someguy 67067 Report post Posted July 28, 2014 Recently had a MA session with a girl. While it wasn't bad, she didn't kiss and cuddle and not much body slides. It's just not the same :(, so I went to one of my favourites who had plenty of kisses, cuddles and hugs for me. And great body slides. :) It made all the difference in the world. It's the affection that means more to me then the finish. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted September 24, 2014 This month I have been busy. Been lucky and have met many girls that enjoy kissing. This truly makes the session fun for me. Since I have posted this thread, I've had many cerb members ask me which girls like to kiss. Like me, without the kissing it's just not the same. I know for some girls Kissing is ymmv and intimate for them. And it depends on hygiene also. Just wanted to hear more feedback on how important kissing and cuddling is to you during your sessions :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted September 24, 2014 For me Kissing and cuddling is a huge thing that I think is crucial to the connection you have with the lady you are meeting. My most memorable encounters have been with ladies who right from the start greet you with a passionate deep... long kiss. Just my opinion 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triple HHH 12345 Report post Posted September 24, 2014 For me Kissing takes it all to the next level, being with a great kisser is what I look for in my encounters it just makes the whole experience better, getting kissed back makes me feel the lady I am with is enjoying my company as much as I am enjoying hers. I know for sure if there is no kisses there is no next time, I have being fortunate the sexy ladies that have visited Charlottetown this summer were great kissers, I want to repeat with each and everyone of them. With cuddling what is better than have a naked woman wrapped around your arms after enjoying each others company,that's what makes being it even more special.:) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted September 24, 2014 For me kissing is probably my biggest turn on. Nothing gets me more excited than deep, passionate kissing with a beautiful, sensual and romantic woman. Running my hands through her hair or gently running my finger tip down her back...then pulling her in to the point of our bodies melding in to one...that's just hot! I've been told time and time again I'm a good kisser, and I've been fortunate enough to have been with many women who know a thing or two about kissing. As for hugs, I am a notorious huger. I pretty much hug everyone and anyone. Nothing says I care more than giving someone a genuine, heartfelt hug! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shaved 3174 Report post Posted September 24, 2014 I have to agree with everyone kissing ,cuddling is what makes everything happen !! I have had only one bad experience with no kissing, cuddling. I thought to myself WTF. I come showered teeth brushed no bad breath etc..then I shower when I get there. I'm like Mr.Clean. I just wanted to leave. That was only once. So now if I PM a Lady I ask the ??? up front if the answer is No then I don't Go. The other 99.99% everything is amazing with the Ladies MA or SP. That is what makes everything happen. The best was a Lady I see on a regular bases one she sat on my lap I was totally inside. All we did for like 20 mins in that position was kiss and cuddle. After the session we looked at each other she said we definitely have to do that again. We did.. Kissing and cuddling makes for a HOT time. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jolie 3402 Report post Posted September 24, 2014 We are creatures that crave touch for me its all about that moment ,when you walk through my door at that moment I am your gf and I want and need the touching, kissing and feeling wanted and needed and making someone feel the same in return. Some days I wonder what happened to good old fashion foreplay that's the real ingredient that makes the magic happen. A deep sensual kiss that starts at your lips but you feel it in all the warm places it should be felt. And after the build up that you ride to a shivery end its nice to land in a warm embrace and just snuggle till your heart beat slow back down heh. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D***el B***e Report post Posted October 8, 2014 Kissing, cuddling, and hugging is all super important, but when I see an MA, the most critical and all-important thing, and not many MAs do it ... never, ever, ever lose physical contact with the client on the table. When I'm lying lying on the table and you walk around to grab a towel or lotion, or move to reposition yourself, or whatever stuff ... always, always keep at least one hand touching me .... I recently saw a fantastic SP, smoking hot, and sexually wild and driven (yes I'm talking about you Katherine) lol, we started the session with a smart and captivating conversation, then she offered a massage which turned out to be mystical. She never, for one second, let go of me. As she moved around, switching the massage from one leg to the other, or one arm to the other, she never for one second let go of me. I even commented to her the pleasure it was to know that she knew the importance of not breaking that bond. That did it for me! Sorry I'm diverging from the orignal question of the OP. So as much as cuddling and hugging and kissing is important ... keeping that bond is key! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mec88 331 Report post Posted October 14, 2014 Kissing and cuddling is a must for me, without deep passionate kissing I'll pass. It's a key part of any experience in my opinion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacectryguy 12550 Report post Posted October 14, 2014 We are creatures that crave touch for me its all about that moment ,when you walk through my door at that moment I am your gf and I want and need the touching, kissing and feeling wanted and needed and making someone feel the same in return. Some days I wonder what happened to good old fashion foreplay that's the real ingredient that makes the magic happen. A deep sensual kiss that starts at your lips but you feel it in all the warm places it should be felt. And after the build up that you ride to a shivery end its nice to land in a warm embrace and just snuggle till your heart beat slow back down heh. Well said. The foreplay with passionate kissing and "cuddle" play is a huge turn-on for me. Without it, I find sometimes that I even have trouble getting or maintaining an erection. With those things, I am completely turned on and more often than not, have better stamina as well. It's like you say about feeling it in all the warm places and it allows your whole body to be involved. Then afterward, being able to catch our breath while in a soft embrace and caressing her back brings it all full circle. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted December 17, 2014 A session without the kissing or cuddling is just not the same. The lack of affection at home is the reason some of the men come to see the women here. Kissing is an important part the Intimacy and chemistry. Otherwise what's the point, you might as well stay home and be intimate with yourself :) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted December 17, 2014 It is such an incredible feeling of intimacy that towards the end of the lovely encounter, we held each other tight while at the same time caressing and kissing each other! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted December 17, 2014 If we can't kiss i don't want to see you.It's my favorite thing! kissing and cuddling are a must! Otherwise you may as well watch porn lol because you don't need me. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted January 12, 2015 I've recently met a few new women lately that did not kiss. Sessions were good, but not as much fun with out the kissing and cuddling. But the last girl, that I had saw for the second time, was a awesome kisser and to be able kiss and cuddle after the main event was great. It makes the difference between a good session and a great session. Without kissing there cannot be true intimacy between a man and a woman. I've had a few older men pm me about which women kissed and cuddled. And most of them had said that they would be happy with just the kissing and cuddling. It's something that us older men miss and need sometimes. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted January 12, 2015 No kissing feels weird except if it's a massage session. I'm definitely a kisser and a damn good one too! lol No kissing to me or a kiss on the cheek upon greeting is like someone letting you have only one potato chip and not another. So I'm sending my intention out to the universe to all the kissers... until then. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Helena D'Orville 33237 Report post Posted February 4, 2015 Touching, cuddling, kissing are very important to me. I love sweetness. It makes the best dates... 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loopie 15358 Report post Posted February 5, 2015 I read about this in the Metro newspaper today: This is a professional cuddlers firm, offering snuggling and cuddling services. They emphasize that their services are non-sexual and that both participants are clothed (no nudity). I love snuggles 'n cuddles, but I must admit, there's something I find funny about this. It almost sounds like a Saturday Night Live sketch or something. The wholesomeness of it is both humorous and sweet at the same time. Discuss. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Northman 16522 Report post Posted February 6, 2015 I recently saw my first 'no kissing' companion and I have to say, while it didn't COMPLETELY ruin the experience, I'll definitely be avoiding that situation in the future. I was actually surprised by how much it bothered me. I guess I had taken it for granted in the past and hadn't thought about it too much. It wasn't something that was discussed up front so I had no way of knowing. I just found it awkward and uncomfortable. Apparently I'm a really kissy guy because I constantly found myself just instinctively going in to kiss and then having her turn away. It was a kind of rejection and it made me feel bad, first of all just because I like to kiss (obviously) but worse, it made me feel like I was being a pest or trying to get her to do something she wasn't comfortable with. It truly was just habitual and instinctive so I kept having to catch myself which really put a damper on the whole thing. It's a shame because otherwise, I really liked her and if it weren't for that, I'd see her again in a heartbeat. All I know is that now it's one more thing on my list of questions to ask before meeting someone new. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted April 4, 2015 I've recently had quite a few members asking which women that I have seen kissed. It seems like us older gentlemen are looking for the same thing. Kissing is very intimate and important to the session for most of us. I used to assume that most women kissed, but recently have met many that didn't kiss or may kiss once they get to know you. I have many women that I see on a regular basis that are great kissers and that I have enjoyable times with. I've become more wary of meeting new women now. I now pm them to see if they may allow kissing as it is a personal thing. Of if they do allow any kissing at all. This will help me decide on who to see. To the women, Question. Is kissing a very personal thing to you? Does it depend on hygiene, chemistry or connection? Just wanted to get the woman's opinion on this subject. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted June 26, 2015 Any more opinions on this topic? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnybird 4391 Report post Posted June 29, 2015 I'm a cuddler/hugger by nature so it's very important to me, That's the part I enjoy the most :) Kissing goes without saying as well 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
futileresistenz 28253 Report post Posted June 29, 2015 I'm with all those on the Cuddle & Kiss Team - if you don't want to get next to me, I'd prefer to engage someone else! Physical closeness is one of the best ways to develop attraction and see if real chemistry follows. The tactile sense is very much underused in our society and has significant health benefits, some of which are: - It lowers stress, - makes you feel good by releasing oxytocin into the bloodstream - lowers blood pressure. - may improve cognitive function - creates closer bonds So touch, along with just enjoying conversation, laughs, etc., is 90% of what some of us are looking for. I may be off on that number, it might be 99%. ;-) ...and sometimes the 1% balloons out to fill most of the time, and when you've got that connection, it is heaven. Even without that, the hugs and cuddles, and enjoying each others' company is pretty special in and of itself. I don't pretend to speak for the majority, but speaking for me, lacking the delicious closeness that the exploratory cuddles and kisses give would be a primary reason not to repeat with a lady. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted August 11, 2015 Recently, the last 5 sessions I've had were with women who enjoyed kissing. So much passion and cuddling involved. We were making out like high school kids. These are the sessions that I find most intimate and fun. When there is connection and chemistry the hour goes by fast and furious. Without kissing, there is no passion and intimacy which humans crave. Otherwise it is just another physical activity. A good one, but with passionate kissing it can be mind blowing. This is just my opinion. There are women in this business who don't kiss. They save this for their true love. However they can have sex with no problem? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted October 31, 2015 Starting to find out that a lot of the newer girls don't seem to allow kissing. How can you share intimate moments without kissing, and cuddling afterwards. I know it is probably a hygiene thing. Too me no kissing is a no go, it's too mechanical. I see women here because i don't get enough kissing and passion at home these days :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted October 31, 2015 I could not agree with you more. Kissing to me is essential. Similarly, it is something that is grossly lacking in my home life. Just the other day I was with a special friend and we generally kiss a great deal. Once I start kissing her it becomes difficult to stop. And at one point, I could feel a passion welling up in me that I had not felt in years and our kissing became.. I can hardly describe it.... I have had sex and not felt that way. It was the intimacy of the kiss that brought out that emotion. It was important to me beyond measure. Its what separates us from the animals. LOL I had not felt so alive as when we were in that moment, and for that I am eternally grateful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites