Nathalie L 112512 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 Thank you, Samantha, for bringing up this topic. It's a topic which deserves review and thoughtful discussion. You mentioned a screening benefit to SPs for those clients who request an appointment and have a verified membership. What would the benefit be, exactly? Would it potentially deter verified members from providing SPs with information they require for their own independent screening? For example, if verified members provide CERB with their real name and other verifiable personal information, perhaps they will be reluctant to provide it to an SP who may/may not be less reliable? There are other websites that work like this. Perhaps some escorts who also use those websites can provide insight on this question (i.e p411). I worry because some SPs might feel pressured to see a client simply because he's paid for a verified membership and then they will have little recourse if something bad happens. Given the above situation, you suggest the information might be disclosed if the client is proven to be dangerous. I wonder what it means, exactly, to be proven as dangerous. Would the CERB council decide this? I ask because sexual assault is such a contentious issue (i.e. what is and isn't assault, who is to 'blame', what he said versus what she said, etc.). It would be awful, absolutely awful, to be doubted in these types of circumstances. It would be equally awful to have to 'prove' to CERB that I was assaulted, or felt violated, or robbed, in order to get the necessary information I need to protect myself. A few thoughts to get the conversation going. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 Samantha you are such a brilliant genius. I find it interesting when I visit some sites to set up my profile, that they require me to provide really intimate and revealing information about me. However, these same sites will let a hobbyist register without any type of screening. I would love the day when everyone has to provide verified information. Date of birth, Real name, Real address, Real information about who they are. I agree, when dealing with areas outside of Canada, their screening is so much stricter. However, their laws are also so much stricter, that both parties have so much to loose. Here in Canada, it seems that because Prostitution is legal, so many seem to think that it is ok to bullshit their way through by providing false information. I am however, thankful that this forum is a positive zone in an otherwise potentially negative industry. The moment that cerb lets negative reviews, is the day I close my account. I can't stand seeing the crap on some sites. I weep for those that are dragged through the mud because some guy decides he wants to "make that bitch pay". 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sweet Emily J 172062 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 I do not support this idea from the information, thoughts and ideas I have read so far, but I am keeping an open mind and I am interested to follow the discussion to see how it progresses. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SamanthaEvans 166767 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 I haven't thought this through completely. There are many things that should be considered and so I think a good discussion can only be helpful if my idea has much merit at all. It may not! But it's been on my mind for quite awhile, so I thought it could be worth talking about. Thank you, Samantha, for bringing up this topic. It's a topic which deserves review and thoughtful discussion. You mentioned a screening benefit to SPs for those clients who request an appointment and have a verified membership. What would the benefit be, exactly? Would it potentially deter verified members from providing SPs with information they require for their own independent screening? For example, if verified members provide CERB with their real name and other verifiable personal information, perhaps they will be reluctant to provide it to an SP who may/may not be less reliable? I can't imagine why board verification would replace a companion's own screening requirements. I'm sure that some verified members might think that it's better to disclose their information to the board management than to a paid companion, but that would be their right. Whether a lady would decide to see a man under those circumstances would be up to her, as well. Knowledgeable gentlemen should recognize how exceedingly rare it is for a paid companion to reveal their clients' identities to anyone. When men have been outed in the US, it's often because the police have acquired a copy of a Madam's black book, not because the SPs involved have reported them. There are other websites that work like this. Perhaps some escorts who also use those websites can provide insight on this question (i.e p411). I worry because some SPs might feel pressured to see a client simply because he's paid for a verified membership and then they will have little recourse if something bad happens. There are three major verification sites. I haven't found any references to their databases being compromised, which is reassuring. To become a member of one of those sites requires providing personal information that can be verified by the site OR references from other companions. They say that, once verified, they destroy the records. If that's true--and it probably is--all it means is that the individual gave the site information that was proven to be true and accurate. It doesn't mean that he gave accurate information to an SP. I've had clients who cited membership numbers for P411 and Date Check, but they were all Americans and they also gave me personal details at the same time, which I checked out myself. I didn't feel pressured to accept them as clients, however. Their complete disclosure does matter to me, though, and I did see each of them at least once. Given the above situation, you suggest the information might be disclosed if the client is proven to be dangerous. I wonder what it means, exactly, to be proven as dangerous. Would the CERB council decide this? I ask because sexual assault is such a contentious issue (i.e. what is and isn't assault, who is to 'blame', what he said versus what she said, etc.). It would be awful, absolutely awful, to be doubted in these types of circumstances. It would be equally awful to have to 'prove' to CERB that I was assaulted, or felt violated, or robbed, in order to get the necessary information I need to protect myself.I agree! I don't think it would be up to Mod or the Council to decide whether an allegation was likely to be true or not, or what is or is not assault. However, if the lady has filed a police report and if the police lay charges, that would be significant. I am however, thankful that this forum is a positive zone in an otherwise potentially negative industry. The moment that cerb lets negative reviews, is the day I close my account. I can't stand seeing the crap on some sites. I weep for those that are dragged through the mud because some guy decides he wants to "make that bitch pay". Meaghan, I'm not sure how much difference reviews actually make, to be honest. There are few reviews available for many of us, myself included, largely because we're older women, curvier or don't conform to the model stereotype that some review board members seem to favour. Be that as it may, it's more than possible to have a lucrative career without a slew of reviews. I hate the negative stuff, too. Whether Cerb is interested in altering its policy I can't say, but if there was a way to be sure that posted reviews were written by people whose membership shows that they're genuinely willing to stand behind what they say, that could give their reviews a type of credibility that's not available anywhere else on the Internet as far as I can see. What concerns me most is when some group of anonymous board members decide to launch a vendetta against a well-reviewed lady, often in the explicit determination to ruin her reputation. I have known several cases like this where the SP had no choice but to retire her identity and start over again, building a new one from the ground up, which is, as we know, a slow and difficult process. In the situations I know about, the women had not done anything wrong. They were simply well-known and highly-reviewed and that's what made them targets. Meanwhile, there are no consequences for the anons. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realnicehat Report post Posted July 28, 2013 This is an interesting idea and I'm looking forward to the responses. My biggest concern is that this system would essentially allow members to buy credibility. Should I offer up my information and subscription fee my word is now somehow stronger than one who doesn't? I think that might be a slippery slope. For example, if I were to sign up but Old Dog or Roamingguy chose not to does my opinion somehow carry more weight than theirs? I realize this idea is in its early stages, I'm just offering something to think about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icebreaker 3938 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 I agree with the points Nathalie brought up about screening issues, although an SP would not obligated to accept the board verified client, you will still get a small but vocal group of these paid members that will expect their subscription entitles them to skip this screening. Sadly no amount of disclaimers or terms of contract will prevent those guys from asking, pestering or annoying the ladies to avoid the screening process - for many it will be nothing more than refusal on principle. These time vampires may be very small in number but suck up a disproportionate amount of time. In terms of negative reviews, I would not want the ability to write them nor would I like to read anyone else's negative reviews. My problem with negative reviews are that they highly subjective and may still be written out of spite. Mind you if the person has registered they may not be as vulgar, rude or over the top in their negative review but an undeserved negative review is still undeserved. If negative reviews were allowed would the ladies have an opportunity to set the record straight or give their side. I guess at the end of the day I like the positive atmosphere that CERB has fostered and would not like that to change. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SamanthaEvans 166767 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 My biggest concern is that this system would essentially allow members to buy credibility. Should I offer up my information and subscription fee my word is now somehow stronger than one who doesn't? I think that might be a slippery slope. For example, if I were to sign up but Old Dog or Roamingguy chose not to does my opinion somehow carry more weight than theirs? Well, yes. Insofar as credibility is at least partially grounded in a person's real identity rather than a handle and an anonymous e-mail address, this system would allow members to buy credibility. The corollary is that anonymous members' credibility would decline. However much anyone will weigh the relative merits of opinions is difficult to say. History is meaningful. Good sense and a good heart are also meaningful I agree with the points Nathalie brought up about screening issues, although an SP would not obligated to accept the board verified client, you will still get a small but vocal group of these paid members that will expect their subscription entitles them to skip this screening. Sadly no amount of disclaimers or terms of contract will prevent those guys from asking, pestering or annoying the ladies to avoid the screening process - for many it will be nothing more than refusal on principle. These time vampires may be very small in number but suck up a disproportionate amount of time. This is true. However, such people tend to claim entitlements to real or imagined privileges already. We deal with perennial pests and irritating prospective clients all the time as it is. In the end, if a companion decides that this proposed verification is all the screening she needs to do to feel safe, that's up to her. I don't think there is a system that will guarantee that a prospective client will be able to see the companion of his choice. Our decisions about who we will entertain are as individual as we are. I have declined meetings with men who have passed my objective screening requirements without difficulty because for reasons that may be difficult for me to pinpoint I simply don't feel that we would be compatible in ways that matter to me. I've also imagined that others would be fantastic guests only to find to my dismay that they were not. In terms of negative reviews, I would not want the ability to write them nor would I like to read anyone else's negative reviews. My problem with negative reviews are that they highly subjective and may still be written out of spite. Mind you if the person has registered they may not be as vulgar, rude or over the top in their negative review but an undeserved negative review is still undeserved. If negative reviews were allowed would the ladies have an opportunity to set the record straight or give their side. I guess at the end of the day I like the positive atmosphere that CERB has fostered and would not like that to change. I am NOT advocating adopting a tolerance for negative reviews. I hate them. But it may be that Cerb will need to find ways to relax its policy at some point. If that happens, how might we safeguard the tone and atmosphere many of us have worked hard to support? I agree with you that a verified member might be less likely to write vulgar material. I certainly expect that the bulk of such commentary would be provided by anons who have no investment in positive atmosphere or reasoned engagement. It could be that only certain kinds of negativity would be allowed. Perhaps a review may include boxes to click indicating whether the lady's photographs are real, whether her incall location is clean and private--things like that. Perhaps Cerb might continue to remove negative additional commentary. I'm not sure what would genuinely be helpful; that's something that's worth a broader conversation. I do think that many people find the other *erb boards to be troubling, at best, yet they participate on them because they have a huge readership. I have met good clients from one of those boards, but I have only rarely posted anything other than ads there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fresh start 17467 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 I believe this is a tough question hence there are so many variables to consider. As for verified member I suppose it would provide quick and easy ways to ensure that the person is actually who they say they are. After all would trust someone who is dishonest? I believe it would be a first step. What is done with that information is what can be what scares some. I don't know how easy it is to create an SP profile and if they have access to such private information. I also believe nothing is safe on the Internet. If a hacker want this sort of information I'm sure its possible to obtain. I also agree with Nathalie on her points she brings up about how easy it would be to destroy somebody credibility, as Sp you must see this sort of thing a lot. I'm not sure if this would help but what if review were given on clients similar to how it works on cerb. (Only positive feedback) maybe even one step further and a client should be able to approve the review before its viewable, to ensure its in good taste. This should even be applied to Sp being reviewed. Even though things may be positive in the reviews but it may not always be in good taste to the person being reviewed. Although you only see the good part an Sp should still be careful. I suppose this would be a first step in trusting a new client an Sp should still do her due diligence and perform the necessary precaution one would take when meeting a new clients. This is just my initial thought on the subject since there are so many variable I probably haven't considered yet. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 I don't think any of this would change anything, there are men who will never divulge their identity, they are to afraid of being found out by their so's and no one will ever be able to convince them that some sites are more secure than others, this is my experience. There are those men who will trust you enough to give their details but will never join any sites for other reasons and then there are those who don't care who knows them or how much of their info is out there. My point is although it sounds like a great idea I don't think it would increase safety for us or create a more secure environment for clients as there will always be divided groups who choose to hobby in their own comfort zones, no matter the guarantees of anything. As far as cerb being a positive place, compared to some sites I'd say it was but truthfully speaking and from experience some will make comments here cleverly worded that can equal a negative review and "good" members on one site just go to another to perform their dirty work making it similar just a little more polite than those other sites, jmo. Lets face it if someone wants to damage someone no matter what site they belong to, no matter the rules and requirements or what details they have divulged of themselves they will, these are ruthless people who will stop at nothing. I now base little importance on reviews or recommendations, as I've met so many men who also say this and have no desire in writing any for anyone nor do they read any. But for those who like writing them and for those who rely on them I'm sure any ways of proving their validity would be appreciated. But nothing is foolproof nor is anything completely secure, lets face it anyone can find out who anyone is in this day and age if they really wanted to. There are trails to everything. I think the only true protectors for us all is our intuition, common sense and reading between the lines. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 (edited) Just some quick musings here. First, is CERB in competition with other boards, and needs to put it one way, lower itself to their standards to keep in running with them? BTW that is just a question. Second. One thing I like about CERB compared to the other boards is it's civility, and how ladies are part of the board. Better worded, other boards in my experience seem to be a "boy's club" whereas this board is a community welcoming both ladies and gentlemen together. And there is more a us versus them attitude on those boards but here, we are all opposite sides of the same coin attitude. How many ladies will leave if reviews, not recommendations start Does membership, well paid membership, make a review, or even recommendation by that writer more worthy to read. And does it invalidate any reviews/recommendations written by someone who had membership on a board where no requirement to pay a membership is needed. Personally, JMO but I believe you can get a better idea as to the credibility/integrity of a writer of recommendations if he partakes in the board regularly and contributes. This gives you an idea of what he is like How well are you going to consider a reviewer who lurks for 5 years, then comes out once, posts a negative review, compared to someone who contributed to the board for 5 years, posts many recommendations and one time posts a negative review (btw not endorsing negative reviews here, but just trying to illustrate a point) And there are some "men" who enjoy bashing women, and would see this as an opportunity to do so. And they already have other boards they can use to do so, unfortunately. In fact on CERB, my own experience, being a gentleman, showing respect, is considered positive, but on the other boards (well can't say all boards, but a couple I tried and left) the us versus them attitude prevailed and respect for ladies was not considered a good thing by those "boys clubs" How many clients are going to want to pay to write reviews. And how many are willing to provide personal information to a board to allow them to do so. And does CERB want to get into allowing reviews. Personally, unless there are aspects I don't know about, CERB should stay where it's at, it doesn't need to lower the bar to other boards' levels. I prefer this to remain a community welcoming of ladies and gentlemen, not a "boys club" with an us versus them attitude Finally, I feel very comfortable providing my personal information for verification/screening purposes to a lady who I want to see for an encounter. But providing it to a website, really for the sole purpose of writing recommendations, I think my days of writing recommendations would be over. Also, there is an SP Only forum here on CERB where the ladies can, I assume, share amongst themselves information/screening about bad dates. Would there be some legal liability on CERB's part if it had a member's personal information and a bad date occurred. While CERB certainly doesn't want bad dates, I'm sure it doesn't want to be drawn into police investigations either and could be if it had member's personal information and accusations of a bad date took place. What if a case also went to civil court, CERB might be drawn into a court case they don't want either (sorry but I can see the litigation potential here). It's a possibility that CERB itself would have to consider And yes, for me, recommendations, not reviews, because my attitude is positive about encounters I'm to have, and my experience has been the same. So I believe even before seeing a lady, one outcome of the encounter I'm to have is writing a positive recommendation. I only had six bad encounters, but only one review worthy but I kept to the CERB mantra, if nothing nice to say...... My experience in this lifestyle has been positive and I wouldn't buy a membership so I could post negative reviews Some quick off the cuff ramblings and who knows, I may come up with more RG Edited July 28, 2013 by r__m__g_uy thought of some more off the cuff ramblings 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 Simply put...if cerb moved to a verification process that required me to provide my real identity, my account would be closed immediately. I like my anonymity. I never use a fake name when I meet a SP or MA...but, it is first name only. Right away, I have provided more "real" information to the provider than she has provided to me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frank7 3939 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 Seems to me that negative reviews would cause some awkwardness and be even more hurtful to SP/MA if they aren't anonymous. Specially considering that a negative review would mostly be reserved for very bad encounters or unprofessional behaviors. So it would be felt as an attack by the SP/MA, even more if she though the date when well. I'm not very good at explaining my self and the potential conflicts I imagine would happen. =/ As for paying, I don't really see why. Writing a review is for others, not yourself. Either to thank the lady for a wonderful time and help her get more clients, or to help the other hobbyist meet great ladies. If others don't trust my reviews, it doesn't really affect me personally, just the others CERBies and the lady. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 Simply put...if cerb moved to a verification process that required me to provide my real identity, my account would be closed immediately. I like my anonymity. I understand that as most men I meet with feel the same way,for many varied reasons. I never use a fake name when I meet a SP or MA...but, it is first name only. Right away, I have provided more "real" information to the provider than she has provided to me. But this I don't get. If you are dealing with a reputable sp/ma then you already know "real" info about her, that is if you've done your research. She or he will have divulged all pertinent details concerning themselves and their locale upon confirming the appointment so why the reluctance in giving a last name? I just don't understand how any sp/ma could confirm a clients validity with just a first name, references aside. Again I understand a mans concerns when it comes to his discretion but that is what professional sp's are out to protect the most after of course their own safety. Any sp/ma that would divulge clients details would be quickly outed and ruined imo. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted July 28, 2013 It is all about trust. I have trusted three very special ladies with more personal intimate information whom I really trust. Verification be damned if any site went that route I would boycott that site and close all my accounts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 (edited) But this I don't get. If you are dealing with a reputable sp/ma then you already know "real" info about her, that is if you've done your research. She or he will have divulged all pertinent details concerning themselves and their locale upon confirming the appointment so why the reluctance in giving a last name? I just don't understand how any sp/ma could confirm a clients validity with just a first name, references aside. Again I understand a mans concerns when it comes to his discretion but that is what professional sp's are out to protect the most after of course their own safety. Any sp/ma that would divulge clients details would be quickly outed and ruined imo. Personally, from a guy's, well this guy's point of view, intimate dates with a professional companion are not about anonymous sexual encounters. On the balance sheet it is a case of a man's privacy versus a lady's safety No brainer, safety trumps privacy each and every time. Put another way you want a lady to be alone with you intimately, requiring the utmost of trust of the man on her part, but the man doesn't trust her with basic verification information like his name, really if you think about it, doesn't make much sense, jmho. And I say this as a man who in my newbie days held the view that my privacy was paramount. I was educated to verification, and why it was needed, and one benefit for the man, well two. First I have met many wonderful companions. Second, it went a far way to establishing trust, even before we met. And my privacy has never been of concern to me Now providing this information to an escort review/recommendation board another matter. What if the review/recommendation board changes owners, who then "owns" my information. And who knows who actually sees my information at the board, the Mod, Town Council,, at times we have seen the board have technical issues, so any repair people, hackers. I'm comfortable letting a lady see my information prior to a date. But how many would really have access to this information on a board that I personally don't know and it's that unknown I'm not comfortable with A rambling RG Edited July 28, 2013 by r__m__g_uy 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nathalie L 112512 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 (edited) Whether a lady would decide to see a man under those circumstances would be up to her, as well. True. I agree! I don't think it would be up to Mod or the Council to decide whether an allegation was likely to be true or not, or what is or is not assault. However, if the lady has filed a police report and if the police lay charges, that would be significant. It would definitely be significant, but those instances are very rare. Even when an SP/MA is assaulted and/or robbed, it is rare they will go to the police for help given the stigma involved (both the stigma of sexual assault, and of being a sex worker). Also, the police cannot lay charges against someone without their personal information, which the SP/MA might not have as a result of this type of verification process. I'm really against anyone being the gatekeeeper of information that could protect me. As you've clearly stated, there would be no obligation for an SP/MA to see a client simply because he was a verified member and she could still request all of her own information. However, as Icebreaker stated, there are definitely those few vocal folk who might feel differently. There is an SP Only forum here on CERB where the ladies can, I assume, share amongst themselves information/screening about bad dates. Would there be some legal liability on CERB's part if it had a member's personal information and a bad date occurred. While CERB certainly doesn't want bad dates, I'm sure it doesn't want to be drawn into police investigations either and could be if it had member's personal information and accusations of a bad date took place. What if a case also went to civil court, CERB might be drawn into a court case they don't want either (sorry but I can see the litigation potential here). It's a possibility that CERB itself would have to consider Very true. I can definitely see this type of situation arising depending on the circumstances and it would be important for CERB to consider this. Also, in terms of the SP Only Forum, it is precisely in this type of forum that information could be shared rather than with the police in the event of an assault. I worry CERB/MOD or Council (or whoever was the gatekeeper of said information) wouldn't provide the client's information for that section. Most SPs/MAs wouldn't go to the police, but they would definitely post the information there to warn other providers. I don't mean to be obsessed with the gatekeeper stuff, and of course, it is always up to the SP/MA in question to perform their own due diligence when screening, but I worry anyway. In terms of negative reviews, the general environment on CERB, the civility we have here... I really like it. However, I haven't really been on the other *erb boards much and focus most of my energy here. I can't really provide much input but from what I've heard from other providers and clients, CERB is has a good policy in terms of reviews/recommendations. Simply put...if cerb moved to a verification process that required me to provide my real identity, my account would be closed immediately. I like my anonymity. To be clear, in Samantha's OP she clearly states not all members of CERB would have to provide this information. Some users would still remain anonymous if they wanted to be. Only those willing to provide their information and pay a membership fee would be considered verified members. There would be two types of members on CERB: anonymous members and paid verified members. You could still remain anonymous to CERB if you wanted to. Edited July 28, 2013 by N*t****e L*f***** 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted July 28, 2013 I am however, thankful that this forum is a positive zone in an otherwise potentially negative industry. The moment that cerb lets negative reviews, is the day I close my account. I can't stand seeing the crap on some sites. I weep for those that are dragged through the mud because some guy decides he wants to "make that bitch pay". I completely agree. The reason I am here, and take the time to read and comment on various threads here, is because there is no hidden rooms where guys are permitted to bash and trash and lie about sps, and that they have absolutely no chance to do it publically either. The thing about this that I've seen is that the really bad guys work very very hard at setting their reputations up, their post counts increased, and their credibility and believability amongst the readers of forums. The really bad element knows to do this first, so that later on they can use their position to intimidate, threaten and coerce new sps into doing what they want, whether that is getting them to do things they don't provide, doing sessions for free, or deep discounts, all under the threat of posting bad reviews. I don't think a week goes by that some sp isn't threatened by a review board guy, with or without good credibility, about posting bad reviews if they don't get what they want. There was a high post count high review poster on one of the erbs in the past year or two, who was working with another guy, and their goal was to get bbfs by any means necessary from sps. I've seen how the p411 and datecheck sites work, and for myself, i don't book by pm handles or anonymous numbers, the person has to phone me, show their phone number have a conversation. I don't hold much interest in the verification process on those sites because they don't know what I care about in screening clients. Having said that I think it would be quite helpful tho, on a non safety issue, for sps who do need references before booking appointments and where the guy either doesn't have any, doesn't have any current ones, and/or has them, but the sp can't reach the reference sps for an answer about him, or there isn't time to get replies, etc. it's more like a short cut reference check alternative, in other words. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 Allow me to clarify. (My postings have been from my mobile and I despise touch screen keyboards, so, I was short) When first meeting a lady, I introduce myself as my real first name. If we click and converse, much more becomes known...probably more than should be divulged...last name, job, family life, vacation details, weekend plans etc...etc... Actually, let's be real...I am sure most ladies have caller id. I have opted to have my name appear as well as my number so, even if I just give my first name, she already has both anyway. If we don't click, I stick to business and get out. As time goes on, and multiple visits occur, we both let our guards down and we learn a lot of intimate details about each other and, truly, this heightens each encounter. To a board such as this, I would never give my real info...I learn to trust the lovely ladies I meet regularly and they trust me, I don't trust the board. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steveyK 4311 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 I think we should leave the negative review area for other sites, Cerb is doing just fine the way it is. As for the verified membership so these particular members can post negative reviews if they give out their real personal identities, this is a non starter because most come here for discretion, and do you really think that Mod doesnt know who you are? For real I mean, your IP address is your identity!! If the whole idea is for a review of the gentlemen so there is a reference point for safety reasons for SP's, this already exists on this site, the only problem is that newer SPs do not have access and most never will.. Maybe a poll on this issue could be started? You already know which way I will vote 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muncher459 1040 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 As a new comer to this and another board, and as a participant in this lifestyle, I read through this thread this morning with interest. But after reading all the posts I was exhausted.....waited till this evening to make a reply. I much appreciate the opportunity to read through the threads and see how others react to things that are said.....much can be learned by listening, but as a newcomer who still has not satisfied my 5 post quota, I sometimes feel hesitant to wade in on most threads, but this one I find particularly interesting. I see two issues here, first the value or credibility of some one giving an honest review or reference, secondly there is the issue of confidentiality and discretion. The first thing that I see with most reviews....good or bad, is that they often tell more about the reviewers personality or ego than they do about the actual lady being reviewed, what I like to see in a review is what the ladies style, personality and attitude is. This is what I look for on their websites and in their posts that I see on the board. The act of sex is what you make of it, in an ideal world giving is as important as taking, please remember this is just "my" opinion, and I do realize that this is NOT an ideal world. I like the idea of only positive reviews on this board, the lack of positive reviews can be just as telling as a hurtful, often disrespectful review I see on other boards, and creates less drama. In regards to references and confidentiality, this is simply a trust issue. Clients must make their choices by doing research on the SP they are considering seeing, basically trusting your natural instincts. If there is not much information to go on then you must make a decision, but you are responsible for that decision even if things go badly. The ladies on the other hand do not have reviews, ads, or websites to make their decisions as whether to see a client or not. They only have the information they get from our emails or conversations with us. It is a natural instinct not to trust some one who is not open and forthcoming. So I see where the more information we are willing to trust them with the better they can trust us. Now for those clients who are concerned about their partners finding out their activities, the onus is on the client to find a provider who they know will be discrete and trustworthy. We are all adults here and should know that everything we do may have consequences, and be prepared to accept our responsibility if things go wrong. Finally in regards to a paid membership to provide verification, it would work for some, but probably only the honest open clients. Those that want to cheat the system and are probably the ones you want weed out will just lie, cheat and manipulate the system to get what they want. in the end we are all responsible for our own decisions, this lifestyle comes with many dangers, but we knew that before we got into it....each one of us must do what we think is best to protect ourselves 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 I figure there's some value within all the various boards out there and each has its obvious strengths and weaknesses both positive and negative. And as far as me divulging personal information to any of the boards? Not a chance plain and simple. As well I've never been asked by a provider for personal information except for a cell no and email and I've never been asked for a reference for that matter either and this includes traveling girls I've seen. I must come across as pretty harmless. As a long time member a newbie reached out inquiring how the reference process works and I didn't have a clue how it works. Peace MG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piano8950 32577 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 The threat/fear of having my information leaked is my biggest concern. There are no circumstances that I would volunteer my personal information for the privilege of a second tier status along with it's associated perks. And here's why: Personal information online have been stolen from much more secure databases. I'm sure the owners/administrators of this website use standard if not extremely secure methods to ensure privacy of Cerb's existing users. But so do many websites who have been successfully hacked. Comparing Cerb to SP411 or other services of this sort is in no way a relief, it's a non-issue. Just because they have not been compromised, it does not mean that it theoretically cannot happen. I have no issue sharing my name and other personal information to an SP that I see, but to share it on a database is completely out of the question. If this was a requirement to simply use Cerb, I'd deactivate my account and go on happily with my life. On to the review section - Honestly, I was dead set against the idea at first, but even in one of the crudest boards I've seen, I noticed a certain rejection of unfair, out of left field criticisms. I am supportive of the idea of a membership level that is open to the ability to leave negative reviews, but I'll get to the specifics of that membership below. Over time I've set up one policy to live by when looking for an SP -How many recommendations does she have, and how long has she been in the business? With a no negative review policy, I decided against seeing a certain SP because of her lack of many recommendations (Despite being in the industry for a while). I could not determine why she had so few, and to basically keep safe, I elected not to see her. With a review instead of a recommendation policy, if she had no negative reviews, I would be much more confident in calling her. Now I just want it clear that an acceptance to a negative review policy is not an acceptance to bashing. There are some legitimate concerns that clients have, and not all ladies treat this with the same level of professionalism that others do. I do not support a ratings (looks/boobs/ass/etc) sort of system. A negative review would in my mind go like this: Call the SP, was very hard to book with/ did not show up. OR Met the SP, looked disinterested/ was not engaging OR Even a simple, based on my experience, I would not recommend/will not be seeing her again. Something along these lines. I do not want to vilify someone even if she did provide an exceptionally terrible service. Now onto Second Tier Memberships Frankly, I don't support the pay to review idea. I understand the verification part, but there are other methods of doing so. From my understanding, to get into the SP only area, a referral is needed by another SP already inside. I like this idea, and I don't see why an SP referral to verified status isn't good enough? Referrals are already used by some SPs to date check someone. And even if personal information was not required for the negative reviews bit, I honestly don't feel the need to pay for that. I just wouldn't bother in the first place. Just because I've paid a sum doesn't mean that my opinion is worth more. I'd imagine that someone out on a rampage might go the extra mile and pay for the second tier membership just to write a negative review. But awarding that second tier status for free and extremely selectively gives the review section much more credence. An SP (or perhaps more) were involved in giving a particular member the ability to do so. He has a tag attached to his posts saying he's a verified member. He leaves a positive review, and other potential clients can see that. If and when he does leave a negative review, since an SP or more than one vouched for him, you can take his word with more comfort. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fresh start 17467 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 First I'm against the idea of membership with negative reviews. I guess I'm lucky the first site I stumbled on was cerb. However if negative review were to be introduced I would suggest that it be in a form were you give rating based on a general criteria, like a questionnaire. Thus eliminating harmful comments, hopefully keeping it to constructive criticism. The major flaw in reviews is that everyone opinion can vary. What if the chemistry wasn't right does this merit a bad review? Perhaps it may be due to lack of communication, they are good at trying to please you but the are no mind readers. Unless you get robbed, assaulted or stiffed somehow I don't believe there should be negative reviews. Then again there is always two side to a story. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 This is a topic we (Myself and the staff at Escorts-Canada) have always struggled since day one. We hated to see good people getting slandered but on the flip side we hate to see bad SP's (Bait and switch, scams, etc..) getting away with scamming the guys .... but the only solution we could come up with was the cerb concept of positive board with recommendations only (as it is a lot easier to say something bad about someone then write something nice) Now, a few years ago I pitched the idea of a MENS area just like we have for the SP ONLY area. I am still not opposed to this, in fact the guys can do this themselves already with the private social groups and invite other guys to share private info and they can share private info in PM's as long as the info is not unsolicited. Just like the SP ONLY area this would be an area that men could have where either the public can not see the posts (this means search engines do NOT index info from this area either) or the section is READABLE but only qualified members can post in this area but either way you have to EARN the ability to post in that area and possibly read that area. This would be the only area where negative comments are welcome and only by qualified members (an extension to the already existing bait and switch and dangerous encounters warning area of each city). If the area was PRIVATE I would make sure the general population of the site knew about it so that it gives everyone something to work for and encourage contributions. My idea was instead of verified by ID or CREDIT CARD or a PAID AREA (I don't think that would fly here in canada) but they EARN the right to get into this area by contributing to the site. To make it even more secure we could help the ladies and the guys both by creating a SP ONLY verification system for the guys. I would also suggest a system where the ladies who have SP ONLY access (Verified) could also VERIFY a guy (some sort of thing on his profile where if 3 or more SP's click it then his account is VERIFIED (or even a rating system like BAD CLIENT, GOOD CLIENT, GREAT CLIENT, ABSOLUTE GENTLEMAN) and only verified SP's would be able to rate and see these ratings but if the guy gets verified by so many SP's he gains access to the VERIFIED MEMBERS area with access to the bad date info too? (again the ladies are already able to do this in social groups, in the SP ONLY area and in PM's so it's just making that easier for them if it was on each guys profile). For the guys to gain access we could have it as a level promotion (100 or even 500 posts and a member for at least 6 months before they graduate into that area) basically the ELITE member status or SENIOR MEMBER status this way they have time to see what cerb is all about, can't create an account here with the intention of slandering someone and also once they work that hard at building a reputation they don't want to risk loosing it by abusing this privilege. If someone was to gain access then be banned and sneak back onto the site they would need to start from scratch to earn that level back (so it's something more to loose as well so it would cut down on abuse a lot) Just some ideas that with some work I think would fly and keep in the spirit of cerb. The industry is changing a great deal (laws and sites like BP) so a responsible site like cerb will be more and more in demand as time goes on if the industry continues in this direction. We will need to adapt and grow but it's just a matter of how we do this and with the help of the council here and feedback from all of you (The members) I think we can make it work for everyone. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted July 29, 2013 (edited) So why a subscription to a board to get involved in with negative reviews, when you just sign up for free on other "erb" boards ? and than read the negative reviews there? I see no real advantage, I just don't see it getting off the ground. If it is a security/screening method for ladies, well that already happens in the SP section, furthermore ladies should/(some already do have) a screening process, it is for their own protection. I've been a long time member on here and have posted many rec's about my time with SP's or Ma's,probably about 16-17 pages unlike some here that do not give back info here at all and have been long time members. I think the lurkers get a full advantage from us that share our experiences,but it happens on most boards. As to the numbering system mentioned above, we had that at one time, it is now gone except for 2 items-location/atmosphere. For myself, posting a rec it was a way of thanking the ladies, and giving back to the gentlemen that share their times as well. If I did not enjoy myself with the lady I simply say nothing at all, lately I am behind in posting some recommendations here, and almost feel at times simply to stop writing. Here is why... I get questioned so much lately about "who to see" "what's your thoughts on lady a) or lady b) and who would you pick" But yet when I look at their profile, and to be quite blunt "They give fuck all back to this board" and I feel that you know what, why don't you spend your cash, as I work hard for mine. A good friend (lady) also agrees with myself that these guys get the advantage from others. Getting off track...But do you think these guys that already lurk get free info, would sign up for a subscription to write a bad review, when they hardly participate here now? Rather than having a subscription I often wonder, how are the guys that don't want to TOFTT when prolific posters stop posting recommendations here? I have found since 2007 there was a wealth of good reporting/recommendations and business was great, now I find that there is more lurkers than ever, and of course those that might only see 1-5 ladies a year and really post nothing still lurk. I have my paid P411 membership for another year used by Canadian ladies and ladies from USA now I have mentioned this about 3 times before, and I will say it again, for protection/screening for women this site has got some great information for ladies. Therefore if there was a subscribed area here, on this board, I don't think I would participate in it, I would be duplicating what I already started with another site (P411) BTW I'm not here promoting another site simply stating a fact ;) Edited July 29, 2013 by PistolPete 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites