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I was particularly impressed by Dean Norris' acting in this episode again. Sometimes I thought he was a little overboard playing Hank. A little too self righteous, but I was amazed by his words to Walt "You are the smartest man I ever met. But you are too stupid to see he made up his mind ten minutes ago."


Somehow I have a feeling the one who gets out of this alive and in reasonably good shape will be Jesse.

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I have to say that although I have loved this show from the beginning, I resisted starting season five until recently. I personally don't think there should have been a season five. They wrapped things up so beautifully after season four. The devolution of Walt's character was complete. We watched him go from a good guy in a bad situation to basically a monster. You always hoped for him and tried to understand his justifications for his actions. They made it so you wanted to believe that deep down, he was a good person. In the end, it turned out that he wasn't, even though they won as I had hoped. Brilliant ending to a series.

Now, after watching the first four episodes of season five, I'm finding the whole thing anticlimactic. We know who and what he is, and there isn't much lower he can go.

I will keep watching out of curiosity for where they will take it but I still believe they should have stopped on a high note with that ingenious ending. Perhaps a few more episodes will change my mind. ;-) Just my recent thoughts on the show.

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They wrapped things up so beautifully after season four.

Yeah, but the last line of Season 4 was Walt saying, "I won." You knew Breaking Bad would never leave the story there.


We know who and what he is, and there isn't much lower he can go

Check back in after you've finished Season 5. ;)

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Guest A*ro**n

Ozymandis was probably the best hour of television ever, but I'll wait for the last two episodes to cement that opinion.


Wow, just a complete kick in the gut.

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Honest Trailers: Breaking Bad


Anna Gunn on Skyler hatred in the NY Times:

(I don't share all of her thoughts but I surely agree with parts of it)



Nailing down what it feels like to be hooked on Breaking Bad:



Stephen Colbert and Bryan Cranston (and others) dancing on Daft Punk


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Sigh... now I'm all sad. *snif* :(


Really liked the finale; it did a great job of tying up lots of loose ends and giving us final glimpses of a few minor characters (way to go Badger and Skinny Pete!).


I give this last-ever episode 9/10, and it loses the one point only because, unlike almost any other episode of Breaking Bad, you kind of knew ahead of time the major beats it had to hit and the mood it would strike at the very end. And yet it still got there masterfully.


I'm thankful for a show that reminded us that television doesn't have to be "just t.v", but can in fact be real art.

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Now THAT was a finale. One of the best I've ever seen. Great job.


Even down to the little details of Walt walking through the lab looking at the equipment, with a satisfied smile all to the tune of Badfinger's Baby Blue. Such a perfect song for the ending.

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My Jessie lives! I guess my guests at my Breaking Bad party had bets on me crying if he died. Well yo bitches no tears. Ah aha ha. Perfect ending to a perfect and very addictive series.

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When I thought the show ended 2 epps ago I was cool with it.

This finale did tie up quite a few loose ends and I'm happy with that.


I laughed when he put his bacon into a 52 and yes, the choice of music was spot on.

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Well, the show certainly went out with a bang. Last night's series finale averaged 10 million viewers -- more than triple the number for the previous season's finale. That's approaching the much-envied Walking Dead numbers (about 12 million).


Word of mouth and availability on Netflix seem to have played big roles, allowing newcomers to catch up in advance of the finale.


The suits must be pulling their hair out that the series won't be continuing and pulling in ad money with those numbers. Three cheers for artistic integrity, and knowing how to leave the room when your story is told and you're on top.

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Enjoyed the "Breaking Bad" series immensely. I admit I had to set some time aside and catch up through Netflicks and AMC before the finale last night. Time for something new. Now if only House of Cards can get going with a second season. This time the drug is power.

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Here is a link I posted on Twitter some time ago:


Published on Aug 8, 2013

"An exclusive in-depth interview with Breaking Bad's lead actor Bryan Cranston. In this candid interview, Cranston talks about saying goodbye to his role as Walter White and highlights the importance of good writing and compelling storytelling..."


I am so sad the series is over! LOVED everything about it!


I guess I will have to look into what House of Cards is about... Sounds like it could be an interesting TV show to start watching.

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Now if only House of Cards can get going with a second season.


FYI: there were three books...


The suits must be pulling their hair out that the series won't be continuing and pulling in ad money with those numbers. Three cheers for artistic integrity, and knowing how to leave the room when your story is told and you're on top.


I'm sure the suits will find a way to repackage DVD box sets until hell freezes over. I wouldn't worry about them.


But yes, knowing whether, when and how to finish is a fine art. Very few people ever get it right.


Hijack: here's someone else who knew.



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I'm going to try to get into watching this show. I'm still on season one and found it slow and draining but everyone I know says the Walter character gets better so I will try watching it again.lol.

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For me the finale was almost letter perfect. I'm very satisfied. Lots of good good stuff. Like The Wire it's great not to overstay one's welcome..... as Dexter show runners did.




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For me the finale was almost letter perfect. I'm very satisfied. Lots of good good stuff. Like The Wire it's great not to overstay one's welcome..... as Dexter show runners did.





Couldn't have said it better. Breaking Bad KNEW when it was time to end... I just wish True Blood had come to the same conclusion a season or so ago...

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Guest S*rca****sid

I thought it was pretty interesting they dedicated an episode of Mythbusters to Breaking Bad. Apparently, Vince Gilligan was asked a question if he would ever consider doing a cross over with another show. His answer was that he would only do it with Mythbusters.

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I'm going to try to get into watching this show. I'm still on season one and found it slow and draining but everyone I know says the Walter character gets better so I will try watching it again.lol.



I was hooked starting from S1 E1. Trust me, you'll not regret it. :icon_smile:

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Guest ChantalSummers

Wow I am so glad there's a thread about this. I am seriously addicted. I just blew through 4 seasons in less than a month. It is just so suspenseful and I have a soft place in my heart for Walter. I'm excited to get through season 5 and hope they make more ;)!!

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