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Do you think negotiating rates is ok?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think negotiating rates is ok?

    • Yes, it is fine to negotiate a sp's rate (even if they do not advertise rates being negotiable)
    • No, it is unacceptable to negotiate a sp's rate (unless she advertises as negotiable)
    • Still on the fence.

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Personally, I don't negotiate on rates. I once had a reg that moved away but would visit once in a while. Had an unexpected bill pop up during one of her visit to town so couldn't afford her rate at that specific time. She offered me a reduce rate since I had seen her many times but I didn't accept it as I felt if I was to see her I would pay her normal rate.


However just saw this in shout: "Available tonight, prices negotiable." Hard to blame ppl for wanting to negotiate!



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Really, think about it for a moment. If you haggle with someone and pay less for their services, do you honestly imagine that you're getting the same service as you'd have got if you'd paid their asking price?


Yes. As someone who provides a service, in my early days when I did allow for a bit of negotiation with my prices, I treated them with as much respect and dedication as I would any other full paying client. It was my reputation on the line. But that's beside the point.


I don't haggle or negotiate with SPs or MAs because it's not worth my time, or effort to save $20. And because if I'm being brutally honest, if her prices are too high, she'll find out herself (Gotta love capitalism). I think negotiation on a price if you're looking for sex is crass, cheap and just overall douchey.


But at the same time, as much as this service is categorized as luxury, I'm a bit appalled with some of the rants on this thread. I understand when other threads open up because of safety issues, or matters pertaining to health and hygiene, but as this is a matter of money I don't think the issues compare. Getting negotiated on is always a downer, for a massive number of reasons, but I would never dare go on a wedding forum for brides and grooms to be to rant about prospective customers about the practice. Negotiation has given me the single best tool to weed out good clients and the bad.

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Personally, I don't negotiate on rates. I once had a reg that moved away but would visit once in a while. Had an unexpected bill pop up during one of her visit to town so couldn't afford her rate at that specific time. She offered me a reduce rate since I had seen her many times but I didn't accept it as I felt if I was to see her I would pay her normal rate.


However just saw this in shout: "Available tonight, prices negotiable." Hard to blame ppl for wanting to negotiate!




It might not be the best thing to do but the gentleman has a right to do so. I don't think anyone here has the right to unilaterally set the guidelines for a multi million dollar industry in a totalitarian manner. It might not be for me and you but if someone wants to politely negotiate he is not a bumbling fool that doesn't know any better that needs to be educated on the matter.

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Guest fi****ek

Some gentlemen negotiate not because they think less of the SP but rather because they like her and are trying to make every effort to spend time with her. Out of all the adds he saw something in your smile or eyes or found something witty in your add that drew him to you above everyone else. Maybe offering less has nothing to do with the SP but rather a reflection of his own finances so the SP shouldn't feel insecure or be sensitive to this.



This is hands down, one of the lamest things I've read, not to mention dishonest and self-serving. If you don't have the bread, then you shouldn't be in the game, end of story. Your impoverished state is your problem, not hers.


But, let's take it one step further. Lots of people I know cry poverty, but they're loaded. They're just cheap. You're talking about a situation that an sp couldn't possibly verify as being true. So, why even bring it up as a possible scenario?


Reasons not to deal with a negotiator? Plenty, if he doesn't respect your rates, what makes you think he'll respect your time or your restrictions. You think these guys operate in solo, forget about it, they're like wolf packs. The intel posted on a public escort review board is the tip of the iceberg, there's a ton of info that gets passed via the pm system. You cut rates, its not one guy who knows it, its going to be dozens. They'll be crawling out of the woodwork, and once your reputation gets trashed, good luck rebuilding it.

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This is hands down, one of the lamest things I've read, not to mention dishonest and self-serving. If you don't have the bread, then you shouldn't be in the game, end of story. Your impoverished state is your problem, not hers.


But, let's take it one step further. Lots of people I know cry poverty, but they're loaded. They're just cheap. You're talking about a situation that an sp couldn't possibly verify as being true. So, why even bring it up as a possible scenario?


Reasons not to deal with a negotiator? Plenty, if he doesn't respect your rates, what makes you think he'll respect your time or your restrictions. You think these guys operate in solo, forget about it, they're like wolf packs. The intel posted on a public escort review board is the tip of the iceberg, there's a ton of info that gets passed via the pm system. You cut rates, its not one guy who knows it, its going to be dozens. They'll be crawling out of the woodwork, and once your reputation gets trashed, good luck rebuilding it.


I agree with a lot that you wrote. Do you know what a straw man argument is? I never said that a lady should negotiate. Her word is final and should always be respected. I believe the gentleman has the right to ask without shame and I believe the lady has the right to not negotiate without shame.


Additional Comments:

NEGOTIATING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE were the first words written in this thread yet as lone skater already pointed out there is an add right now in the shout box saying the exact opposite. lol

Edited by craig101

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...but you nevertheless seem to be putting a lot of effort into convincing them that they should be more open to the idea.


That's just an observation, of course. Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions.




But does she have the right to judge him for having asked? I think that's the issue where we disagree here; you seem to be advocating consequence-free haggling, and the ladies (and others) are telling you that this doesn't happen.


When all's said and done, this really isn't my problem. The SPs here are well-used to dealing with this, entirely capable of deciding what standards of behaviour and mutual respect they expect from a "gentleman", and equally capable of deciding what sanctions to impose on any prospective clients who fall short of those standards. If someone decides they'd like to try haggling and doesn't get to see the SP they wanted to see as a result, it's no skin off my nose. Or hers, for that matter.


Let me be clearer of what I'm saying. I am not trying to get anyone to be more open to the idea. I just don't think the gentleman is foolish or stupid for asking. Both have the the freedom to do what they want as long as its done respectfully. There is no rule or moral code or whatever you call it that is being broken when someone asks. I also agree that it may not be in the gentleman best interest to negotiate but it is his right non the less and shouldn't be ridiculed for it as some low life that doesn't know better.

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Actually, dear one, what we're discussing here is the fact that there really is a rule or moral code that is being broken when someone attempts to negotiate our fees. You may think this is silly or trivial, but we don't. The consequence for most men will be that they're not going to be able to see the lady whose rates they've attempted to challenge. A man may have the right, in terms of the free speech right, to launch a challenge, but he will also have to accept the probable outcome. We, on the other hand, are under no obligation whatever to accept his challenge as appropriate, reasonable or something we should consider accepting, nor are we under any obligation to see someone who has tried this.


You see, for most of us, attempting to negotiate our rates is a violation of boundaries and, once someone starts that kind of thing, we know that there's potentially no end in sight. The next thing we know, he'll be trying to pressure for services we don't provide, or to forget using the condom for some things or even all things. He may decide he's entitled to run overtime significantly. Or he may consider that, having our address, he's should be allowed to drop by, unannounced, as "friends" often do. He might see these things as reasonable. Most of us see them as the thin edge of a very wide and potentially dangerous wedge.


I agree you are under no obligation to do anything and I completely understand why an SP would not negotiate. However you don't speak for everyone and the ladies of cerb don't speak as one voice. Everybody runs their business differently as they see fit. There is no consistency with the women on this so no one can blame anyone for asking. Even now as we speak there is an add in the shout box that says rates are negotiable proof that not everyone here is on the same page.

I have no agenda here. I don't really care either way. If the thread was " The ladies should always be willing to negotiate" I would be against that as well.

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Guest ***nno**n***
I agree you are under no obligation to do anything and I completely understand why an SP would not negotiate. However you don't speak for everyone and the ladies of cerb don't speak as one voice. Everybody runs their business differently as they see fit. There is no consistency with the women on this so no one can blame anyone for asking. Even now as we speak there is an add in the shout box that says rates are negotiable proof that not everyone here is on the same page.

I have no agenda here. I don't really care either way. If the thread was " The ladies should always be willing to negotiate" I would be against that as well.


If nothing else maybe it will help those to find out who will and who won't negotiate.

I don't mind being asked "Is your rate negotiable"? I do mind being asked "will you take 50 bucks for....."


Like you said there is a respectful way to ask but once you have your answer be aware that it may impact the ladies decision to see you.

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However you don't speak for everyone and the ladies of cerb don't speak as one voice. Everybody runs their business differently as they see fit. There is no consistency with the women on this so no one can blame anyone for asking. Even now as we speak there is an add in the shout box that says rates are negotiable proof that not everyone here is on the same page..


This isn't directed at you Craig101 but in the above quote you mention why is there no consistency? Because everything in this industry has gone to shit. When I first started in this business, it was rare that guys tried to negotiate. Many SPs were in line and on par with their rates and there was no problem in receiving them because they set their rates to what the market could bear and being realistic. Yes, the economy was a lot better but that's beside the point.


Now with all these classified sites, everything has run amok and gone the opposite direction. I do blame them because those sites are geared toward the mainstream public and women think they can get into this business with just having a cell phone, a lap top and throw some ad up. Seems as though gone are the days where being a companion and all its effort is just a "suck and fuck and get lost" to some for lack of better words. "No restrictions", etc, etc. I do wish there were some sort of set standards as there are in other professions. Still, there are ladies out there who take the time and effort and not just grab whatever cash they can get. That speaks volumes!


I cannot stand those classified sites and stayed off of them for the last 4 months. I don't judge those for using them as I've used them myself and gotten a few good customers but I have found that I have to psych myself up to put an ad on there to deal with some of these people. Sometimes my hands were tied and had to advertise there to build up new customers. Here, I don't have that problem. This just makes me want to go start my own niche advertising site for myself and my SP friends where these classified type ads wouldn't exist.

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I think one comment back in the thread somewhere was comparison to McDonalds. Well, if i go to McD's I can't negotiate. I can order something off the menu and pay what the total is, and if I don't pay that total, I won't get everything I ordered, simple as that. And if I want more items, they will charge me for those items in addition.


So not sure sometimes how some things get added into the comparison when they aren't comparable at all.



One thing that does come to mind tho is why do these guys think sps post rates and/or tell them rates when they call? As an opening to negotiation, or because that is what we are charging for the services they are requesting?


I am not sure what guys who don't negotiate think we are hearing, but most of the time it isn't 'can you take 20 off just today, for your half hour rate (or massage rate)?"


It is much more likely to be: Can I get an hour for 120, FS with GFE, even tho 120 is what you tell him is your half hour FS rate. It is "I only have 50 (or 60) what can I get for that, (or I want a half hour FS for that)" even after you just finished telling him your (nonFS) lowest rate is 100.


It is getting a call from someone who has been before, and the last visit they were short 20 so you agreed to see them anyway, now calls you up (everytime, not just once) asking for yet another 20 off the discounted rate, or they won't make the appointment.


It is the guys who think they are negotiating, but when asked "what are you giving up in order for me to reduce by that 20 bucks", they don't plan to take any item off the menu, or even offer to stay for less time.


This is not a negotiation, it is a hostage situation. Agree, or I won't make an appointment, and as others point out, this can be an intimidation tactic against newer sps (or even sps certain guys think are new because they don't usually advertise on a specific site).



Bottom line, if we wanted to charge less for our time and services, we would be charging that lower amount. You won't have to ask. If we want to put on a one day sale with reduced rates, you will see them at that time, you don't have to ask. If we tell you specific rates for specific things, as I've told many callers, the rates either work for you or they don't. It isn't my responsiblity to provide at rates that do work for you. If you want to come to see me, and I gather you do because you phoned me, then pay the rate.



I've also in the past said if 20 bucks means that much to you, best keep the whole thing and not come and see me. Because 20 bucks also means a lot to me.

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Guest webothscore

Actually, to even further FortunateOne's good points, I am wondering how some clients even put gfe and money in the same sentence? What an anti-boner that would be for me. Heck, I know I never talked about "giving roses" to my past girlfriends for sex hahahaah There are tons of people I would like to see, but cannot buy that many roses, so I stick to ones I can see. That should really be the way to go, but like I mentioned in a thread I started yesterday, some people will always try.

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I agree you are under no obligation to do anything and I completely understand why an SP would not negotiate. However you don't speak for everyone and the ladies of cerb don't speak as one voice. Everybody runs their business differently as they see fit. There is no consistency with the women on this so no one can blame anyone for asking. Even now as we speak there is an add in the shout box that says rates are negotiable proof that not everyone here is on the same page.

I have no agenda here. I don't really care either way. If the thread was " The ladies should always be willing to negotiate" I would be against that as well.


There was indeed a member who advertised rates negotiable, a cerbie for a week roughly and also at the same time triple posted in the shoutbox.


Craig.....let's go with the likelihood that there is 99% consistency on this topic amongst the ladies and let us all respect the ladies for the work they do and the amazing times they offer us fellas to experience. No strings attached good times at a non-negotiable price. Well worth it in my experience.




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At times, a client may have such an intense desire to see a particular lady living in a different city that he cannot wait for the lady to tour his city, if the lady would do so at all. I live in Kingston and have on occasion been seized with intense desire (lol) to see a few ladies living in Ottawa. I have asked them to suggest a donation as they would be cancelling appointments they may have in Ottawa and travel to Kingston to see me.


Fortunately for me ( and to the ladies' credit) they have each suggested donations that I found reasonable given the circumstances. Now, suppose a lady suggested a donation that I found too high, I think it wouldn't be in poor taste to negotiate as the encounter we are contemplating having is not the ordinary type ( client, escort in same city).


Buttressing this viewpoint is that ladies do not normally have a schedule of donations for such encounters - something understandable as such "invitation- to- travel" encounters will each have its own circumstances.

Edited by lipualipua

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There was indeed a member who advertised rates negotiable, a cerbie for a week roughly and also at the same time triple posted in the shoutbox.


Craig.....let's go with the likelihood that there is 99% consistency on this topic amongst the ladies and let us all respect the ladies for the work they do and the amazing times they offer us fellas to experience. No strings attached good times at a non-negotiable price. Well worth it in my experience.





Agreed with everything you said except for the 99% comment.

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Negotiating is a part of life when dealing with independent contractors. There are a lot of times that we can not negotiate prices in life, such as McDonald's, the grocery store, buying clothes at a department store etc...

But when dealing with electricians, roofers, mechanics, and other independent workers, negotiating is part of life.

I am in a line of work where I constantly negotiate prices with my customers, and when done properly, politely and respectfully, I have no problem with it.


I don't see why a lady here would be offended by someone attempting to negotiate a price if it is done respectfully.


What is wrong with me saying "I have $140. Can we work something out for that price?" or "I know you list $150hh but is there any way you can see me for $120hh?"


There is nothing rude about that, and if the lady says no, then that's it, end of story.


The last time I went to the mechanic I told them "I know there are several things that need fixing, and I know the total costs, but I only have $600 to spend this week, so what can you do for me?" And we worked out a deal...


Anyways, if a guy asks properly about prices and negotiating, I don't see why anyone should be offended.

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Take a read of some of the ladies' websites, it clearly states negotiating or asking for a reduced rate is considered insulting and will result in your email not being replied to, or words to that effect.

Perhaps reading the etiquette or Q&A section of many ladies' websites would make the negotiators realize how inappropriate and disrespectful negotiating is. Even if that doesn't spell it out clear enough for anyone wanting to negotiate, read this thread from start to finish including comments/thanks...how many ladies do you see posting saying "yes negotiate with me", and how many are saying don't negotiate, it's insulting etc

And if a lady has a choice between seeing a client who is negotiating her rate down, and one who will respect her by paying her rate in full, who do you think she will see

This lifestyle is a wonderful lifestyle, which is supposed to be mutually beneficial and mutual respect. But it is a luxury, not an entitlement. If you can't afford to see a lady, then don't, but don't insult her by trying to nickel and dime her rate down. Let her deal with serious enquiries from gentlemen who want to see her and will happily pay her donation at her stated rate


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You are right, all the ladies commenting in this thread are against negotiating... But did you really think the ladies that do negotiate would come out and say that? Be realistic.


The fact is, many girls negotiate and have no problem doing so.


Many girls don't negotiate.


I respect both.

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Guest **l****uz

I have visited with ladies with a rate structure from 200 per hour to 500 per hour and I can unequivocally say that rate is in NO WAY a reflection on quality. It is purely a business decision that the lady has made that works for her and her life situation.


Bottom line, if you've got $250 don't go looking for a $300 lady.


This is so exact and true to the point, you don't even know!

Thank you for this!

I wish I could quote it to every potential client that tries to low ball my already reduced rates!

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Attempting to justify why a guy would think attempting to negotiate is acceptable? Best read my post again! Perhaps you might be on the wrong board. Thinking an argument in favor of negotiation is going to fly on CERB? Be realistic.


We're about respect here!


You are right, all the ladies commenting in this thread are against negotiating... But did you really think the ladies that do negotiate would come out and say that? Be realistic.


The fact is, many girls negotiate and have no problem doing so.


Many girls don't negotiate.


I respect both.

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So, here is an example of someone who decided to listen to the minority on this discussion. He is a new member and thought, well, if they say its ok to negotiate, then I will.


So, he contacted me a couple of weeks ago - very respectful and asked me my rates. He asked if he could see me for $50 less then my rate, and I politely told him I do not negotiate. He said, ok, I will contact you when I have the money.


He then contacted another provider who is well reviewed. He asked her "can I see you for $50 less". She agreed. His experience is as follows:


He really wanted a bbbj - he got a cbj. He wanted MSOG, he got SSOG. His total time from the time he left his car to the time he got back in his car was a total of 12 minutes. No kissing, no daty, she wore a basic outfit instead of the sexy outfit she usually wears.


So, he went away disappointed. Yes, he got off, but he felt like he had received less then he hoped for.


So, this is how she dealt with a negotiator. She gave less service then she normally does, and did this because he paid less then her rate.


He came to see me, paid my rate in full, plus gave me a $100 tip for the great service I gave him. He got everything he wanted and left with the biggest smile on his face.


I talked with her about this, and her response was "if they think they can get the same service as someone who pays my full rates, they have another thing coming - I don't have time for these negotiators, and this is the only way they will learn".


I was glad she handled it this way, because this hobbyist will probably think twice before trying to negotiate with someone in the future.


If you are thinking of listening to the fools that feel it is ok to negotiate, remember this, you will not get the same service as someone who pays the full rate - bottom line, there is not ONE provider out there that enjoys negotiators. They may agree to the reduced rate, but you will never get the same service as the one who pays her asking rate.


Please stop trying to justify that it is ok to negotiate - you are just digging a bigger hole. Plus you are showing us your true colors. If you think that those that have not replied have not seen your idiotic justifications as to why you can, you are on the permanent do not book list. We all have one - are you on that list?


To the gents that have come out and clearly shown that it is not ok to negotiate, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Just because we offer specials from time to time, it does not mean you can further reduce our rates. If you can't afford her, or have that mentality of "I want to get the lowest rate possible", please leave those of us alone and move on.

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