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When is it the right time?

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I'm new to this site and new to the whole idea of escorts.


I want to take the plunge and would do so today but I guess I like to think things though too much.

How much time have you lads spent here before you contacted your first escort?


Did you act too soon or do you think, why did I wait so long?


Very interested in getting some input.

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I wish I had found this site before I took the plunge, it would have saved me a lot of grief and worry. I spent probably a good year and a half checking out EC before I finally decided to treat my self to 30th B-day present. I spent so much time wondering if these girls were real, was I going to be mugged when I got there, were they police...I was really nervous! But I finally picked a lady who's pictures looked real and had the time of my life! Unfortunately she went back to (real) work full time shortly after that and I was again floating around EC and BP (she's the one who told me about BP) trying to find a lady I could trust. That's when I found this place and the flood gates opened! So many great reviews, ads and discussions that really opened my eyes. CERB girls are the BEST! But enough of my rambling, the point is you've come to the right place! There is a wealth of information here so just pick your flavour and enjoy!

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Thinking too much can be your worst enemy. Since you've found your way here and started this thread, that tells me you are interested and seeking. My suggestion would be to determine what you want (must haves/deal breakers) and how much you can afford. Then find ladies in your local area and then browse their profiles and pictures. When you find one or two that strike your fancy, delve into their posts, recommendations and websites. From all that information there is sure to be a stand out that is who you are looking for. Before you can think about it too much, contact the lady is the way she requests and start a communication. Provide the details she requests but try not to spend too much time worrying about what to say, just DO it.


Reading through the site, most gentlemen are amazed at the amount of time they spent worrying, fussy, thinking etc. before they jumped in. Thankfully CERB takes a lot of the guess work out and gives you great resources.


Jump in, enjoy and know you are in good hands no matter who you pick!!


Good Luck *muah*

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I wasn't an active member of this board before my first experience and I do wish I had read more on here beforehand. I wouldn't say I had a bad first experience but I definitely learned many things I could've from talking to the good people here. Ever since really involving myself with CERB I've learned so much and found a few SP's who fit the bill of my "dream encounter" If I had known these things off the bat then I think my introduction would've been much more enjoyable. You've taken a step in the right direction!

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I agree with Midnight-Massage. Don't over think it.


You are here. You know enough to be able to pose this question. You should be able to dance through the Halifax section and see who catches your fancy.


Now, you are at a crossroads. Want to worry about getting mugged, your personal safety, things like that? Don't. Or at least don't with regards to someone you find here. Particularly anyone you find who's been here since last Monday or more. :P


Take your heart in your hands and before any anxiety can take over, contact her by her preferred method (call, text, pm), briefly tell her who you are, that you find her to be interesting, that you would like to arrange a rendezvous on [insert date] at [insert time] if she is available and so on.


Voila! You will get an answer! Then all you have to do is keep yourself from letting your nerves get all bat-schite before you get there. The door opens. There she is. And it all flows so sensually from there.


Good luck!

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As the lovely Midnight Massage suggests, do research, read, communicate with a lady of your liking. But don't put the " pussy on a pedestal" if you think too hard on it, you might think yourself out of a booking.


Take it easy, and just be sure that you are communicating what you are looking for in a date. Perhaps a lady that is well established, respected and reliable is going to be best for you. This way she can take the lead, and guide you into the dream date experience you are looking for.


Be sure that you let her know you are new to this lifestyle, and this way she can be patient and understanding to your needs:)


Best wishes, hope to see more posts from you!


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Guest realnicehat

Hey MBR,


Welcome to the board. I used to over-think things as well, sometimes I guess I still do. No one is going to be able to tell you what will be best for you but all of the advice above is great.


You're going to be nervous your first time no matter how much you prepare. Fortunately for you, all of these ladies are very adept at making you feel relaxed once you walk through their door.


All that you can really do is take some time to understand and learn from the mistakes and successes of the members here. There is very little information on this board that can hurt you. Take all the time you like, I imagine sooner or later you are going to stumble across a lady that you can't help but meet.


What happens after that is up to you. I'm sure you're aware that in all facets of life sometimes people just don't click. If you are choosing a lady from Cerb, even in the event that you don't really connect you will still have a great experience. And if you do connect look out!


Good luck. I look forward to reading about your first adventure.


ps. I just realized you are in Halifax. Please just go see Penelope so I can live vicariously through you. Thanks.

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Guest A*ro**n

Welcome to the board Motorbykerider! You've already gotten some great advice.


I can understand where you're coming from. Took me a long while of lurking first before I even signed up to CERB and to find someone I might click with. It ended up working out great, and glad I crossed that threshold.


My offering, is that you may want to consider starting off with a massage from a provider first and see where that takes you. There's a lot of nerves right off the bat, so a massage may be a good way for you to enjoy yourself and ease into things.

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I certainly concur with the previous posters - research the ladies in your area, but don't over research. Once you have found one the has piqued your interest (or some other body part) contact the lady and move forward. Way more fun to meet these ladies than it is to read their profiles and look at their pretty pictures.

Make sure you go back and read a the threads on etiquette, cleanliness, behaviour etc. before you make contact. Depending on your age and background, this industry is not what many of us were taught to believe it is. My advice to someone starting out is to treat these ladies like you would hope a female member of your family (a sister or daughter) would be treated - you won't go wrong that way. Treat the ladies well and the experience improves 10 fold.

The real beauty of CERB is that the ladies that are on this site are highly skilled professionals and you can relax and enjoy the experience. The same can't be said for many other websites.

To go back and answer one of your original questions - once I decided I wanted to try this, it took me about 2 weeks to take the leap. However it took me almost 50 years to get to the "I want to try this stage".

Good luck - you are in good company here! :)

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I joined CERB in Feb 2010 and my first encounter was in July 2010.

During the time between Feb and July I looked at a number of different sites, one of them CL. My first encounter was with a lady from CL...it was a bad encounter. In fact when I stick to the ladies of CERB I have had good encounters, when I have looked elsewhere, well my encounters not so good. First bit of advice, stick to the ladies on CERB

Second, understandable the question about when is the right time. About the only plus about my first encounter is it got me over the hurdle of seeing a professional companion. After that encounter it was, I found easier to set up a date (oh and my dates got better too) and see a companion. My advice, find a lady you would like to meet, contact her, tell her you are a newbie, and set up a date. I say tell her you are a newbie because any faux pas made are easier to forgive to someone new than to someone experienced in this lifestyle.

And once you make the date, no matter how nervous or scared you might be, go through with the encounter. Not showing up for a scheduled date is rude and not an acceptable faux pas ever

Good Luck


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i think one of the best pieces of advice i can give is to follow the advice you now have access to. I can't tell you the number of times I've read someone posting that he's new to it, he's read the reviews, he's read sps posts, and then he posts his first review (on a review site) and it is clear that none of that reading made a bit of difference. He managed to find the one out of every 100 ads that was B&S, scammer, fake ad, fake promises, and flakey, and now he's taking the time to post about it.


just don't be that guy and you should be fine. Choosing an sp that is right for you, a good match for you and your level of experience and newness is the difference between an oh, what did I just do and oh, wow, let me tell you what an awesome time I just experienced!!

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I joined CERB in Feb 2010 and my first encounter was in July 2010.

During the time between Feb and July I looked at a number of different sites, one of them CL. My first encounter was with a lady from CL...it was a bad encounter. In fact when I stick to the ladies of CERB I have had good encounters, when I have looked elsewhere, well my encounters not so good. First bit of advice, stick to the ladies on CERB

Second, understandable the question about when is the right time. About the only plus about my first encounter is it got me over the hurdle of seeing a professional companion. After that encounter it was, I found easier to set up a date (oh and my dates got better too) and see a companion. My advice, find a lady you would like to meet, contact her, tell her you are a newbie, and set up a date. I say tell her you are a newbie because any faux pas made are easier to forgive to someone new than to someone experienced in this lifestyle.

And once you make the date, no matter how nervous or scared you might be, go through with the encounter. Not showing up for a scheduled date is rude and not an acceptable faux pas ever

Good Luck



This is excellent advice. Stick to CERB ladies and you will be fine. do a little research, decide which lady has a personality, attitude, and physical appearance you find attractive, and go have fun. When you have more experience it becomes easier to tell which ads on other sites are bogus, and also to weed through reviews on other sites that are BS. But in the interim, just listen to the advice you've received here, and go enjoy yourself.


You can lurk here for 2 weeks or 2 years ... but you really won't be any better prepared. You'll just have wasted a lot of time fretting and worrying, instead of having fun.



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Don't overthink things! You are looking to have your sexual desires fulfilled, and you have come to the right site!! So pick a lady from the ads section, book a date and just do it. When you're done, come back to the site, keep learning about your hobby, comment and post and soon you will be as comfortable as us, and you will be answering these threads just like I am:)

Good luck! PM me if you need any help.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

Definitely just message some ladies! Trust, chemistry and even seduction is started with communication! It makes your encounter that much more fun! And do your research, as others have mentioned!! We all want your first experience to be the best.


After talking for a bit, the one that stands out the most will make herself more apparent and trust your guts. Dive head first baby! You got a motorcycle...you not that scared of a lil lady now are you ;) (btw- what kind of bike?)

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Well, judging by the responses so far, I have come to the right place and am going about this correctly. Thank you all for that.


I'll try not to think about it too much more, but I am enjoying myself. Even the little messages on my profile page are helping. Thanks ladies.



You got a motorcycle...you not that scared of a lil lady now are you ;) (btw- what kind of bike?)

Maybe a little... It's a BMWf800gs.

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