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Yes I miss those good old days too in the shout out box, it is now become strictly advertising from my perspective.



Does it make me rush out and go see that MA/SP that is on there all day long....no, but I do quickly glance read them, but prefer to go right to the actual sections of advertising for MA's and SP's.


No it is not annoyingly repetitive to me.



As I like to plan ahead.....as they say... "Fail to plan...plan to fail"

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I personally can't be bothered to even look at the shout box anymore. As you mentioned, it has become all about ads and a lot of repetitive ads. Also, I'm from Kingston as well, so for the most part they don't really apply for me.


I haven't been a member as long as some of you, but still have noticed the change. When I first became a member, I noticed there was a lot less advertising so I found myself checking it out more and even posting here and there. Now, just can't be bothered.


If looking for an encounter I check the applicable section and plan ahead.

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  PistolPete said:
Yes I miss those good old days too in the shout out box, it is now become strictly advertising from my perspective.



Does it make me rush out and go see that MA/SP that is on there all day long....no, but I do quickly glance read them, but prefer to go right to the actual sections of advertising for MA's and SP's.


No it is not annoyingly repetitive to me.



As I like to plan ahead.....as they say... "Fail to plan...plan to fail"


I wanted to post something in the shoutbox but was not sure whether I could as All I saw were ads

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  Danielle Jackson said:
I wanted to post something in the shoutbox but was not sure whether I could as All I saw were ads

You can definitely post comments in the shout box as long as you respect the CERB rules ;)

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

I will occasionally say Good Morning Cerbies from North Eastern Ontario if I see a break in the posting early in the morning. It does seem to be taken over by the advertising which interferes with the use of it. Perhaps its up to the members to use it more for general stuff advertising might scale back on its own,IMO.

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I love the witty good morning posts, the "I am enjoying..." posts, the what are you up to posts, the join me in chat posts, etc....perhaps we should look at making the shout box a fun place and disallow any and all advertisements!?

Edited by Meg O'Ryan
I hate predictive text!
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Guest **cely***r***ne

I'm never up early in the morning with my computer on...but when I do log on, all I notice is adds. Oops. I am one of those post my add repeatedly to the shout box ladies :O But to be honest, ever since I came back to cerb, I thought that was what the shout box was for now.. :s

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I do have to agree that the shoutbox seems to be dominated by ads... and since I do post in the AD section, I don't really see the point of adding to the shoutbox since that isn't what it was intended for... as one member previously stated in this thread, it seems "desperate"....

To the ladies who "spam" there all day: please take note of the majority of replies to this thread from gentleman; they say they look in the ads section when "shopping" for a companion...

I would second the motion to disallow ads in shoutbox....otherwise having the ad section at all seems rather redundant.

Edited by xXxAxXx
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Guest *Ste***cque**

Shout box?? Where is that I asked myself and then I noticed it for the first time today. It reminds me of tweets and no, I wouldn't miss it at all.

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Guest webothscore

I think the "shout" box is there by it's very definition. One should be able to shout out anything they like, while always following the rules. My biggest thing is clicking on the latest posts from the last time I logged in. I don't miss much, but I do however glance at the shoutbox before clicking on new posts. I actually like the city to city teasing about sports, weather or jokes. Shout it out!

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When I first started on Cerb I used to just scroll down to the province I was in and go to the ads. As I got more used to the site, I noticed a lot of nice friendly chit chat between the ladies and some long time members, so I would still scroll right past it to the ads I wanted. Lately, now that I have wanted to post something there, I see it is almost exclusively for ads , so I still scroll past it! I think you may as well leave it just for ads, for the newer members to help them get used to the site, for those who want to chat there is a section for that as well? Just sayin' :)

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I'll glance at it, and ignore it unless there's anything interesting. "interesting" for me means "something other than the usual run-of-the-mill ads". I don't look through the archives - I think I've done so twice, ever, and the first time was by accident. I can't shake the feeling that there's quite a lot of posting repetitive ads in order to push others off the front page goes on at times. I have no proof of this... it's just a feeling.


For those who are lamenting the way things used to be, two comments...


First: I think the best CERB-oriented solution is probably for those of us who'd like to change the way the shoutbox is used to get on and use it the way we'd like to see it used by others, and see what happens. The pendulum may have swung one way, but it could swing back.


However... I'm not sure that this will happen because I've found that Twitter is just so much better for this sort of thing that the shoutbox simply can't compete.

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The shout box will be what members make it to be. If one misses the chit chat and the happy nonsense we sometimes have (pastel ninjas, anyone?), by all means contribute to the shout box. Otherwise, yes, it will be only the occasional 'good morning' mixed in with tons of ads.

Now on my way to posting my usual nonsense shout, in unreadable pastel :-)...

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I love it when the old-timers talk about the 'good old days'! ;)


Since I joined, every time I looked at the shout box all it was was ads, usually several by the same person, so I hid it. On other forums I've been on that had something similar it was always used for either announcements or some sort of banter between people, but I guess cerb is unique in that there are members that can post ads, which is different from other forums I've been on. As was said though, it is what you make it, so if people start posting other things in there it can get back to being less about ads and more about interaction, if that's how people want it.


For myself, it could be an alternative to the chat room if it became a little more interactive, as I mainly use either my tablet or phone for internet, both of which are Android devices which means the chat room doesn't work for me, so it would be cool if that happened.

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Guest ****ven

I do really feel like the shoutbox has become an advertising competition, and I am definitely a culprit - but I do tend to only use it if I am available and not on other times.


Is this annoying? or worth my time? Not sure... Thoughts?

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

I don't pay too much attention to it as it's mostly ads or links to ad posts.

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I do believe the shout box when first introduced, was for those ladies wanting to post last minute availability ads, ;) Seems that there is a lot of last minute availability every day. To each their own, whatever works, I don't think the pendulum will swing the other way, and yes Phaedrus, I enjoy twitter myself for other good reasons too. :)

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Guest realnicehat
  gc1968 said:
I love it when the old-timers talk about the 'good old days'! ;)


Back in my day you had to scroll up 20 pages in the snow to get to the shout box but we were happy to have it. There weren't any colours to choose from and no pretty ladies. There was a flashing green > and some pocket protector wearing nerd at the other end. But we could send messages and if you had four hours a picture too! I still remember the day monitors came out in "amber"...boy that was a party. You youngsters don't know how good you have it!

Edited by realnicehat

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  OttawaBoogieman said:
I don't pay too much attention to it as it's mostly ads or links to ad posts.



Me too. I like a shout box that is for public chit chat, not so much the last minute or update advertising.

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I agree completely with this post. There is a place to go for ads and they are organized by SP versus MA. I couple of times I clicked on a shout to find it was a MA not SP.

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As a non-Ottawatonian ( that a word ?) the shout box ads don't help me so much unless I have an F14 fighter jet to get there in time. ;) I don't participate as much but I still manage to have a little fun from time to time with the girls that advertise there however .


It is what it tis, times change and we all adapt. Sometimes it can mean out with the old and in with the new ! so to speak


Cheers !! :chug:

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Guest realnicehat
  LeeRichards said:
Ottawatonian ( that a word ?)


I believe the word you're looking for is Ottaweiner ;)

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It seems the shoutbox is being dominated by two or three groups in particular - perhaps changing the rules to "once an hour if it's an ad" or so rather than once the shout has gone off the screen might help with that.

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