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Its commonplace to here negative stories and aspects of our line of work, escorting/providing. What it can do to "womanhood", how we are homewreckers, that its demoralizing, sinful, the cause of other crimes, blah, blah, blah!

So I wanted to state some positive! This business has allowed me to become independent, completely so.:) Its greatly increased my self esteem. Actually, believe it or not its caused me to be more careful about my eating habits. Having to be naked often, causes me to eat less and more carefully than I would if I knew I'd never have to expose myself:) It allows me to be completely uninhibited, has taught me a lot about my own body and sex. I've also learned a lot of very positive things about men and their bodies;). It satiates my high drive, causes me to exercise more than I would normally. As an introvert I probably wouldn't have met the amount of really great people I've met had I chosen another line of work. I am a much more confident and carefree person because of this business. Probably more empathetic as well:) Yes there have been some rough times and some minor bumps but that would happen in any line of work I suspect. All in all my choice to provide has been a beneficial and a happy and positive experience :)


All that stuff you listed is all the things I am trying to do, exercising more, eating healthier, having sex.........that's it, I have to become an SP! But sorry, I get to eat the bacon sandwiches at the end.


Sadly though I don't think my hairy "moobs" (or man-boobs if you prefer) will attract many clients! :-)


Seriously though, its cool that being an SP has brought so many positive things into your life. We can only hope that its done the same for all SP's!

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I hate to admit But before I entered this hobby, I never saw the good in it and sadly I am guilty of believing some of society portrait they've tried to make you out to be. After my life fell apart and enter this world it been nothing but positive. Not only has it help piece back some of my life but it has changed my views in both life and towards you woman. Many of you have offered advice, some have chose to listen. I've gained a bit of confidence in myself. Heck I've never felt so normal in my life.

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Guest B**na***oy

Thanks Cristy for this nice testimony. I also share very similar feelings towards this industry. Above all, I have been most pleasantly surprised by the general positivity and kindness that transpires from the online exchanges and the meetings I have had.


But I think that the biggest discovery for me has been the very high quality of the people I have met in terms of values and work ethics. Any legitimate business would spend a considerable amount of money to create such an environment by hiring high end experts and consultants. Yet, the people involved in this industry have managed to achieve outstanding results through mostly self regulation.


I know the overall picture is not necessarily all positive, but there is far more positive than society is generally led to beileive.


Thanks Cristy and all other dedicated SPs and MAs for making this fantasy world one that is so accommodating and rewarding. ;-)

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Very well said cristycurve. It's great that you share your positive experience with everyone. Like any line of work, you must enjoy the job. If you don't like what you do, it may not be so easy to watch your diets, exercise more...

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Well you'd think with all the stereotypes held about "the biz" I would have stumbled into a hooker, prostitute, streetwalker, lady of the night or whatever other term of the day is used since embarking on this lifestyle. Well I haven't. I have however met ladies. Ladies who are bright, intelligent, pleasant, sociable. They don't meet society's stereotype of a sex worker at all. In fact, when I first embarked on this lifestyle, the one stereotype I had was this was about anonymous sexual encounters only. Boy was I wrong. First I didn't know how much I missed female companionship, not just sexual, but all aspects of being with a woman. And second, no anonymity, they know my name,(in some cases my address too) whether it is a lady I'm seeing for the first time or a lady I see on regular basis.

The ladies have integrity, honesty and are professional. In some cases they are friends. And most of all, their companionship helped fill a void in my life after my last break-up (and last time I dated) None of the stereotypes about "the biz" reflect my experiences. In fact the encounters I have had with ladies have been the most honest no strings attached relationships (for lack of a better word) I have had.

A rambling


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Guest webothscore

Let us also remember that many here have stated that this is a form of healing, not just sexual, and it has been said so in a variety of ways, so that will always be a positive.

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The "biz or industry" is not at all what I was raised to believe it was. I was raised in a very religious family that would describe both SP's and me as a guest as terrible sinners. Thank heavens (pun intended) I developed beyond my puritanical upbringing!

The biz for me has been some amazing sex and physical pleasure. But it has also been a wonderful source of companionship, (I dare say) friendships, learning, fun, joy and at times enlightenment. Not sure how I might survive without some of the ladies I interact with in the "biz".

I'm sure at times it's hard to be an SP and not over analyze it, but I think there are so many things you provide to help many of us be productive happy male members our society beyond the great sex (which is important too :) ).

Edited by olderguy
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