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ever have one of those weeks .....

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Ever have one of those weeks where everything just goes exactly the way you want?


You wake up and your favourite song is playin on the radio, your hair falls exactly the way you want it to, you go to the gas station and the price of gas is down 5 cents.......


Everyone you come across has a smile on their face. You get a cancellation but then a favourite client calls and books the spot. The sun is shining and its a beautiful day. The guy in the swanky car let's you in front of him at the drive thru, and the shoes you chose with those jeans make your ass look fantastic.


Well I'm havin one of those weeks! Thought I'd share. Happy hump day everyone.

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I've had a Smile on my face since Sunday after meeting a certain lady that just will not go away. :)


Then today I met another cerb lady and my smile just got bigger if that was possible. ;)

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Yes for me too! After seeing a lovely cerb lady, the wonderful feeling, the smile on my face and the memories could last a whole week! ;-)

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Ever have one of those weeks where everything just goes exactly the way you want?


You wake up and your favourite song is playin on the radio, your hair falls exactly the way you want it to, you go to the gas station and the price of gas is down 5 cents.......


Everyone you come across has a smile on their face. You get a cancellation but then a favourite client calls and books the spot. The sun is shining and its a beautiful day. The guy in the swanky car let's you in front of him at the drive thru, and the shoes you chose with those jeans make your ass look fantastic.


Well I'm havin one of those weeks! Thought I'd share. Happy hump day everyone.


That's wonderful and I'm happy for you:). Sounds like you have lots of positive energy around you. I don't consider happenings like that just luck or happenstance. I believe its all about you, what you expect and give off. So congrats for being so positive.

Lately all my days are looking rosy, positive and full of promise:)

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I have so many things to be thankful for. I wouldn't say that I've had a great week, I'd say I've had a wonderful month.

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