newboy 4919 Report post Posted September 13, 2013 I have a few ladies that I see on a regular basis, and we get along just fine. Sometimes I will see a new gal appear, and from all indications, she is someone fun to spend time with. That is when my indecision appears. Stay with the tried and true, or try something different? I am always worried that things will not go well, and with a limited budget..., but on the other hand, it could be a fantastic experience! A topic for discussion guys and gals, what are your thoughts? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alexbarmtl 230 Report post Posted September 13, 2013 I have never done a repeat as of yet, but after multiple meetings with different providers, I would tend to stick with the tried and true logic. However, what if you are missing out? Could the unknown hold a better experience? I'm a firm believer in chemistry, and possible on that endless quest! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnite-Energies 110563 Report post Posted September 13, 2013 I completely understand the budget part and that is probably the greatest factor. no one wants to feel like they wasted their budget. That said, life dynamic and if one does not take a risk (even a well researched and thought out risk) then there is no potential for greatness. Remember, all your regular ladies were once a risk (to put it into perspective). CERB is wonderful in that you can explore the person via posts, pictures, PM, and a variety of interactions here before you make the decision thus reducing the risk. If someone is ringing your bells at a distance, chances are they will do the same in person provided you go in with an open mind, openness to the person and no expectations. I for one, believe that a life without risk and potential for greatness is a life not lived. Enjoy what you can when you can. When it's good, give thanks, when it's not, be thankful for the experience (because there is always something good in the experience). in the end, the decision is up to you and what sort of risk limit is comfortable for you. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *l**e Report post Posted September 13, 2013 One of the main reasons that I hobby is to have variety. Periodically I will see a girl I've seen before, but often, I want someone new. My opinion only Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted September 13, 2013 There are some ladies that I see on a repeat basis. I see them because I like them and enjoy the companionship and escape they provide But I also see new ladies too. I read their posts on CERB, emails and pm's and from that determine if there is enough chemistry/connection and schedule an encounter. And quite often I'm pleasantly surprised, and meet a lady I want to meet with again One of the joys of this lifestyle is it's poly amorous nature. And seeing new (and unknown) ladies doesn't preclude you from also seeing known ladies for repeat. You can do both in this lifestyle And always keep this in mind, a lady you know, was when you first met her, an unknown lady But I can't answer the poll as such, because I have encounters with both known and unknown ladies, to me the choice isn't mutually exclusive, one or the other A rambling RG 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HalifaxMan58 2206 Report post Posted September 14, 2013 (edited) I can't vote known or unknown. I think "both" is missing from the vote, IMHO. As most of you know I am new to the life style. It is exciting meeting new ladies, & it is also exciting having repeats, both of which I've done. As has already been said when you first met the lady she was an unknown. All we know is what we've found out on this great site through their posts, blogs, videos, & P.M.'s with them. We really don't know what is going to happen until we met in person. Will there be chemistry? Will you make a connection? At first I had thought it would be good just to find one SP that I had chemistry with and stick with that lady. I quickly found out that probably wasn't a good decision on my part. I found myself starting to have very deep feelings for this SP. I explained the situation with her, and it was decided we take a break from each other, which was the only thing to do of course. I began seeing other SP's who I have repeated with, and I believe I am back on track now and have my head on straight. Eventually I would like to go back to seeing this SP, as I feel I can better handle my feelings now. Slow and sure, one step at a time. So after my little rant, I would say both are good to do! My 5 cents worth! Edited September 14, 2013 by HalifaxMan58 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andflemcol 3975 Report post Posted September 14, 2013 Hey Newboy. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It has happened a few times where I see an ad for a new sp....she looks great and maybe there has been a good recommendation or two...but, when I take the plunge and although the session went well, I sometimes regret that I didn't spend my money on the tried, tested and true. If I do get the urge to explore some variety, I will take my time. I will research the sp and maybe try and engage in a bit of correspondence with her. If I think that we would enjoy each other, then I will take the next step. My best advise....don't buy on impulse. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winnipegcub 21293 Report post Posted September 14, 2013 I'm probably more in the known category. First I really enjoy getting to know someone beyond the 'appointment'. As other gents have said this might simply be reading a woman's posts, looking at and appreciating the professional approach to her website, smiling/laughing at her tweets, getting a moment to play together in chat, etc... For me I find all this just grows the admiration and respect I gain for a particular lady which then makes our time together that much more special for me. And I certainly like longer dates and having time for conversation. This entire approach then also extends to seeing ladies again. Now for me I partake mainly when I travel. So this means I don't always have the access to see the ladies I might want when I want. So when I'm coming to a particular city if I've found myself attracted to a certain lady, have seen her and felt we both had a good time...then I'm likely to want to repeat that and get to know her even more. My variety comes mainly from visiting different cities. And in some cases a few touring ladies are on my radar and it has happened that our travel plans cross and we've had a chance to meet. Works well for this cub. Now I just need to keep on travelling. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andflemcol 3975 Report post Posted September 14, 2013 For those who like variety, they would lean towards the unknown for obvious reasons. For those who like more passion, I would suggest that the known commodity will provide the more passionate and intimate encounters. The great news is, we the client get to decide. Do we want to test the waters by trying someone new? Or, do we want to have some passionate fun with someone with whom we have developed a rapport. DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying that a new to you provider does not give you the passion that you are after as I am sure they can provide a passionate session. I just think the more you see the same sp, the more passion is free flowing. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted September 15, 2013 I used to do both, I had a couple of favourites and saw an occasional unknown. But I've been doing this for 35+ years and am just not interested in building up a rapport with anyone new. I'm just sticking to a pair of regulars who are more or less retired and only see a few long time clients. Only a really exceptional SP would interest me now. I've been thinking that once they retire I might too. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcguy42 38594 Report post Posted September 15, 2013 Interesting topic. I fall into the both seeing regulars and trying the new now and again camp. A while ago, in a fit of boredom or whatever, I listed all of my sessions and who with and how often. I found that 42% of my sessions were with one very fine lady. She and I got a chuckle out of that since 42 is, to me, an interesting number. The remaining 58% were, with a couple of exceptions, one or two time visits with other fascinating people. For the most part, I consider it all time and money well spent. I suspect if I sit down in a year and do that exercise again, the numbers will be similar. Regularity and variety. A wonderful mix. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnite-Energies 110563 Report post Posted September 15, 2013 This thread has been nagging me a bit for the last few days and I realized in my initial response I only answered half the equation and left out the most important part to me personally. My real and complete answer is both. There is nothing wrong with seeing someone who compels something in you even if they are new. However, it's the internal voice that you should listen to. Even in this industry there are connections and relationships and only you can determine which aspects are important. As for me personally, I love my regulars. I get excited to see them and I miss them when its been awhile. I like that connection and getting to know them and their desires. So for me to leave out the known part of the equation was wrong and against my character. If they were suddenly off on the next best thing, it would impact me. So, the answer here can only be what you make it and how you feel led. Only you know what you need at any given moment and how best to get it. You wouldn't go to someone new if you needed something you had established with someone else and if you wanted some NRE, you would look to someone new. Nothing is wrong with either as long as you feel good about the choice. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strokin' 696 Report post Posted September 15, 2013 I have to say known, with a bit of the unknown. I have been hobbying for the past 12 years or so, not real frequent for various reasons. Over the years I have had a few ladies that I saw on a semi regular basis. I find over time the experiences get better. Eventually the ladies move on. This is when I need to move to the unknown. Sometimes its a home run and others its a flop. I have had a few encounters with highly reviewed ladies that were just no chemistry. When I fins someone I click with usually revert back to the known. Because I don't always have the opportunity to hobby as much as I would like I do prefer the known. Asterisk: Sometimes I am travelling or there is someone visiting that I am interested in seeing - into the unknown. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted September 15, 2013 I have to agree with HalifaxMan58 and Midnite-Massage - my answer will be Both. I have my regulars whom I have been seeing for over a year. I am also lucky enough to have the opportunity to see a few new ones. For me, this is the best of both worlds and I won't change a thing. :icon_biggrin: 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted September 15, 2013 My answer would be both also. I initially started off seeing only a couple of SP's and MA's that I enjoyed being with. Saw a couple of new ones but not as good as my regulars, But this year I started meeting some new MA's and SP's and have had some great experience. Each experience seems to get better. I've repeated with many of these new girls and intend to see most of them again. However my known list is getting too large, and there are a few girls that I haven't met year that I would like too :). Known is good and each repeat get's better as you get to know each other. But meeting someone new generates new interest and excitement. However my problem is that all these Cerb women are so awesome, that if I could I would meet them all. How ever due to budget and time, I have to try to limit myself to only a few new ones at a time, as I really like to see my regulars also. So many women and yet so little time :( 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philander39 3705 Report post Posted September 16, 2013 I have to agree with HalifaxMan58 there really should be a category called "both". Although, my reasoning is a different from his. In my case, I do not a partake regularly in the hobby so there is a good chance when I available the SPs who I have seen before might be busy doing other things like living their lives. Yes I know it's hard to believe that they aren't just sitting around waiting for our calls :-) Because of this issue I have gone with the unknown but it really isn't totally unknown. I tend to favour the Sps who advertise and post here. That usually gives me a better idea about them and a better feel as to whether the experience with them would be a good one. I think if given the choice I would tend to go with the ones that I know but this is not like going to a barber. There is fairly high turnover rate for SPs in a given area. They can leave the industry, move to a different location or modify their services. For those reasons, you have to be willing to risk going with the unknown. Of course saying that, I have to say that CERB has never lead me astray. Thanks to everyone involved with this website. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted September 17, 2013 Ah, the eternal dilemma :) Reading this has got me thinking that it's been despicably long since I saw some people who I really like. I should really rectify that... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites