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I apologize for this rant but I got to get it out. I was so upset and yet, I couldn't say anything without revelling my secret.

I was driving with a full vehicle filled with my wife and in-laws. I'm not sure how the topic or conversation began but my wife said to her brother that he needed to get laid since he hadn't had sex in over a year and a half. Which I found hypocritical by her since she hasn't touched me in almost a year. Whatever I kept my mouth shut not to cause an argument. Then someone mentioned we should go to the strippers, then someone as a joke said will hire him a sp. well this is when the topic changed from how dirty and discussing this woman where. I immediately was offended by this false statement. I'm sorry but they woman who I've seen are way cleaner than his ex girlfriend. He had unprotected sex with his ex girlfriend while she was cheating and still had another boyfriend and the eventually did the same to him. I mean to have two kids both because you couldn't put a condom on what make you think she didn't do the same with the other boyfriends? Then to say he doesn't want pussy that everyone else had. Well by this point I was fuming because I couldn't say a word without looking to suspicious. Then someone mentioned std, so I though here my chance to ease the subject. This is where I said that is what condoms are for. It didn't help much as I was listening to all this negative remarks about some of the most wonderful ladies I've meet. So the only thing I could think if as no one was looking I braced my self and hit the brakes slightly hard swerving at the same time and made up a story of how this animal just darted across the road. I felt so bad not being able to say something.

I would like to apologize to any lady that may of been offended. At the same time I've come to realize that it must really be hard for you lady to hear such bs and rude comments. This must happen frequently and I am truly sorry that people can judge you like this, especially from jerks who don't even know the precaution you girls take and the amount of time and effort you take to be clean for us gentleman. I am sorry all I could do was bite my tongue and couldn't defend you, without drawing to much suspicion to my secret. You woman are strong and please don't let any narrow minded persons get you down.

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Just the fact you posted this here speaks volumes and for me personally, is a way for you to be heard.


Judgements and ignorance run rampant in regards to this industry and people spout off like they know what they're talking about based on their own misconceptions, beliefs and personal bias. This is a fact of life for just about everything; someone has an opinion based in ignorance.


I honestly do not expect anyone in this lifestyle to stand up and shout loud and clear when they have faced with friends/family/SO's who are so biased and judgmental. We all have lives to lead and we have to chose our battles. As long as we are staying true to who we are as we can, that's what's important. There are those who will stand up, those who stand up anonymously, those who try to inform as they can, when they can, where they can. You are in this boat as are most of us. It is difficult when you want to do/say more and are held back by whatever circumstance you are in. It doesn't make us bad people, it just makes us human, living a human experience.


Don't be too hard on yourself in this situation especially after then coming here and apologizing to the ladies. I for one respect your decision not to say anything at the time and consider it the best course of action for you. Do what you can, when you can, continue to gain what you can from being in this lifestyle, be wonderful to the ladies you see and know you are appreciated for seeing and acknowledging the struggles that are out there!

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I have learnt that I can not change the world and control what others do. I can, however, control what I do and what my actions are. Going around and trying to make every little thing better would be extremely exhausting.


I think you handled yourself in a wonderful way. It sucks that we have to suffer in silence but sometimes we just have to choose our battles. Defending escorts would have been very noble of you but would have brought up some questions and would have been a drawn out argument, with people who may not willing and ready to accept escorts for what they are.



I hope this helps.

Take care.


Edited by Guest

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Guest ***nsut***jr

Interesting story and another example of a pet peeve of mine... people valuing their opinions or perceptions over the truth.


Prostitution, escorts and strippers are just an easy target for those that think they are smarter and in this case maybe more morally dignified than the ladies and their clients.

Your wife thinks that not having sex with her spouse for a year is a good healthy lifestyle? That's the equivalent to a mental version of a STD.


The ladies here don't really need defending IMO, they know that they are in a tough business and that the general population has a skewed perception. They also have a good idea of the value they have to their clients and I hope that they feel appreciated enough by our community to shrug off the ignorance of those who prefer to have a negative opinion.


I can just imagine the gusto with which your carload of brainiacs were spewing their wisdom.


Maybe you should have volunteered to be a test subject to prove out their theories? That might of been funny.


Biting your tongue may have been hard but take comfort in that you actually know the truth and are supporting the ladies by actions and not just words.

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One that does suffer in silence, does not educate others about the oldest profession. I have had numerous discussions with co-workers,contractors,friends,family members (bother) about seeking and being with SP's and the argument that what our public does not understand, and probably never will,unless they are educated.


With the legal battle within the government now, some are reading about, some are simply sticking their heads in the sand and really can't be bothered by it.


The old argument that "why would you?" Or "that is disgusting how can you" simply never holds water with myself as when I would rebut with "How could you have unprotected sex,with a lady you picked up at a bar" The argument is debated back and forth and in some cases, some see it my way while others, will never understand.


The first step is those that need to learn is ask them, to read about it,watch some of the great TV documentary productions that show the actual business part of it. Most that have their heads in the sand about it, think of only street walkers and that is what they honestly believe, which is unfortunate.


I understand that you were with family and your SO, and you wanted to avoid the situation, but just goes to show you how many around yourself really don't understand the oldest profession going.


My nickel on the subject.

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