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Beautiful women.

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This is not directed at anyone particular. I just wanted to put this out there. We may look to the ad above and below and see nothing but beautiful women. However, it's important to remember that each one of us is beautiful in our own way and deserves a spot in the ad section.

I'm not your competition, there's no constellation prize, we are not against each other. I like you am a lady trying to pay my bills, take care of my needs and have a little bit of extra money. I don't judge you and all that I ask is that you don't judge me. We can work along side each other in harmony because we are different in the most beautiful way. What I have may not be what you have and there's nothing wrong with that. One thing that rings true is that we are our own worst critics and that we have to be kind to ourselves. We may get payed for our beauty but what is most important is the beauty within. When shadows over cast you, let that beauty shine, the true beauty that is you. I do not go out of my way to take from you and I understand that you do not go out of your way to take from me. We may have the same clients but I ensure you that they go to you and they go to me because of our own unique qualities. From time to time things may weigh you down, you may not feel beautiful enough, smart enough, or just strong enough but we all get like that from time to time. I am sorry if I have hurt you in my pursuit of happiness. All of us are strong, beautiful, smart and and all of us deserve to be recognized for who we are beautiful women.

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Yup! The surface can be beautiful in lots of different ways, so put your best forward with a smile and you'll always find admirers. Every woman on CERB fits well with someone's desires.


And in the end it's really is the substance beneath the surface that matters most, makes two people click emotionally, intellectually, and sexually, and keeps clients coming back.

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I can't agree with you more, Peachy.


Beauty on the outside is just that, superficial. To be a person well-liked, loved and admired by others, we also need inner beauty - self confidence, intelligence, honesty, fairness, and all the good personality traits. I must add that you are a well-liked, well-adjusted person and I hope and am certain that nothing would affect you negatively.

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Guest realnicehat

All of us are strong, beautiful, smart and and all of us deserve to be recognized for who we are beautiful women.


Yes you are, and yes you do.


I'm not sure what inspired this on a Sunny Sunday afternoon but it is well thought out and very well said.


Thank you Peachy.



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Guest B**na***oy

Beautiful women indeed, we are all just your humble servants. Thanks for being there.

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Thank you Peachy, so well put, its not surprising that someone like you would write this, kindness, peace and understanding+ your big heart. You are truly beautiful inside and out. This post should be the motto for all of us in the business:)

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Well said, i think that every one has something that is great and one of a kind about them. but you are right when you say that everyone is hardest on them selfs, and when others pour gas on the fire that is self doubt it does not help.


The problem is that it is easier for people to just look at things for there face value, and not for what is underneath. the best say i can think of for be; looking at a great forest and and just seeing the trees and not the life that it holds within.


so to every one that reads this just as Peachy said before, you are beautiful and special in your own way no matter what others think.


Have a great night all. :)

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