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Doctors remove a fork from a man's urethra

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Original article (in french) is here : http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/insolite/201308/19/01-4681346-les-medecins-retirent-une-fourchette-du-penis-dun-patient.php. I've used google translate and reviewed it for consistency:



Doctors in Australia did an emergency surgery on a man who had inserted a metal fork in his penis, an unusual medical intervention that was published as a long article in a highly respected professional journal for surgeons.

According to the article "An unusual foreign body in the urethra" published in the International Journal of Surgery, the 70 year old man was brought to the emergency hospital in Canberra with a bleeding penis "after having introduced a fork in the urethra to increase his sexual pleasure. "


The man had introduced the 10 cm, metal fork, twelve hours before, but could no longer remove it, says the article, which does not specify the date of the incident.


Doctors, faced for the first time in such a case, "discussed several possible operations" before removing the object with forceps and lots of lube, while the patient was under general anesthesia.


"This case deserved focus given the challenges presented by this unusual case of a stuck fork in the urethra of the penis" says this very serious professional journal. It then describes some - few - if any foreign objects found in the urethra of the penis during the past nine years.


"The auto-erotic stimulation with objects inserted into the urethra exist since time immemorial and are infrequent but known cases to urologists," she says. Its said that if the patient takes too long to see a doctor, by being too embarrassed, he may die as a result of an infection.

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I would like to know..., what way did the fork got in, handle or the other way around!!! LOL



I'm sure i don't want to know .... :-S

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