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Do you think negotiating rates is ok?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think negotiating rates is ok?

    • Yes, it is fine to negotiate a sp's rate (even if they do not advertise rates being negotiable)
    • No, it is unacceptable to negotiate a sp's rate (unless she advertises as negotiable)
    • Still on the fence.

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woosh, goes the 747 right over your head. Have you actually read ANY of the replies from providers?




I've read them all thanks. I think Alexxxis post was spot on.

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RG has 298 rep points on this board - the top rep points on this board - so his opinion is well respected. I see you have a total of ... oh you don't even make it into the top 200, so we cant even see your rep points. Your opinion means squat.


Watch out for those 747's, it seems like there is an airport flying over you and you don't even notice.


Go back and read alexis post. She stated she provides discounts and doesn't mind dealing with negotators. However she also stated that it was rude to try to negotiate with ladies who state don't do this. This is what everyone is trying to say, but you continue with your idiot statements.


I have said many times exactly what Alexxxis said! Go back and read!

Your argument is so week and pathetic that were now playing the " he has more posts game" So new posters points aren't valid? We should all leave?


This is why I don't post because of people like you who use straw man arguments.

I'm sorry that I'm not a brown noser like some posters and don't tell you exactly what you want to hear to score points.


I will say it again for you because the last 5 times didn't get through to you.

I don't support negotiators

I'm not against negotiators.

If the lady says not negotiable that ends everything.


I just don't think when someone negotiates that he is automatically scum that needs to be educated.

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I have said many times exactly what Alexxxis said! Go back and read!

Your argument is so week and pathetic that were now playing the " he has more posts game" So new posters points aren't valid? We should all leave?


This is why I don't post because of people like you who use straw man arguments.

I'm sorry that I'm not a brown noser like some posters and don't tell you exactly what you want to hear to score points.


I will say it again for you because the last 5 times didn't get through to you.

I don't support negotiators

I'm not against negotiators.

If the lady says not negotiable that ends everything.


I just don't think when someone negotiates that he is automatically scum that needs to be educated.


I don't support negotiators

I'm not against negotiators.

If the lady says not negotiable that ends everything.


If you just would have said this and only this from the get go..imagine all the thanks your post would have gotten, and how much shorter this thread would have been LOL

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I don't support negotiators

I'm not against negotiators.

If the lady says not negotiable that ends everything.


If you just would have said this and only this from the get go..imagine all the thanks your post would have gotten, and how much shorter this thread would have been LOL


I'm glad you understand. Hopefully the 5th time posting this will get through to some others! lol

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I have said many times exactly what Alexxxis said! Go back and read!

Your argument is so week and pathetic that were now playing the " he has more posts game" So new posters points aren't valid? We should all leave?


This is why I don't post because of people like you who use straw man arguments.

I'm sorry that I'm not a brown noser like some posters and don't tell you exactly what you want to hear to score points.


I will say it again for you because the last 5 times didn't get through to you.

I don't support negotiators

I'm not against negotiators.

If the lady says not negotiable that ends everything.


I just don't think when someone negotiates that he is automatically scum that needs to be educated.


Alex. As far as discussing brown nosing I suspect yours is indeed brown cause your head is up your ass at this current moment !!! Respect the ladies big guy. I don't mean by your initial opinion so much but by your many following responses.


As for Alexis's comment as being spot on......a voluntary discount or special is in NO way shape or form is the same as a client request for negotiation, discount or "a deal". Absolutely not the same. My opinion of course from 25 + years in business.


A negotiator will rarely only ask once. My opinion. Negotiators tend to disappear because they can't get service anywhere.....ANYWHERE that doesn't lead them into endless amount of trouble and heartache. My experience.


I am about one tick away from suspension so that might do it but Jaysus ......don't make it ridiculously complicated !



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My dad is an electrical contractor and straight up, he doesn't negotiate. He puts out a bid for a potential job (eg. a contract with the city to maintain the traffic lights and erect lights at two new intersections), which is the price he feels the time/labour/materials are worth and he either gets the job, or he doesn't. But nobody says to him, "Hey Big Red, will you do it for this amount instead?" Or "Instead of 45/h, what about 35?" I can guarantee you, he'd laugh right in your face.


I give clients the benefit of the doubt ONE TIME (mainly because I don't know you or your background and maybe where you come from, it's considered insulting not to haggle, I have no idea), and this is being generous because it says ON MY WEBSITE that my rates are not negotiable--so you either didn't read it, or you're deliberately disrespecting me, but as I said, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt the first time. And this is only if you're polite about it. For example, is your rate negotiable? Reply: no it isn't. The end. If you persist, it's game over. This of course, excludes all those guys who text things like, "free gym membership for free massage?" (real text I got a few weeks ago). In which case, I don't even reply.


So I mean really, it's up to you. Negotiate if you want, but don't expect a response.

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Guest ***nno**n***
I have said many times exactly what Alexxxis said! Go back and read!

Your argument is so week and pathetic that were now playing the " he has more posts game" So new posters points aren't valid? We should all leave?


This is why I don't post because of people like you who use straw man arguments.

I'm sorry that I'm not a brown noser like some posters and don't tell you exactly what you want to hear to score points.


I will say it again for you because the last 5 times didn't get through to you.

I don't support negotiators

I'm not against negotiators.

If the lady says not negotiable that ends everything.


I just don't think when someone negotiates that he is automatically scum that needs to be educated.



Regardless if they are scum or not once someone has tried to negotiate with me for a lower price his potential client status has more than likely changed from " I think he will be fun" to ' I have some urgent laundry to do".


There is an abundance of good clients out there, and as a SP I'm looking for the Great clients. So Mr.Negotiator won't make it past the texting or email stage.


It's your risk as a hobbyist when you do decide to try and negotiate.


As a side note there is nothing wrong with being passionate about your point of view.


I do find some of your arguments distastful and I've put them in Bold.


There are some amazing, wonderful and insightful people on this board and RG and Meaghanmcleod are two of them.


If you are going to insult someone then make sure you are on the good side and don't mind a spank or 2 from the mod. :-)

Or get upset with men pretending to be women and drive you bat shit crazy,


Luv you Justin!


ok my $0.05 is spent.

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@Shannoninwpg: you wrote :"If you are going to insult someone then make sure you are on the good side and don't mind a spank or 2 from the mod"


I think you are not being fair to Craig. He has also been insulted so why point out only his?

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Guest realnicehat
Did you bold the others arguments that you found distasteful? I was called slow, idiot, and a prick. Is the part you bolded worse then what they said?


Worse? Probably not, but would you consider that some of your posts may carry a tone which could have spurred those reactions?


I'm not implying you are the sole guilty party, things are getting a little heated in here.

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Guest D***el B***e

Hey everyone! ... oooppps Oh shit! Did I come in at the wrong time? ... it's friggin hot in here! can someone open the windows and let the hot air out please! Thank you.


Awwww, much better now! ok now all together, everyone breath through the nose ...


Additional Comments:

Like, really folks! we all got the point!

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Guest ***nsut***jr

I have 15625 rep points.... can I post on this thread?


I've been watching and reading this thread since the start trying to formulate a post.

Anyway I love to negotiate.

Negotiation a a fundamental part of doing business and I don't think you can do without it when required.

Negotiations are a healthy positive part of doing business as they usually occur between two parties with a working relationship or a complex deal that is beneficial to both sides.

However... I don't think that's what we are talking about here.

Maybe its semantics but I would prefer a term like haggling or making and offer which are totally inappropriate.

The pricing that is stated by the provider is THE price.

There is no reason to contact them with an offer other than when and where.

Its that simple. There is no relationship or history to form a basis to negotiate.

Its a one time thing and based on the spirit of the community here you would probably bring some token gift or a tip.

So if you get a CERB guy that is asking to... ummm... haggle your price well he's an idiot that needs to learn to read and interact. Dumb as I was when I first joined here I never have mentioned price or asked about it except to make sure it was right.

To me this is the proper practice and public perception appropriate to this community and will keep it healthy and viable for us all.


Privately however there maybe negotiations that occur between a provider and a client based on regular visits, the strength of the relationship and the desire to keep the relationship intact or to increase it.

I don't see why this wouldn't happen, although it should be kept confidential between the two parties so as to not cause confusion in the masses.


To me thats good business and I practice it every day in my own business and it makes the world go round.


Simply respect the people you are dealing with and treat them the way you would like to be treated and we'll all be happy.

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I responded to this thread in the beginning, so people know how I feel when men try to haggle my rates...


But I stopped responding because of the ugly turn this thread has taken.


I don't think anyone needs to be called names, or people's levels of intelligence should be called into question. I certainly do not think anyone is an idiot for trying to negotiate, I won't negotiate with him, but as long as he doesn't begin to actually ACT like an idiot, I wouldn't deign to call him that.


One thing I like most about this board is written right on the top, and I try to live my life in this same way...


....if you do not have anything nice to say....please don't say anything at all. This applies to all of us.


I know you say not to questions anybody's intelligence but, you one smart pussy cat:) well said!

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So what about the following situation, which I have encountered on several occasions...


After speaking with a lady in chat, I informed her that unfortunately I can't afford her rates... And her response was "well how much do you have?"


Like I have said, there are numerous ladies who are ready to negotiate and aren't shy to start the negotiations.




As many have stated, if an ad says "non negotiable" then it is rude and disrespectful to try.

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My 2 cents:

Many ladies do offer special rates when things are "slow" or like myself offer a reduced rate when nature gets in the way of FS...Does this make me a bad SP? No, I don't think so, and neither do the people who book that special.

We don't all do things the same way, and if you do things differently, feel free to continue doing what works for you... but DO NOT imply that negotiable rates are wrong for EVERYONE, only yourself. As said previously in this thread, your voice is yours, not that of all SPs.

Don't wanna be bargained with? DON'T REPLY.

Asking about reduced rates/specials isn't a crime, but if the lady advertises non-negotiable prices then you can expect her to get angry about it.


Continuing to bargain AFTER being told no is just annyoing.


What else is there to discuss? End of story.


An offered/advertised special is far different than a flat out negotiation. I also never implied to speak for all ladies, actually, I made it quite clear that I didn't.



is not acceptable! This isn't a flea market. Take the time to find out what options a lady offers (ie length of time and corresponding donations) and either book with her or continue your search!


BTW "can you do x amount of time for x amount of donation?" is akin to negotiating!


In the original post (shown above) you decided it was wrong for clients to politely ask. You spoke for everyone on that. Above you state that politely inquiring is the same as ("akin to") negotiating, which you had already named a "not acceptable" action.

I disagree. as my last post suggested, I would only find a gentleman rude if he pursued after I clearly stated the word NO.


And keep in mind, my entire post was not directed at you personally, it was a general reply to the thread and intended for everyone involved. I felt it was necessary to voice that not all SPs think the way this very one-sided conversation was going.


I especially hated this part:

If you want a menchanical experience, there are lot of ads out there that offer $80-$100 experience but remember you get what you pay for. And if one thinks they're going to get the whole nine yards, you are in for a big disappointment. They can advertise the best experience all they want but for that amount they will do the minimal required and that will be it. There will be no established connection, none of the extras that a higher end SP will offer but again if that's what a hobbyist wants, then there is a market for it with lots of supply and demand. Enjoy!

Have you been with these women yourself? If not, I would avoid speaking on what you can get for $80. And know that any reply made to this particular comment WOULD BE directly aimed at me as I do offer a "special" at this price once a month. And for those of you who think I should not offer such specials, that this behavior is what leads to "higher-end" (I had to put that in quotation marks because it's not the term I would have used) SPs being "low-balled" then I simply say to you:

Until a day comes when anyone tells you that you MUST offer specials, do not presume to tell others they cannot/should not. If "special rates" don't work for you, don't offer them, but your own rules are yours to follow. Yours. And please do not again presume what magnitude of service I (or any other ladies) offer... I am kinda taken back and incredibly insulted by your thinking that your rate alone makes you a "better SP" than I (or other SPs).


That was slightly off topic. My apologies.



The real matter here is reality.

The reality is that unless NO ONE "bends" on prices, people will always ask! DEAL WITH IT! It is how a potential client reacts to the "no" that should classify him as rude/not rude. Again, I do agree with you all that if you advertise your rates, say they aren't negotiable then there is nothing wrong with being angry at the guy and blacklisting him. HOWEVER! Politely asking if XXX service/time is available at XXX amount of dollars should not have created such an uproar. Which I might ad, in conclusion here, is exactly what the OP suggested should never be done. Good day.

Edited by xXxAxXx
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I posted a completely valid thread in the newbie section and it has gotten way out of hand. I wil ask that the Mod close this to any further discussion as the original intent of the post has been skewed. I value the need for Cerb and the wonderful opportunity to perhaps improve things. When dissent and lack of respect infiltrate a perfectly valid post I get a bit peeved.


Night all, I shall move on to real life now.

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It seem like there is alot of mixed opinion on here both from providers and gentleman. I would do it myself but no clue how, especially on an iphone perhaps some one could set up a poll and we could see where majority stands.

I would suggest something like this.


I am a gentlemen who think its acceptable to negotiate

I am a provider who think its acceptable to negotiate

I am a gentleman who doesn't think it is appropriate to negotiate

I am a provider who doesn't think it is appropriate to negotiate


Keepng in mind strictly in this industry.


On that note as a person who does small general contracts on the side, I personal do not allow negotiating with prices. Granted its often time + material since my profit is my salary as I do the work myself or with a few helpers. So I don't leave room for negotiation if they believe it to high or unfair they can ask someone else. They may not get better quality of work then again they might. Although I am a liscense and experience tradesman. Where as many people who are cheaper aren't not saying all but some.


So lets be adults and put up a vote without resorting to immature bashing wish can offensive and hurtful to some. So who can step up and create a poll!

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I don't like the name calling and immature banter either, anyone not being mature and trying to provoke a fight will be getting a vacation from cerb. This is an important topic that invokes emotion form all sides, it needs to be discussed but any trolling, flaming or name calling from this point on will get you a min, 7 day vacation from cerb. i am not closing this thread, it is important as it is one of the biggest problems in a service industry like this.


With a tangible item for sale no one should take offense on a personal level when someone tries to barter or negotiate.


With a service based sale it is personal. (Especially when your selling yourself and such a personal and intimate service as no other business can compare)


No one should take offense to being asked "are your rates negotiable" as i am sure many ladies will discount for multiple hours or maybe on a second visit, the ladies all probably have standard replies to this question. Most service businesses a negotiated rate usually means a quicker and lesser level of service. Some of you may disagree but i tell you if someone asks me to do something and then asks to pay me less then the rate i asked for i refuse or let them know less money means time or less effort and will result in a lesser service)


What a guy should do is find a lady who works happily within his budget or save up and treat himself once in a while.... Being a gentleman cause nothing could be less sexy then some cheap guy trying to get just a bj for just 15 minutes for xx dollars to a lady, you waste her time and if i were the lady i would say "sure" and send you to some non-existent address (or maybe the address of he std clinic) and waste his time like he was wasting mine.


Its rude, its not being a gentleman and its not really acceptable on cerb unless the lady says she is negotiable (and even then other ladies get very upset at ladies who advertise that so that really is not acceptable in many peoples eyes ... Then again if i were firm i would send the cheap clients in the direction of he lady with the negotiable rates and be done with them)


Guys... Dont be cheap, most ladies find this insulting and take it personally, thy are not selling a product, they are selling something much more personal. It is a very emotional business and when you are rude or disrespectful your not just being cheap our being insulting and hurtful. Lets be sure the ladies are treated like ladies (human beings and our equals).


Don't give the real gentleman here a bad rep, play within your financial comfort level and if someones rate makes you uncomfortable find someone who is within your comfort zone or save your pennies, if no one is paying her rates she will lower them but its all about supply and demand and if you were ale to make 500.00 an hour and work enough to sustain your financial goals why the hell would you work for less? If no one will pay you 500.00 per hour you will adjust your rate right! Its all common sense!

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Guest ***nsut***jr
I posted a completely valid thread in the newbie section and it has gotten way out of hand. I wil ask that the Mod close this to any further discussion as the original intent of the post has been skewed. I value the need for Cerb and the wonderful opportunity to perhaps improve things. When dissent and lack of respect infiltrate a perfectly valid post I get a bit peeved.


Night all, I shall move on to real life now.


Meg with all due respect to you, who happens to be one of the most intelligent, thoughtful, witty and charming people I have met, you shouldn't let the content of some posts get to you.


The mod has decided to leave the thread open and added a great point of view at the same time.


Thought provoking questions and comments are exactly what we need here as an ongoing education in what is a less than straight forward business arena.


My fear is always that people like yourself with the greater good in mind will stop posting or start to censor themselves and when that happens we all lose.


Unpleasant as things may seem having it all in the open is better in the long run.

At least you know which way the wind blows.

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Such a typical cerb type thread..... maybe it's the heat.


Most "offenders" aren't likely on cerb or use it to begin with so it becomes a circular discussion amongst regular posters.




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I will probably get people disagreeing with me, but I have to say it. This debate comes up time and again. I realize that this service is different then many others, however many of the SP's act in a way that doesn't help the way the business is perceived. The way they advertise their services, by offering special prices, or special services, having a pricelist for services, even things like Duos for special rates makes what you are offering into a commodity. Now I don't want to get into discussions of Marx's economic theories, or discuss differentiation or fungibility but those all can apply to the service and the market and would make a very interesting discussion for those who love that stuff.


However, once you are selling a commodity, many people are going to seek out value for money, and some people are going to want to negotiate. Sorry, it is a fact of life. You don't have to lower your prices, you can maintain your level of service for what you believe is appropriate compensation, but you need to be aware that some consumers are going to want to negotiate. The best you can do is politely refuse to negotiate, and if a client persists, end the communication.


Many companies never have sales, never discount their products or services. They set their price and stick with it, knowing that people who really want their service will pay the price. SPs can do the same. You may lose some potential customers, but you have maintained your own standards and values.


Sorry, but that is the way our market economy works, and ranting about it, is not going to change the way some people think. The best you can do is stick to your guns, and if someone gets persistent, rude, annoying, then just end the communication.

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I especially hated this part:


Have you been with these women yourself? If not, I would avoid speaking on what you can get for $80. And know that any reply made to this particular comment WOULD BE directly aimed at me as I do offer a "special" at this price once a month. And for those of you who think I should not offer such specials, that this behavior is what leads to "higher-end" (I had to put that in quotation marks because it's not the term I would have used) SPs being "low-balled" then I simply say to you:

Until a day comes when anyone tells you that you MUST offer specials, do not presume to tell others they cannot/should not. If "special rates" don't work for you, don't offer them, but your own rules are yours to follow. Yours. And please do not again presume what magnitude of service I (or any other ladies) offer... I am kinda taken back and incredibly insulted by your thinking that your rate alone makes you a "better SP" than I (or other SPs).


That was slightly off topic. My apologies.





Sorry sweetheat but I do know a few of those ladies ( not offering specials like yourself and not what I was referring to so you have jumped the gun on attacking me) but more so accepting $80-$100 because the caller intimidates them! This is especially frustrating as they asked for my help to learn the business yet someone can come along and use intimidation tactics like bad reviews, constant pressure or threats to get what they want. This is what I have a problem with.


Personally your rate is none of my business and yes as I apologized before, I should not have listed the specific rate so forgive me on that one. My point is that if an SP is charging let's say X amount for a half hour and is low balled by $40-60, how is that considered acceptable? It is incredibly insulting and don't take this to heart just because you happen to offer a special at this rate listed above. This was merely an example. You are already established as an SP and know what you're doing so if you're charging that amount and getting good results, more power to you. I never claimed to be better than anyone else.


There are plenty of women out there on those classified sites who advertise certain appealing dollar figures and promise everything and the client gets there and the service isn't as promised or worse. And yes I do have plenty customers who have come to me telling me that thought they they were getting a good deal and realized they didn't. They truly realized that they got the experience that they paid for .

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