eggsandbacon 2182 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 I've seen this on a number of ladies ads, I'm not sure why these ladies refuse to see Black clients as a black man this confuses me greatly. Does any of the Sp's on here have an explanation? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 There are a variety of reasons, I think. The good news is that someone takes the time to mention it in their ad, so you don't have to worry about even contacting them. And also now that you know it might be an issue, you can bring it up to them and allow them an easy out if this is also their policy. Out my way I've had East Indian callers ask me if I will see them, as there used to be many sps who wouldn't, also for a variety of reasons, most of them about stereotyping, but some of them valid enough, for that sp. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266444 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 I would have to say that for me, my acceptance of a visitor is based mainly on respect, personality and maturity (maturity as in language skills, personal interaction skills...I think you get it). I have seen people of many different ethnic backgrounds and many different age groups. My decisions to carry on communications are based on how you present yourself to me. Race, religion and age are never my first worry. It is unfortunate that some people have made a bad name for certain races and you can never fault a lady for deciding who she wishes to be intimate with; it is after all ultimately her decision. Fortunateone is right, look for restrictions on a ladies site and seek out those who meet your desires :) 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) I had one lady that worked for me, she stated not to book black clients. It just happened to that she had a stalker who was following her from one end of the country to next, he was black. We never put it on her ad, as this would have sort of given her away in her hiding. But if I knew they were, or if they mentioned they were black, I simply did not book him with her. Now you can not tell " black" voice on the phone, so when the telephone confirmation would come in, she would listen to the voice to tell me yes or no. She hated to have to be like that, but is understandable in her case. She was in no way raciest, just extra cautious. She in fact loved black men. As an agent I respect the wishes of my girls, some are just not comfortable with other ethnic groups, and for a variety of reasons. There are some Gent's who also prefer no African/Canadian girls, or Indian or sometimes Caucasian too. I have 2 lovely black ladies that work with me from time to time, some of my black clients prefer not to book them....some of my Caucasian clients want to book them. It is at the end of the day, all about what they are interested in. Everyone deserves the right to choose who they prefer to spend time with. No harm meant by it. And as Fourtainateone mentions, at least it is on the ad so that you don't go through the booking procedure to find out that she prefers not to book. Edited July 31, 2013 by Studio 110 by Sophia 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piano8950 32577 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 I haven't seen it much here, but on other erb websites, I've seen a lot of ads specifying "No Blacks, no east Indians". There is a reputation that these two races have certain unsavory characteristics (Not everyone of them, but a larger percentage compared to other groups). Whether it's true or not, I have no idea. On one occasion, despite having no comment regarding this on her website or her ad, I found out about an SP's no Blacks/No EI clients rule after she sent me an email asking for my background. After I told her (I'm EI), she cancelled, and that was that. It was a bit humiliating, but the best way forward is to forget and move on to someone who is willing to see you. All of the most amazing women I've met do not have this exclusion requirement, and I'm sure you'll find someone that meets your interest. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipualipua 4704 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 I always tell a prospective provider that I am black. It is her RIGHT to refuse to see a black person. Disclosing my race serves two purposes : (1) it allows her to come up with a good excuse (for example, emergency in the family) to cancel the date and (2) avoids placing her in an uncomfortable position should she honour the appointment only to meet a black man. Brother, why are you confused? Don't you have confidence in yourself? NEVER allow any one to make you feel inadequate. If you are turned down, find another date. Cheers. 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrblack14 570 Report post Posted July 30, 2013 I find it funny such a thread would come up yesterday/today as it was a topic I was thinking of raising. I'm not caucasian, and I used to feel like why should I disclose that info? Not because I'm ashamed or afraid but simply because it shouldn't matter. If an SP doesn't state it in her ad then it must not matter (I mean it's 2013...) Many good points were raised already, Lipua's method makes it easy for everyone to save face and no one to get their feelings hurt. I'm proud to be who I am. I can also understand, some ladies might have had issues with particular ethnicities and don't want to risk it again. You don't have to be in our "world" to have faced such a situation before. My only issue has always been when an SP doesn't state they have preferences and proceeds treats you like you are less than a human being when you meet. It takes 2 to tango, I think both parties should make a reasonable effort to make their preferences known. If there are things you don't wish to publish why not use the PM function? I've arrived at someone's residence to a "uhh...ohh...yeah, wish you would have said you were like that...or one of those..." So now to avoid that feeling I usually mention it before hand. Tough pill to swallow... fortunately not everyone is like that. I can vouch for Megforfun...she's lot's of fun and doesn't discriminate!! 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
craig101 3213 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 As a white man I would never see someone who advertises NO BLACKS. Racism for me is never acceptable. Judging someone solely on their race is wrong. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 It is so sad in this day and age that people will still discriminate like this. I grew up in a multi-cultural city and had friends of every race and religion. I didn't know any different, to me it was normal. I have friends who did not grow up in a multi-cultural environment, and were really culture shocked when meeting someone of a different race for the first time. I never got it, until I visited them in their home town. Then I realized why they had such a reaction. They had no experience with other cultures. I have met some of the nicest people of all races, place of birth, religion. I never ask them what race they are when making inquiries. If they are respectful, mature and kind, they are someone I want to see. Some of my most difficult clients are in fact white. Rude, redneck, bigots. They never get a second date with me. I wish that people could see through the color of each others skin, and judge those by their actions instead. xoxo 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggsandbacon 2182 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 its nice to read all these replies. im glad im not the only one who was thinking about it. As much as it troubles me i believe they have the right to refuse to see a client, it is their body afterall. I did forget to mention that I'am mixed race (half black half white). i guess the only reason it bothered me was i couldnt believe that we still have people who think that these days. Me personally i have no preference to race, I find all women of different races beautiful (I do have a soft spot for latino women though lol). Anyways I appreciate all the responses. Cheers :) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178382 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I can't speak on the reasons why these women say this, as I don't know them. But. I know a few women in my personal life won't date certain races, and I've heard them say,'I'm not racist... well, I hate XXX race, because a group of them once attacked me/assaulted me/etc" I know how traumatic it can be to be assaulted. I personally have been assaulted by a man twice in my life. Both times, it was a white man. But can you imagine if I said... I won't see white guys? That I hate ALL white guys, because I was assaulted by white guys? No one would think that was okay. I would not think it was okay. The men who assaulted me were assholes, their race doesn't have anything to do with it. It wasn't because they were white, and the men who attacked my friends were assholes, no matter what the colour of their skin. There are scumbags of every colour, just like there are gentlemen of every colour. I will decline your request for an invitation if you are disrespectful, dirty, rude, or cheap. But your race? I could not care less if you are white/brown/black/yellow/orange/purple/etc. (sidebar on the size thing.... I've seen just as many black men with smaller cocks as I've seen white men with gigantic dicks. My purrsonal experience has taught me you never know what you'll see under those boxer shorts til the shorts hit the floor). 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kimmyxoxo 3362 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 The escorting world is extremely discriminating, everyone knows this. One of the main reasons why I'm independent is because I couldn't find a solid agency to hire me due to my skin color. But it shouldn't come to a surprise to us, just look at the media, magazines, and fashion shows. The majority of women are white, skinny, and blonde or brunette. It has been this way for many years, and since media has an affect on our society, we choose to believe whatever they portray as beautiful and sexy. Now regarding the "no black client" issue, I believe this also has to do with what the media has influenced us. You see tons of news stories about black robbers, murderers, black gangsters, rappers, abusing women, there's so much negativity around black men in the news it's quite astonishing. Everyone has their right to a preference, and especially with this service the girl should have the right to say no. Although most of us women here are wise and educated enough to not judge clients on their race. I certainly had my bad experiences with black clients but that doesn't stop me from seeing a future one. I do tend to be cautious but I would never refuse. Just my 2 cents : ) 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bianca Jaguar 39183 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I agree with megforfun and gegefatale...well said ladies! this is my input! When i first read the topic my jaw litteraly what? some girls actually write that in their ads!! :icon_confused: Its one thing to be selective but refuse someone because of race...hmmm...let me put it that way...morons do not come in a specific colour(race)!!!! Those SPs are missing out on amazing gents....too bad for them and good for us open minded SPs ;) nuff said! 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I resort mainly to emails and texting in my bookings and therefore have no idea of the race, religion of the person contacting me, unless they volunteered such information, and the only way I would make a decision whether to see them or not is solely based on how they present themselves. I have actually found this practice to be rewarding for me as it would negate any inherent bias about any human being. However, I have sympathy and respect for ladies who explicitly state their preference in their ads especially given the fact that they might be perceived as racists. It could be said that stereotyping a certain race is racist, but in this business particularly where intimacy and safety are pressing issues, the matter needs special consideration! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 You have to also keep in mind that it isn't always racism for an sp to say they won't see a particular race. Some sps from certain cultures won't see clients from the same race out of concern they might be meeting up with a family friend, or worse. Some sps are dating/married to someone of a race, so again it could be someone related to their SO or ex-SO So the sp could indeed love that race, but just not want to open the door to their cousin's ex SO and the easiest way to avoid that is to put it right in their ad.. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ***nno**n*** Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I can concede that there could be a number of valid reasons (none based on racism) that an SP would have to not see men of certain race. I believe though there would be a much better way of handling the situation. If you're worried about knowing the person (this has happened to me) ask for a photo, ask more questions...get to know the individual a bit more before committing to or backing out of an appointment. I treat each person as an individual, not a race. If I'm worried they are weird I talk to them more to find out. Having a line that says " no - insert race here" I think is disrespectful in itself. If a client is going to be an asshat, it won't have anything to do with his race. My $0.02 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I called out someone who advertised this on another site quite a while ago as I thought is was racist to deny a particular race but most responded that it wasn't, it was personal taste. This girl said she was not physically attracted to darker skinned people and was not being racist and it was her right to deny any one she wasn't attracted to. Many also supported her and agreed because of the nature of this business, the intimacy involved , physical attraction was important, obviously. Well those responses left me confused and a little swayed, perhaps I was wrong? Now I'm not sure. Of course we all have a right to see who we choose as do our clients I mean many men make it clear they will not see females with bust enhancements, particular hair colors, ect, ect. Although these traits don't imply racism but do unfairly deny some really great people meeting one another. Completely eliminating anyone because of some physical trait wether it be skin color, hair color, size ect just shortens your list and as I said eliminates some really great people but who am I to judge, we all do have the right to choose:) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted July 31, 2013 This is such an intimate business that everyone should be allowed to set their own parameters and not have to explain it. If you aren't attracted to a certain group or even if you have some irrational concern with a certain group, it's your right to go about your intimate business as you see fit. I see some ads on here that say "no one under 30 please" which is maybe an irrational concern as not every guy under 30 deserves our scorn. I'm sure you could find a handful of decent twentysomethings out there if you really looked. JK. To avoid any uncomfortable moments though, I would put your client restrictions on your website and in your ad, if you have any restrictions. If nothing is posted about this I would say it's all good as most ladies only care that your clean and respectful... and don't negotiate rates. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I too am in agreement with Meg and Gegefatale, and really, it should be the person inside that matters, not the colour of his/her skin But it does happen, and it isn't necessarily restrictions on a person's skin color, ladies have been known to have age restrictions, maybe they won't see someone with a disability, or so on. Yes, refusing to see someone who is of another race may appear to be racist, but unless the lady explains why she refuses to see another race, (she might be the same race and where she lives, it is a small community and could run into someone she knows) it is best to move on Some ladies want to see older guys. One lady back in my newbie days, but she retired before we could have an encounter, only saw guys 40 years old and up. Wasn't age discrimination, she was a university student and didn't want to take any chance of running into another student who wanted an encounter Some ladies won't see someone with a disability. It may not be discrimination, it's just the client would require special needs during an encounter that many just don't know how to provide or feel uncomfortable trying to provide. And let's remember, the only difference between a man and woman here, the lady posts her restrictions, for all to see, but the guy, well he knows what his restrictions are, so knows which ladies not to contact without the world knowing. But at the end of the day encounters are about a man and woman being intimate together. Do you really want to be with a lady who for whatever reason would prefer not to be with you. Find a lady who you will click with and see her. Besides, if a lady doesn't want to be with a man, irrespective of her reason (and it is her body, she has the right to decide who to be intimate with) but feels pressured, or maybe forced if in the case of an agency, doesn't that bring up a whole other issue, encounters turning into cases of sexual assault, because she has to have or feels pressured to have sex with a man she doesn't want to have sex with. A rambling RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 I personally do not care what colours, race, religion someone is...You just have more or less melamine than I do. Doesn't change anything for me. I personally know an SP, who will not see clients that are African Americans or black. She never been assaulted, stalked or anything by one of them...the reason? She is sexually not attracted to them. I personally salute her to have the courage to state in her ads that she will not see them. I know she tried it in the past, and there was just no connection for her. While I do understand that as SP/MA, we run a business and discrimnating against skin colours may not be the best idea...we "run" our business like no others. We share our bodies, no matter the amount of money, you can't force someone against her will to see someone that she doesn't want to and I am out, just giving my 5 cents (since 2 cents doesn't exist anymore) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kim 1989 Report post Posted July 31, 2013 For me as a black woman my self ,when i go to some areas ,for example toronto ,windsor or brampton ,these areas i found the black men ,to be disrespectful ,to rough ,speaking ,and the play time is to rough and most black men ,are pi,so in some areAS,i willl put in my post after a while NO BLACK MEN ,BUT i always give everyone a chance no matter what race they are ,first empressions are always important ,but in my own city i love the black men ,never had any problems in ottawa. i judge those by their actions not by skin colour xoxo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted August 1, 2013 The sp cristy refers to (from the other site) is from Bangkok, which you might find of interest. And her preference went beyond just not preferring to spend time with black men, but also EI and sometimes even just someone very tanned lol. I think her preference also excluded people from her own country. In that country, the sps typically are spending a great deal of time with their clients, much more than some of our half hour or hour, so it would be very important to them who they are spending time with as attraction would be hard to feign over a 6 hour period I imagine. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoddyThomas 2746 Report post Posted August 1, 2013 While I agree Sps can dictate who they cater to, I am surprised men get denied due to their race. There are gentlemen of all races, and distasteful individuals of all races. That's why a good screening process is important. Maybe it is a reflection of real life. Some ladies LOVE black men and others , not so much. It is easy for me to say, but don't get offended. Find an Sp who will happily rock your world Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goombata72 1556 Report post Posted August 1, 2013 I've seen this on a number of ladies ads, I'm not sure why these ladies refuse to see Black clients as a black man this confuses me greatly. Does any of the Sp's on here have an explanation? I have met ladies who don't like me because of my size (body type) and that is fine because I would rather be with a lady who is comfortable with me. I have asked some of the ladies I have become friends with who are SP and don't want to see dark skinned gentlemen. I was kinda of shocked by this because it is 2013 and a person should be judged by the person they are not the colour of their skin. Show respect and receive respect. The reason this one lady told me she doesn't want to see dark skinned men is because the last few she did see argued about her rates and not wanting to use a condom. One man even went as far as having it put on and when they where under the covers he took it off and tried to have FS without it on. She has also worked in the clubs and have met some who try to recruit her to be their "girl" (pimp). She does have some dark skinned men as clients but as far as I know she well not see or dance for any new dark skinned men because she has had to many scary things happen. I understand how a few can ruin it for the rest and it shouldn't be like that. Everyone should be treated equally. All SP must feel safe to provide great service and if she feels uncomfortable then the service well lack the lustier and joy you are seeking from them. I hope you find a lady that will enjoy being with you for you and not based on the colour of your skin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest A*ro**n Report post Posted August 1, 2013 On the client side, I think we don't have much of a leg to stand on this issue. Part of our selection process is viewing a SP/MA's photos. We're looking at their features (including skin colour) which we decide, up front, if that is someone we would like to contact. So our discrimination is happening beforehand. For the most part, ladies don't get to see us until they open their door. So if they want to put a restriction up front on who they'd like to see, be it black, white, skinny, fat, young or old to accommodate their attractions, I'd say it's completely fair. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites