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Do you think negotiating rates is ok?  

144 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think negotiating rates is ok?

    • Yes, it is fine to negotiate a sp's rate (even if they do not advertise rates being negotiable)
    • No, it is unacceptable to negotiate a sp's rate (unless she advertises as negotiable)
    • Still on the fence.

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This has been an interesting read. I was thinking Perhaps it simply works both ways .... many hobbyists go into each experience knowing full well and with their eyes wide open that in terms of the experience, Y.M.M.V. ..... but your donation will not!


Personally I'd consider it just odd to try and negotiate for a lower rate/price .... and I can appreciate the frustration of a sp who must constantly field this question.


In terms of if or not negotiating is disrespectful .... in some cases I remain dubious -- but I'd never do it myself.


I've been a hobbyist for a number of years and I realize fully that I'm paying for a service .... I'm in search of an experience. While I have zero experience on the sp side of the equation I do have experience from the POV of the customer.


Negotiation in the form of add ons or up selling after the fact, early departure etc is not exactly rare and certainly not non-existant .... and while there may be many sp's reading this that this type of thing does not apply to ... it happens.


Add to that the fact that "customers" and "providers" generally find each other initially (these days) via an internet search. I'm confident everyone would agree that the advertisements vary greatly in detail / accuracy / quality etc .... It's not uncommon to see a listing that says "weekend specials" or "Early Bird Specials" or even on here "x Discount for cerb members" along with any number of assertions designed to make the listing stick out from the rest and hopefully generate interest from new clients (I'm assuming "negotiation" isn't an issue with regular clients generally becaus if it was they wouldn't be regular clients). None of this is all that remarkable ....however when hobbyists raise negative issues they've encountered it is often recommended that they / we should look for more reputable service providers like many of the terrific sp's on CERB and avoid taking our chances on BP, CL whatever. While I do not dispute that this is likely good advice ..... I'd expect that service providers would also experience considerably less annoying/disrespectful requests, no shows etc if they booked and interacted exclusively via PM on CERB ...-- That's however likely very unrealistic as it leaves out a large population of potential customers, among which are included individuals that are going to want to haggle on price YMMV.

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