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Ontario's ban on hand-held devices while driving will take effect Oct. 26.

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(phone tag making appointments ?)


Read more: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posteddriving/archive/2009/09/30/ontario-cellphone-ban-begins-oct-26.aspx#ixzz0SfkTvNk2

Check the Comments.

Apparently it will take someone they know, getting maimed, before they change their tune.

My reply would be " what gives you the right to endanger my life ?"


Look around when you are stopped at an intersection in downtown traffic. How many cell phones do you see ?


I am planning to use my horn and finger more often.


Hands free only devices is only half the solution.

There needs to be a behavior change drilled into peoples heads.


If while driving you call, or get a call, you should state "I'm on the road" (meaning, the conversation maybe interupted while I avoid running over the kid on the bike )



Edited by Suzirider

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Guest S***e

When I'm driving and my cell phone rings, I let it go to voicemail and I return the call later on as quickly as I can when I get to my destination. Nothing in my life is so important that it can't wait.

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I do not like to answer my cell when I am driving.......I find it hard to read the paper and drink my coffee when I am on the phone in the car:mrgreen:

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I am planning to use my horn and finger more often.


It is quite evident that you have not had the pleasure of driving around with me.


I like to use my horn and my finger for those that are head down, texting, while not paying attention to traffic, traffic lights, or better yet chatting away with one hand to the phone, and talking with the other hand in the air while "look my ma' no hands on the steering wheel".(and their vehicle veers into your lane:ablow:)


Seriously,idiots get a life pull over into a parking lot, stop your vehicle, and then chat,text,talk with your hands,put make up on...(don't get me started on that one)....pay attention to the road!

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I ride bikes often...newspaper, coffee I can handle, but a cell phone I might drop trying to stuff it under my helmet. :oops:

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I don't like it personally because I know I am capable of taking a call under the right circumstances. However, I also know there's too many people out there that don't gauge the situation properly and aren't very good drivers in the first place. So for the greater good, I can accept the law.


The worst part about cell phones is that certain individuals find it acceptable to talk about bullshit wherever they are. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

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Yeah that's the real downside of cells, everybody seems to think everybody should always be available... that problem did not exist when cells were not around, voice mail was a god sent !


But seriously, hands free, in most situations, well, ok. but coffe, makeup, news papers and phones !!! and guess what, those that do one, usually do multiples !!


Hunk and point away SR ! I just hope they actually find a way to get people to understand that driving is THe primary activity of the driver, everything else should be reduced to a minimum, and if you can't sfford to loose that precious time, well, hire a driver, take a cab or the bus, better yet, do a reality check on yourself, you might find that you actually CAN spare the time for transit !!

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Yeah that's the real downside of cells, everybody seems to think everybody should always be available... that problem did not exist when cells were not around, voice mail was a god sent !


But seriously, hands free, in most situations, well, ok. but coffe, makeup, news papers and phones !!! and guess what, those that do one, usually do multiples !!


Over the years I have been guilty of all the above, and while I use to be a proud multitasker, I now find it annoying. I am enjoying the concept of "doing one thing at a time". I'm not a cell talker anyway, but I don't understand how they can single out cell phones on the road and not go after the eaters, readers, and masturbators that proliferate the roads and are every bit as dangerous.


(A bit of a hijack) Why do people feel the need to answer their cells everytime it rings? My grandmother could never let a phone ring, and that I understood because she was there when the phone was invented practically. But now I am surrounded by people who will break a bone trying to get to a vibrating cell or bb. I just laugh because before bb's, email sat in our inboxes until we were sitting back at our desks. It's not going anywhere, and certainly isn't worth interrupting dinner or a good soak in the tub for. (end of hijack)




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...............and not go after the eaters, readers, and masturbators that proliferate the roads and are every bit as dangerous. ..................


leave me outa this..........hehehehehe

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Forget the fine !

Drivers caught reading should be forced to read the Hammer Manual, WHILE driving nails ! :roll: (won't be drivin for a while either) :sm185:

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Guest gagagaga

I don't see a problem with someone talking on a cell phone... it is no different thantalking to a passengerin your car, taking a sip of your coffee or changing your radio station, etc.


I think what distracts people is when they try to make a call or do a text or read one. I will say though that hands free would solve most of this.

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I don't see a problem with someone talking on a cell phone... it is no different thantalking to a passengerin your car, taking a sip of your coffee or changing your radio station, etc.


I think what distracts people is when they try to make a call or do a text or read one. I will say though that hands free would solve most of this.


What scares me the most is not people talking on their phones, is people texting and hands-free will not solve that problem.

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