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Time to Retire?

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Well its been over a year here and I wonder if you enjoy my sense of humour and posting of jokes. I am feeling perhaps its time to step back and let others take over the posting of lame jokes and warped humour. Opinion please!

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Guest webothscore

Nothing was lame. It's all enjoyable. While I cannot speak for him, I have noticed that RG has already taken a liking to posting jokes so we are already in good hands. Let's see what he has to say...

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Don't you dare stop posting jokes. I look forward to them and use them all the time. You are my relief when I am looking for something to say to someone new and might be shy, and sometimes a good joke helps break the ice.


Please don't stop.

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Well its been over a year here and I wonder if you enjoy my sense of humour and posting of jokes. I am feeling perhaps its time to step back and let others take over the posting of lame jokes and warped humour. Opinion please!


Why? I mean why do you feel its time? If you no longer enjoy doing it then of course stop. If you think others might want you to, NO! Post away my friend I enjoy them, some days are made brighter with a good joke. So I say thank you to you for posting and yes please do keep them coming:)

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Guest webothscore
Nothing was lame. It's all enjoyable. While I cannot speak for him, I have noticed that RG has already taken a liking to posting jokes so we are already in good hands. Let's see what he has to say...



Oh! One more thing. Look what I posted here! This was before you posted your "retire" thought. How's that for proof that we like your stuff?



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Guest realnicehat
Well its been over a year here and I wonder if you enjoy my sense of humour and posting of jokes. I am feeling perhaps its time to step back and let others take over the posting of lame jokes and warped humour. Opinion please!


Well, I didn't want to say anything, but since you've brought it up.....


I mean, come on....it's been a whole friggin' year of jokes and humorous posts...every day you're Mr. Fucking Sunshine with the "funny" and the "haha"...what is it with you and your innate desire to bring brief moments of happiness in to peoples lives? Talk about selfish...do you ever give us a choice? Do you ever say "hey, would anyone like to hear something funny?". Noooo, you just barge in and it's joke after joke after fucking joke. Well la-tee-frikkin-da Mr. Funnypants........


:icon_wink::icon_wink::icon_wink::icon_wink: a whole row of winkies for those that might not get sarcasm ;);););)



MF, I think a lot of people really appreciate your daily doses of humour and would miss them if they stopped. That being said, if you find it is becoming a chore then perhaps a break is in order. Certainly no one could fault you for stepping back a bit.


Then again, you only need look up to see what happens when I try to be funny. Perhaps it is best if you stick it out ;)

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Well its been over a year here and I wonder if you enjoy my sense of humour and posting of jokes. I am feeling perhaps its time to step back and let others take over the posting of lame jokes and warped humour. Opinion please!

Please don't stop! I can't see anyone else of equal quality coming along whose jokes I can rip-off for my bar and party comedy repertoire!lol

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No need to retire (from joking that is)

Your jokes put a smile on our faces every day. I know I've copied/pasted quite a few of your jokes and emailed them to friends and to work. They've put smiles on other peoples' faces too

So no, don't retire, we all enjoy and appreciate your sense of humour here


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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Thanks everyone but I am now Retired from The Jokester Role. Let it pass onto someone else. I am done!

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Guest ***nno**n***
Thanks everyone but I am now Retired from The Jokester Role. Let it pass onto someone else. I am done!


I am really going to miss them. I enjoy your posts and look forward to reading the jokes as it brightens up my day.


Thank you so much for being you ;-)


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I've often been accused of having a warped sense of humor, but I find your posts hilarious at times. (like I said, that fact that I find something funny doesn't always mean others will ;-) ). Anyway, keep up the good work. We all need a little levity in our lives.


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Why? I mean why do you feel its time? If you no longer enjoy doing it then of course stop. If you think others might want you to, NO! Post away my friend I enjoy them, some days are made brighter with a good joke. So I say thank you to you for posting and yes please do keep them coming:)


I agree with Cristy on this...if you feel it's time, it is time.


I honestly rarely read the joke section (i have no humour hehe) ...but from the looks of things people have enjoyed your jokes.


But if don't feel like it anymore, then just don't do it...your decision.



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Dear MF, this community of CERB is strong by the variety of its members and their own contributions.Each of us has their ways to contribute, some by their sense of humour, others by their very thoughtful opinions, and others by their fantasy.


What you bring is important to many, and it says that even if we are different and unique, we are from the same root.


I, for one, do not think about retirement. I recognize myself part of this lifestyle, I share the values of many people here, where freedom, respect of the diversity , and the pleasures of life can be mixed without fear and judgment.


So, retirement ?



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In my professional opinion, that is crazy talk. yours and RG jokes are the best and i look forward to reading them all the time.


please never stop, remember you forgot to read the fine print on the joke posting job, and that is it is for life ;) just like the senate except you.... (just put what ever joke you want here, they are all good)


but i know that all good things must come to an end, so thank you for all the great jokes you have posted and please use your new free time to, i do not know cure cancer :)

anyway have a great day


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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Mighty Finn has exited the building. I look forward to seeing you in the forums!

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Finn Finn Finn. Be serious now. You can't actually retire until you Fuck The Police. I have personally been searching western Canada for this Occifer with the odd dip into Eastern Canada...sorry to invade your territory my fine sir :(


Now it is your job to find this sexified naughty Occifer .... and continue on across, back and forth and up and down eastern Canada on our mission. Along the way tell some jokes :)))))) ;) Laughter is good for the soul for all of us !!



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