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If you could control evolution...

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Hi all, I've a fun little question for everyone:


If you could control evolution to add, change, or remove any human trait or ability, what would it be?


Feel free to be as imaginative as you like, this is meant in good fun not serious science. Here's a couple of mine to start off with:


1) People would lose the ability to make "duckface" when a camera is pointed at them.


2) Testicles would naturally be unshaven, smell like lavender, and to the female tongue have a hint of chocolate flavour.

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People would come with built in stupid detectors. Every time someone opened their mouth to say something or were about to act on an idea they thought was brilliant but was actually an exercise in epic idiocy, a buzzer would sound or they'd get some sort of internal jolt, alerting them to their foolishness. Such an evolutionary advantage could have spared us the horrors known as Jar Jar Binks, the Spice Girls and the George W. Bush years, although it may have killed the stand up comic.

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Guest realnicehat

1) Morning breath would smell like freshly baked muffins


2) Women would come with a thought bubble that would explain to men what they want.


3) Men would come with a thought bubble that simply says "I'm sorry".


4) Insomnia cured by a simple "sleep" button one controls by closing their eyes and saying "ok, sleepy time, bye-bye".


5) Human waste is now a "new car smell" scented vapour that is expelled once daily in your parked car. The feeling is orgasmic and the car converts the vapour in to fuel.

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Guest webothscore

Cool question Brad. Imagine for a moment that we could all consume whatever we wanted, all day long, and stay at an ideal weight. As an added bonus, your body would never ever have to go to the bathroom, no snot out of your nose, in fact, the only thing that would ever come out of any of us would be cum. Think about how awesome that would be. Ahhhhh, even the lottery could not provide that. That's my crazy thought for the day.

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Well, if we were flexible like some four legged mammals, that would make life easier. Just think what life would be like if you could lick your balls, or go even further and suck your own dick? This would of couse work for the ladies too(no dick tho)! I know it may sound a bit sick, but would it sound that way if we could all do that? I think not!!

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Guest A*ro**n

Cum has the same properties as Pantene Pro V and the whole "Cum in the hair" is a non issue. Voila!


Wait, that would make CIM a very bubbly experience. Nix that idea.


Who are we to play god anyway?

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