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Well amongst everything else going on, last night's storm that came off the Ottawa River and knocked down an older weeping willow. Not a big deal, right? Wrong, unfortunately it ended up on / in my neighbours garage, tore open its roof and his Miata convertible got an unexpected car wash, including the interior.

Nobody's fault, as a friend told me last night "shit happens". So call the insurance company, "ok they say, we can have an adjuster out there right away". "Right away" turned out to be 03:00 this morning, as they did not tell me he was driving from Toronto!!!!

Although VERY tempted, I did not go postal on him, made some coffee and did the paper work.

Moral of the story, shit does happen, this served to keep my mind off today's and tomorrow's chemo treatment and no one was hurt. Move on.

Have a good one folks.


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Be full of care when looking at what your insurance company decides to give you. My one experience with a house fire taught me that hiring a Private Insurance Adjuster is definitely worth it. I brought one in and the insurance company's offer of $60 000 was $53 000 short. The settlement ended up being $113 000 and the PIA took 10%. They act as YOUR agent and ensure you get everything you are entitled to. Here is a link to explain...




Good luck and I'm sorry this happened!



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Guest *Ste***cque**

Sorry to hear that. The good news is this type of loss is covered under a typical home insurance policy.


There may be an issue with who is responsible though. Generally, if a healthy tree on your property is knocked down onto your neighbors home due to a storm, the neighbors insurance policy will pay for the loss under their policy. Why? Simply put, you weren't negligent. It just happened to be your tree. If a tornado blows a tree onto your neighbors property from 2 streets over, they wouldn't track down where the tree came from. It would just be covered under the neighbors policy that suffered the damage, no questions. Unfortunately he may be upset he has to pay his deductible and may ask you to contribute. Legally you don't have to but you could ask "your" insurer about paying the neighbors deductible under the voluntary payment for property damage section of your policy. They may go for it to keep the neighborly peace. Wouldn't hurt to ask your broker or adjuster about it.


Now if the tree was dead or ready to come down with a good shove, then you may be found negligent, or responsible for the damage the tree caused to your neighbors property. In that case, liability coverage under your policy will cover the neighbors damage and there is zero deductible applied.


Not to worry though as your and your neighbors insurer will work together to determine this. You shouldn't have to worry about any of this.


Good luck and I wish you al the best!

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