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The human body: Amazing yet kinda disgusting....

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Guest realnicehat

Earlier today in a thread about anal sex there was some discussion of feces. I guess if you are going to discuss that subject it is inevitable. People don't like poop. Ok, most people but that is a whole other conversation. To some in that thread the thought of encountering someone else's poo is enough to keep them away from the back door forever. Others simply come prepared to clean up if a little mess occurs.


We all know that shit is only one of the many gross gifts our bodies give us. Piss, pus, puke, plaque, snot, shit, oil, crusty eye goo, ear wax, in-grown hairs. I'm sure I've missed quite a bit (I didn't even cover smells) but you get my point. Those that society considers most beautiful still produce the same gunk the rest of us do.


I guess maybe in an effort to demystify our bodies, or perhaps I'm just weird and nosy, I thought I would ask what really grosses you out? I mean, I don't like shit, don't really want to touch it (yours or mine) but it doesn't freak me out. Throw up near me though and watch me start gag.


A Facebook friend posted the video below today. It is the cleaning out of a pore that they claim has been clogged for 25 years! I found it fascinating yet icky. For me it was the stereotypical can't look away moment. Some people may not last 10 seconds when they see it, others may watch it twice. Everyone has their own triggers.


So again, I ask you, what really gives you the heebie jeebies about the human body? Not necessarily on someone else's body but even on your own.



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So again, I ask you, what really gives you the heebie jeebies about the human body?



I'm a bit of a weirdo. Wet hair is fine with me. When a girl gets out of the water and her hair is as straight as it can be, it looks hot. I have no problems with girls in showers.


But so help me god when I find wet hair on the floor or worse, around the shower drain I want to wretch. And this isn't gender specific.

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I don't know about grossed out, but sh*t and puke not on my list of things to see or have to clean up

Why someone would wait twenty five years to clean out a pore I don't know. God an ingrown hair drives me up the wall, that pore must have been annoying as hell

I remember I took a first aid course many years ago and we had to watch a film on childbirth and what to do, which showed a women giving birth.

None of the women got grossed out, but a few guys were green around the gills. When we had our break went to the store across the street, got a soda and bag of chips, one of the guys, still green, asked, how can you eat after seeing that.


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