or as often as sometimes we would like to meet...


It makes me very happy to receive a thank you message after an encounter... from someone that I have just met and from others that I have met in more than one ocasion as well I s good to know that I brought a smile, and sometimes a releive from regular day and life.. :) And I always reply back... :) because I like to let them know that they have made my day with their note :) and also made me smile

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I love sendind them and i love receiving them. I think communication is the most important thing....before and after an encounter. So I will always send a note after meeting a lady...hoping it will bring a smile to her lips. Receiving a note always put bounce in my steps...


Recently I meet a lady and communication with her so so great....I will love her forever!!!

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I can't even imagine having sex with a beautiful lady and not following it up with a Thank You. I always send a text after our meeting to say thanks....i want her to know that I enjoyed our time together and I appreciate everything she has done to make the time together amazing. Usually just a short text. As for receiving a message from her.... on a couple of occasions a wonderful lady I see regularly has sent me a message first which I loved.

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It never occurred to me to NOT send a thank-you email. From my perspective, something amazing just transpired and it seems only natural to thank the other person for helping to make that happen.


No reply is expected but I get a kick out of the ones I've received.


The only case where I can thing of a provider being annoyed by ta hank-you would be if the writer decided to relive the entire experience, blow by blow so to speak and ended up writing the Great Canadian Memoir.


Short and sweet seems best. :)

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