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TV/Movie Stereotypes

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Guest realnicehat

I recently had someone recommend the British show Wallander after I told them how much I enjoyed Luther.


It didn't take long to establish that the main character is yet another police officer so focussed on their job that all other aspects of life suffered. (note: I am very early in the show so this could turn out not to be the case)


The scene was simple, a forgotten birthday, but it made me think to myself "seriously? this again?".


The emotionally distant (possibly damaged or hard drinking) police officer who struggles with personal relationships has been a staple for years now. Andy Sipowicz (NYPD Blue), Sarah Linden (the Killing), Seth Bullock (Deadwood), Jimmy McNulty (the Wire), the aforementioned John Luther, I'm sure you could name a couple of dozen more.


Interestingly enough, even though they seem to be formulaic I love all of these characters. It causes me to wonder, and to ask you, do you think there are no truly original ideas left or does the entertainment industry simply feed us what we want?


Also, what movie/TV stereotypes or formulas drive you crazy.

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One that drives me up the wall, now with my knowledge of this lifestyle.

How police dramas portray escorts as victims...just watch your average Law and Order tv franchise. Yes it is illegal in the United States for the most part, but that doesn't mean companions are all victims. For many it is a mutually beneficial arrangement with a client. But tv shows escorts as victims and clients as exploiters and victimizers with no respect for women

A rambling


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One that drives me nuts is the Tony Danza stereotype. You know, the one where every character he's ever played is named Tony, and is an ex-boxer, and has a stupid accent where he calls people stuff like "Angeller" instead of Angela. Talk about type-casting! ;)

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