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Those #*@&! Jehovah's Witnesses!!!

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I don't believe it! The doorbell rang about 10 minutes ago. A Jehovah's Witless opened our back gate, strolled into our yard and rang the doorbell -- leaving the gate open so our dogs could get out near a busy intersection!!!


And when my husband brought this to his attention, he didn't even blink -- just launched right into his speel!


This is outrageous. (Not the least of which because he could have come to the front door without putting our dogs at risk.) These people behave with utter rudeness and inconsideration. We have always tried to be polite and tolerant of them, although it's highly unlikely that we're going to hop on the bandwagon to join a religion that requires us to treat our fellow man with a complete lack of regard and respect. We figure surely no true god would think that was a good idea. But we don't tell them to "fuck off!" or insult them. We usually just say, "no thanks, we have our own very private faith."


We try to be polite because we do understand that their religion demands that they actively proselytize. But surely there are less invasive ways for them to do this?


Where is the government to protect us from this public nuisance and threat to our privacy and security on our property?


The government regularly runs sweeps on streetwalkers and johns for being public nuisances.


The government has set up a no-call list for telemarketers, and apparently has enforced the new laws a couple times recently.


Where is their response to this ongoing nuisance to just about all Canadians everywhere? Surely their religious rights don't trump our rights in our own home?


Grrr! I guess we'll take to locking the back gate. We rarely lock our doors -- we're not very materialistic and we've always figured if burglars ever got in, they'd leave us a few bucks out of pity before leaving empty-handed. (Those who've been to my home know what I mean!) But now, we have come to the conclusion that we'll have to lock our gate to protect us from the rudely religious.


What a world!

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Guest s******ecan****

When I have mentioned this before on other websites I usually get a mixed reaction but I am firm in my conviction. When these people come to my door I always reply with the following


"I'm sorry I don't support hate groups"


They always seem rather stunned and its pretty easy close the door at this point.


I say it because its true, this religion holds no respects for the rights of other religions, minorities, and those who don't subscribe to their beliefs.

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I remember years ago, my (now-ex) husband was tired of them ringing our bell every weekend, so one time he greeted them at the door with his shirt yanked up exposing his belly, with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, and answered the door, with a "what the "F***k* do you want?


We never saw them again.

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Christine: They are lucky your dogs are not cross. I'm sure there are a few that have been bitten before for pulling that kind of shit - entering someone's yard uninvited. It's not only rude, but also stupid. Like what if they did get bitten, would it be the dog's fault because they entered their space.


Like you said, they don't really think!


It's times like it would be useful to keep a nice bull around - ole!

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Guest **g*or***


It's times like it would be useful to keep a nice bull around - ole!


+1 :smile:


I like God. It's organized religion I got a problem with....

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Guest gagagaga

you teach people how to treat you...rude, obnoxious behavior is not the may to act if want that behavior to not be directed at you. 2 wrongs...blah blah blah...


and remember...if they are right, the future is bright for everyone anyways.


also...jehova chicks fuck like wild women!!! no other vices leads to excellent focus

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I get the occasional doorbell rung on a sat morning and look out the window to see who it is before answering.. I don't answer unless it's the postman bringing me something I ordered online.

My dad used to be a minister of a different faith and we used to have this one particular couple become friends with him and they would have great biblical discussions. I think they rather enjoyed it because they got to practice their preaching from either side. My memory is a bit fuzzy about it as I was young but I think he may have even had them for dinner a few times.


Oh. and C.. I get in the same snit regarding the inability for us to solicit whenever I'm accosted in the mall by someone trying to sell me something from a kiosk as well as door to door salesman. If they can.. why the heck can't we?


As far as what happened with the dogs.. I would call the local J.W. Church and complain. That's completely irresponsible to trespass like that never mind leave the gate open!

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My dad used to be a minister of a different faith and


A preacher's daughter! THAT I never would have guessed!!


Oh. and C.. I get in the same snit regarding the inability for us to solicit whenever I'm accosted in the mall by someone trying to sell me something from a kiosk as well as door to door salesman. If they can.. why the heck can't we?


Oh no, you misunderstood me. I don't think streetwalkers should be able to solicit. I don't think telemarketers should be able to phone us up and bother us. I don't think spammers should be able to fill our mailboxes with junk. I don't think fax spammers should be able to use our paper and electricity to print their ads so they can make money. I definitely don't think cosmetics sales people should be able to squirt me with smell stuff as I walk by -- ick!


And I also don't think the Witlesses and other door-to-door canvassers should be able to knock on our doors any old time they feel like it.


This is the 21st century. If you're selling something or looking for donations, have some class and advertise in a way that is least invasive and most respectful of your prospective customers. I wish all businesses would advertise as we do -- we have our web sites, and we have ads in the proper sections of proper web sites or printed directories. No one has to be bothered with us UNLESS they want to. Our customers seek us out -- we don't pester them.


I just say no to any sort of advertising or solicitation that finds it necessary to interrupt me and waste my time. I have no problem with print/display advertising (eg. on-site advertising) as long as it's not invasive (like the kind the pops up and blocks what I'm reading). Print/display advertising makes much of the free content we enjoy online possible, and allows me to choose whether or not I wish to look at it. That is respectful.


As far as what happened with the dogs.. I would call the local J.W. Church and complain. That's completely irresponsible to trespass like that never mind leave the gate open!


Tried that. They didn't answer the phone. I think the Witlesses are into 1-way communication. They'd probably think that if they let my dog out and it got run over by a truck, it was part of god's plan.


I used to have a sign on my door at the first place we met. It advised people coming to my door that unless they had an appointment or were delivering a package, they should not ring my doorbell. Never fazed the Witlesses -- nor numerous other canvassers who apparently decided that their causes were so worthy, they didn't need to respect my expressed wishes.


I ended up taking it down, though, because apparently not all couriers and package carriers read so well. A few of them saw the sign, and left!

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Oh. and C.. I get in the same snit regarding the inability for us to solicit whenever I'm accosted in the mall by someone trying to sell me something from a kiosk as well as door to door salesman. If they can.. why the heck can't we?


it`s a good thing you can`t sell door to door, I`d be sooo broke and happy:motion:

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Oh no, you misunderstood me.

No.. I didn't.. I was trying to be tongue in cheek. I don't actually want to go door to door selling my wares.. I kind of figured that was obvious :)

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they used to come in our small cond building every weekend...early in the morning......I I answered the door one day in my birthday suit.....with a full morning wood.......:shock:...the look the two guys gave me when I said please come in....my wife and I are almost done if you care to wait..........no one ever cam to our building again.......

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C: They'd be cringing at the fact you wrote "god" instead of "God" with a capital G.


How about one of the signs that says "Never mind the dog, BEWARE of owner".

Unfortunately I believe you are going to have to lock your gate.

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A preacher's daughter! THAT I never would have guessed!!


I had a preacher's daughter once ..... horniest lil thing I ever did see! We were in our teens and spent the night .... must have gone at it a dozen times at least .... whew!


BTW, an interesting lil side fact I'm sure some of you will find amusing. I used to be a JW and knock on doors many moons ago. Then I found sex!!!! :bddog:

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Guest W***ledi*Time
.... How about one of the signs that says "Never mind the dog, BEWARE of owner" ....


ha ha ... or a sign that says "Never mind your god, beware of resident" ...

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I don't believe it! The doorbell rang about 10 minutes ago. A Jehovah's Witless opened our back gate, strolled into our yard and rang the doorbell -- leaving the gate open so our dogs could get out near a busy intersection!!!


And when my husband brought this to his attention, he didn't even blink -- just launched right into his speel!


This is outrageous. (Not the least of which because he could have come to the front door without putting our dogs at risk.) These people behave with utter rudeness and inconsideration. We have always tried to be polite and tolerant of them, although it's highly unlikely that we're going to hop on the bandwagon to join a religion that requires us to treat our fellow man with a complete lack of regard and respect. We figure surely no true god would think that was a good idea. But we don't tell them to "fuck off!" or insult them. We usually just say, "no thanks, we have our own very private faith."


We try to be polite because we do understand that their religion demands that they actively proselytize. But surely there are less invasive ways for them to do this?


Where is the government to protect us from this public nuisance and threat to our privacy and security on our property?


The government regularly runs sweeps on streetwalkers and johns for being public nuisances.


The government has set up a no-call list for telemarketers, and apparently has enforced the new laws a couple times recently.


Where is their response to this ongoing nuisance to just about all Canadians everywhere? Surely their religious rights don't trump our rights in our own home?


Grrr! I guess we'll take to locking the back gate. We rarely lock our doors -- we're not very materialistic and we've always figured if burglars ever got in, they'd leave us a few bucks out of pity before leaving empty-handed. (Those who've been to my home know what I mean!) But now, we have come to the conclusion that we'll have to lock our gate to protect us from the rudely religious.


What a world!


They used come through our neighborhood every Saturday morning like clockwork. I liken them to rabid dogs. They just don't give up. I made the mistake of telling them once that I wasn't interested in any religion that let their children die from medical problems. This is especially hard for me to understand because I have a child with kidney disease and the thought of praying instead of getting him medical attention is unfathomable to me. For weeks after they would come repeatedly to my house during the week as well, trying to "save me and my son". I eventually just started ignoring the door and peeking out to see who was knocking before I answered. Then we bought a farm and moved to the country. Never thought we'd see another JW again.


However, it appears that they send these people everywhere, (even the middle of nowhere), because damn if not two weeks after we moved in, a new set of them was at the door trying to pass off their "publications" on us. They actually drive miles into the country to "educate the unwashed masses." Unbelievable. They're like a bad smell........they keep coming back. They are IMO, judgmental, intolerant and seriously misguided. Not a value system I want to follow at all. I don't know who said it but there is a saying that holds so true....."Organized religion is for those with no internal moral compass and who require outside assistance". I believe that. I also have a problem with any religion\sect\cult etc.... that requires people to pay a certain portion of their yearly income to the church. That should be voluntary and based on what you can actually afford. Anything else is just greed which I'm pretty sure is the opposite way of the real teachings of Christ.

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