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The kid next door

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I live in upscale, middle-age suburbia. It's also known as Genericanada.

Neighbours are cautiously courteous in as much as we don't intrude on each others quiet enjoyment of the streetscape. We all wave at each other as we take the garbage out but we barely know each other's names. Sick, eh?


If someone puts an appliance curbside, outraged people print-off messages & plaster them all over the offending piece of appliance saying this "Neighbourhood is XXX & doesn't allow this sort of thing". I'm serious and I'm ashamed to have lived with such dimbulbs.


If the grass grows too long, we have the right to complain to city hall. F**k me, that has happened too. But speaking of grass. My neighbour's boy (who is an occasional visitor due to divorce) was cutting his dad's lawn. He did a good job on his dad's lawn, but he went a step further and did very nice thing (despite the neighbourhood policy of being nasty). He looked at my sorry patch of desert & cut my weeds too.


Now, I barely have any opportunity to even say hello to my neighbour, let alone his boy. I know it was his boy who cut my lawn, cuz I saw him outside this afternoon on my neighbour's property.


What should I do? I much appreciate the lawn cutting cuz my side was getting thick and shaggy. He seems like a good boy. I haven't had much of an opportunity to talk with the lad. My opinion - His dad is an asshole, but a quiet neighbour. His boy seems like a very considerate lad.


How can I show my appreciation?

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Guest realnicehat

Well, since there's no "thanks" button in the real world you will probably have to say it in person.


The next time you see him outside go out and thank him. He did a nice thing and it should be acknowledged.


I don't necessarily feel like it deserves a reward of any kind, and if he did it for that reason he'd likely be hovering outside. I find people are so quick to offer up rewards these days that they have forgotten what its like to do something nice just for the sake of doing something nice.


Thank the boy and if you get a chance tell the dad he's got a great kid.

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So nice to hear a good story involving the younger generation since most of what we read today is of the negative variety. Having coached young men at the varsity level of high school sports I have come to know some fine outstanding young citizens who have lots to contribute positively to society. Seeing individuals such as these makes me feel good about the future.

Next time you see this young man let him know how much you appreciated his gesture and that his parents should be proud of him. Thanks for sharing this story.

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That is a nice refreshing story to hear. Personally when someone does something nice for me, I always like to find a way to repay the favor. I am sure there is something the kid could use.

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Guest ChantalSummers

I would suggest leaving a card at his front door to say thank you if you rarely see him. I'm sure he'd really appreciate this and feel special.

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I agree with Chantal, grab a card and write the same sentiments in it that you did here. Let him know that random acts of kindness shows great character and is appreciated. Perhaps a small gift card from Best Buy or Tim's or Starbucks. Cash even! If he is like most kids from a divorce who is aware and considerate; asking his folks for money isn't something he does unless absolutely necessary. Something in his wallet just for him so to speak. It's good to read stories like this...



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Sometimes assholes produce the best kids:) I would show thanks in person and I would give him a small gift, movie tickets, fast food coupon, something. Hearing that someone appreciates you is a great gift as well and may be all that's needed. It is your choice but today not enough people show their gratitude and it can be hard for some to do it while having good intentions so again I say approach him, take the step with or without a gift and tell him that what he did was very nice and much appreciated and ask him if he ever should need something don't hesitate to ask:) You never know this may be a little boy that's never told thanks or that he does good so hearing it from someone just might make his day:) and give him cause to do more selfless acts.

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