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9000?!? Looks like somebody has too much time on their hands! Only kidding! Your posts are always witty and insightful so here's to another 9000!

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Thank You Everyone for your comments and posts. It is appreciated.

I came to this lifestyle a few years back (2010) a wet behind the ears newbie and a newbie to this board too. But this community amongst other things was a wealth of information and advice and helped educate me to the etiquette if you will about seeing companions. Some of my preconceptions about seeing companions were wrong, and it was this board that helped educate me. But even more so, it is a community of people who have a common interest

From newbie I have (I hope) grown, and chose to give back to this community with what I hope are positive constructive posts (not to mention a few fun ones too, like the music thread). So for those just new to CERB, contribute, make posts, don't be shy. Be part of this community

I definitely have to thank Mod and Town Council for making this the positive community it is. So to them Thank You

And finally, a Thank You to Tracie for noticing and posting this thread, Thank You Tracie

And now back to our regular programming LOL


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Geez I missed this ! Congrats my fisherman friend !!!


You are awesome and we all are lucky to have you hangin your hat around here and sharing your thoughts with us !!! Look forward to many more posts.

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Wow! Congrats Roamingguy for reaching 9000 posts! You're an invaluable member to Cerb and I have always appreciated reading your posts and your overall contribution to this community.


You portray class, thoughtfulness, kindness and are a true gentlemen to the ladies and to other members. I just wanted to say thank-you for being a class act. You're one of a kind! xo

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Might be a touch late on this....but....Congratulation RG on surpassing 9000!!!


I've always enjoyed reading your post and find them to be very well thought out and informative. You are certainly a very valuable contributor here RG and I want to thank you for everything. You were one of the first members to welcome me to the site, your informative more serious posts, your humour and of course helping me pass the time playing the "Variation of the Song" thread :)


Congrats bud!!!!

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