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Do you think negotiating rates is ok?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think negotiating rates is ok?

    • Yes, it is fine to negotiate a sp's rate (even if they do not advertise rates being negotiable)
    • No, it is unacceptable to negotiate a sp's rate (unless she advertises as negotiable)
    • Still on the fence.

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Funny thing is, the ladies who have posted and seem strongly against negotiation. I'd actually love to hear from some ladies who actually support negotiation.

And I may be wrong but other ladies would respect that because as is phrased one ladies business model may not work for another lady

But for you saying ladies welcome negotiation, well I take that with a lot of skepticism. If some ladies post and say they welcome it, that's another story.



Go back and read my previous post on how some (many) providers make this service into a commodity. You can look at this through "rose coloured" glasses all you want, you can claim it is such a different service that normal market forces and practices don't apply, but the minute the people providing the service turn it into a commodity that argument goes out the window.


For example how many providers have a disclaimer like this on their site: "This website and the information contained therein do not in any way imply sexual services. Money exchanged is for companionship only and anything beyond that is a choice made between two consenting adults." Yeah, really nice and idealistic. Then you go into the website and you see services described, Greek for $20 extra, BBBJ pay $30 more, no watersports etc etc, then it becomes clear that despite the nice "companionship only" disclaimer, what is being sold is sexual services. As much as many would like to think otherwise, that is the truth.


And then there are the "half hour specials", Canada Day specials, two for ones, not a clock watcher etc. etc. The only thing missing is the flashing blue light and the "Attention K-Mart shoppers" announcement on the PA. (sorry for the dated reference but I am sure some will get it)


So the SP has a choice. They can advertise "no negotiating", or they can say it when they communicate, and if the potential client tries to negotiate then you politely end the conversation and put them on the "do no see" list. The problem is again, is that some will not do that. They will argue, try and get the customer to see the error of his ways etc. Why? Because they don't want to lose the business. For lack of a better term, they want to "make the sale". And you know what, both the potential client and the provider are just doing what is human nature. There is nothing wrong with it, just a fact of life and of doing business.

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Just to add, a little remark. Some ladies that may have a web site, may not have longer appointments (3-4 hours) remarked in their information for rates. When I ask about the longer rates I might get back "I never have been asked for a longer appointment,does $$$ sound okay? "


So in my mind there is a part of a negotiation happening, and those that don't have a web site, may only advertise the 1 or 2 hour rate, and the gent has to ask that question, that is a start of a discussion and negotiation, not that I ever had try and wiggle her rates off what she wants to charge, but it has open the floor for discussion.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

This makes perfect sense as there is some deviation beyond the norm. She still sets the rate and I can take it or leave it. Your point has merit though.


Just to add, a little remark. Some ladies that may have a web site, may not have longer appointments (3-4 hours) remarked in their information for rates. When I ask about the longer rates I might get back "I never have been asked for a longer appointment,does $$$ sound okay? "


So in my mind there is a part of a negotiation happening, and those that don't have a web site, may only advertise the 1 or 2 hour rate, and the gent has to ask that question, that is a start of a discussion and negotiation, not that I ever had try and wiggle her rates off what she wants to charge, but it has open the floor for discussion.

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@OttawaBoogieman: You wrote :"This makes perfect sense as there is some deviation beyond the norm"


This is what I have been arguing all along.

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yes but leave it up to a lady to set her lower price if she WANTS to (eg. longer dates, or her end of the month special etc.) but dont ASK for a lower rate.


I'm not sure why we're still debating this?....I'm out as well

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@Emily Rushton: you wrote:" I never altered my rate and it was never a problem, so don't go telling these girls that they should change their donation to reflect the lower economic standing in a city, that is complete bullshit."


First, no insults. Second, where did I write about "lower economic standing in a city"? Third, you clearly misunderstood my point - when I specifically ask a lady to drop all she is doing and come see me in Kingston from another city, negotiating is unavoidable.


Additional Comments:

It appears that the word "negotiate" elicits feelings of horror in some people. Negotiate need not be a "dirty" word. Let us consult Merriam-Webster for its definition:


Definition of NEGOTIATE

intransitive verb

: to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter

transitive verb

: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Examples of NEGOTIATE

1. The customer wanted to negotiate over the price.

2. We negotiated a fair price.


I have chosen those definitions and examples that are pertinent to our debate. Now, is there an inherent negativity residing in any of the definitions and examples given above?

I must emphasise that I am talking of a situation where a lady in a city different from mine packs a certain anatomical feature that attracts me so powerfully that I can hardly contain myself(lol). I therefore respectfully ask her to drop everything she is doing and come see me in Kingston. Under such a condition, negotiating( in a TRUE sense of the word) is unavoidable.



I agree, the word negotiate need not be a dirty word, but by using a sensitive perspective with regards to what ladies have to tolerate in an industry meant to provide pleasure and caring anyone with an ounce of empathy would understand why the word would make one cringe.


I think the statement "to negotiate" elicits feelings of horror in some working girls imaginations is, perhaps, because to negotiate is somewhat easily comparable to patronizing the common 'streetwalker' wherein negotiation can mean the difference between eating or not; being beaten or not. I am certain that most females who work independently or through an agency, like myself, think of themselves as a different breed with different working conditions and expect to be treated as such.

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I have gone thru all of the responses. I have calculated each persons input, and put them to a spreadsheet. I only counted each persons response once to avoid double entries. Here is what I have found.


Total number of responses 54

Providers responses 25

Hobbyists responses 29


Providers saying no to this 23

Providers saying yes to this 2


Hobbyists saying no to this 24

Hobbyists saying yes to this 5


Total saying No to this 47

Total saying yes to this 7


So, if my math is correct (and I will be the first to admit if I am wrong).


Total % of Providers saying no 92%

Total % of Providers saying yes 8%


Total % of Hobbyists saying no 83%

Total % of Hobbyists saying yes 13%


Total of all respondents saying no 87%

Total of all respondents saying yes 13%


So, keep debating this one. This is an issue that unless you are the one providing the service, you will never truly understand. We can try to help you to understand, but if you choose to stop listening, and only do the talking, and trying to convince others why your answer is correct and the majority clearly state it is not correct, you will continue chasing your own tail.


By the way, to the one who is sending out the following email to several providers, cute:


Hey sexy, love your pics. What does $20 get me?

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@meaghanmcleod : You wrote :...... and trying to convince others why your answer is correct and the majority clearly state it is not correct, you will continue chasing your own tail."


I wouldn't put much faith in the results you have presented on account of sample size and mode of data collection. My guess is that 54 is too small a number ( compared to total number of CERRBites and even of more significance, the responses are not secret. Some, both SPs and hobbyists, give the politically correct comments because this is an open forum.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

As I said she still sets the rate though which I can take or leave. I'm not about to counter-offer. I'm gone!



@OttawaBoogieman: You wrote :"This makes perfect sense as there is some deviation beyond the norm"


This is what I have been arguing all along.

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@meaghanmcleod : You wrote :...... and trying to convince others why your answer is correct and the majority clearly state it is not correct, you will continue chasing your own tail."


I wouldn't put much faith in the results you have presented on account of sample size and mode of data collection. My guess is that 54 is too small a number ( compared to total number of CERRBites and even of more significance, the responses are not secret. Some, both SPs and hobbyists, give the politically correct comments because this is an open forum.


Pretty presumptuous of you to chalk up the responses given as given because it is a open forum and respondents giving politically correct responses

Politically correct has nothing to do with my responses at all, I suspect for most it has no bearing. But now that you mention it, maybe by suggesting it, it is a way for others to rationalize their viewpoint, by reducing other viewpoints to just being politically correct and nothing



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@roamingguy : You wrote :"Pretty presumptuous of you to chalk up the responses given as given because it is a open forum and respondents giving politically correct responses"


Please don't take this personally. I was speaking ( or precisely) writing with lessons from Statistics 101 in mind. Thus though her conclusions are valid, they may not be accurate or correct.

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But then again, they are as accurate as most polls...only those who participate truly have a voice in said poll and therefor we can never truly know how the majority feels. I do, however, agree with your comment.

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@megforfun: You wrote: ...."only those who participate truly have a voice in said poll and therefor we can never truly know how the majority feels"


You do have a point. We seldom know the real truth about any affair through polling. We can only approximate it and this is why statisticians use highly rigorous methods - the more rigorous the method, the closer the truth is approximated.

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All Meaghan did was quantify the results of the posts on this thread, she didn't conduct a scientific study on negotiating nor claim to conduct a scientific study on negotiating


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Thank you soooo much cyclo. I apologize to all for using the wrong terminology and am quite happy that most of you understood me even if I were not eloquent enough to get my point across as completely as cyclo!


Over and out with smiles on my face!

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Thank you soooo much cyclo. I apologize to all for using the wrong terminology and am quite happy that most of you understood me even if I were not eloquent enough to get my point across as completely as cyclo!


Over and out with smiles on my face!


I understood what you meant Meg. I thought now might be a good time to introduce the terminology since so many examples of each had been presented in the thread. Plus, since this thread was raging like a brush fire it took me a while to get up to speed and organize my thoughts.


Have a nice weekend!

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Thank you Cyclo. Again, you have taken all the issues everyone is trying to convey, and clearly and articulated this into a reply that I am really hoping gets those to understand what I have been trying to convey.


You are a true gem. Thanks! xoxo

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@Cyclo : you wrote: ....."there doesn't SEEM to be much room for an sp to negotiate the quality and quantity of service while maintaining their service standards and hourly fee" (caps mine)


So, do I take it that when the negotiations involve "lowly' parties, it is haggling but when it involves big-suited guys and girls with millions of dollars at stake, then they are true negotiations. I am not convinced in the least. Negotiating is negotiating is negotiating no matter the social status of those involved. Second, how do you know that value can't be created for both parties in an an escort-client negotiation. Remember, I stressed OPTIMUM in my earlier post.


Additional Comments:

@roamingguy: You wrote: ......"she didn't conduct a scientific study on negotiating nor claim to conduct a scientific study on negotiating"


Exactly, and this is why I wrote that I wouldn't put faith in her conclusions.

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@Cyclo : you wrote: ....."there doesn't SEEM to be much room for an sp to negotiate the quality and quantity of service while maintaining their service standards and hourly fee" (caps mine)


So, do I take it that when the negotiations involve "lowly' parties, it is haggling but when it involves big-suited guys and girls with millions of dollars at stake, then they are true negotiations. I am not convinced in the least. Negotiating is negotiating is negotiating no matter the social status of those involved.


Hi Lipualipua. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.


I didn't say or imply anything about social or economic status in my post. Please don't read that into what I said. I'm very aware that service providers and clients represent a range of social and economic backgrounds.


I used the word "seem" because in general I'm reluctant to make definitive statements about most topics until I've learned more. My comments were based upon my experience and expertise as a negotiator and trying to transfer that to this industry. I don't pretend to understand all the nuances of this industry.


To reassure you, I'm not saying it's the amount of money involved that qualifies a discussion as a negotiation. Quite the opposite. I'm saying that regardless of the amount of money at stake, all negotiations have similar qualities. Many important negotiations in life don't even involve money.


Have a nice weekend.

Edited by cyclo

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@Annessa : sure the song is going on and on and I invite more people to join in for after all the more the merrier or in this case, the more we will all become acquainted with other's views; which can never be a bad thing. Regards.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

Just shoot me and put me out of my misery Annessa!! LOL Perfect. Just perfect.


:) hehe


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I have gone thru all of the responses. I have calculated each persons input, and put them to a spreadsheet. I only counted each persons response once to avoid double entries. Here is what I have found.


Total number of responses 54

Providers responses 25

Hobbyists responses 29


Providers saying no to this 23

Providers saying yes to this 2


Hobbyists saying no to this 24

Hobbyists saying yes to this 5


Total saying No to this 47

Total saying yes to this 7


So, if my math is correct (and I will be the first to admit if I am wrong).


Total % of Providers saying no 92%

Total % of Providers saying yes 8%


Total % of Hobbyists saying no 83%

Total % of Hobbyists saying yes 13%


Total of all respondents saying no 87%

Total of all respondents saying yes 13%


So, keep debating this one. This is an issue that unless you are the one providing the service, you will never truly understand. We can try to help you to understand, but if you choose to stop listening, and only do the talking, and trying to convince others why your answer is correct and the majority clearly state it is not correct, you will continue chasing your own tail.


By the way, to the one who is sending out the following email to several providers, cute:


Hey sexy, love your pics. What does $20 get me?


Those numbers seem to be getting better and better as we go on. It started off like 20 to 0. The more we talk about it and the more we discuss the more those numbers are going to swing.

People who hate negotiating are going to be louder and more vocal.

People who think its ok to negotiate are more likely to be secretive and quiet

about it.

I almost didn't post myself.

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