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if anyone feels like lending a hand...

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Ok, so for the last few months I have been battling on out with some abolitionists on a heavy hitting union website called rabble.ca. The forum is called babble.ca and is where these debates have been playing out.

So, after some times, the website moderators added a new forum topic, sex workers rights.YAY!! they made space for us!!!

It may have to be changed to sex industry forum as the abolitionists are up in arms and they now refer to sex workers as ?prostituted people?. It?s crazy.

Also, it?s been playing out in the feminism and labour forums

As things have progressed some good ideas have emerged for instance- a sex industry review board. All industries are subject to regulation and so will we be.

Some bad points are people calling for mandatory STI testing for consumers and workers?you should see the stuff the say about the men?.dang it.

If any of you would care to jump in and add your voices I would sure appreciate a little back up. Lee Lakeman and Trisha Baptie have shown up and are completely opposite to decrim-they are from Vancouver rape relief and are the same people who always attack me when I speak publicly.

Also, I am really only expressing my voice and wouldn?t want to presume to know or ?represent? any one else?s opinions on all this. I do represent some numbers in projects and research I have coordinated but?..


this is the link, check it out. I know it doesn?t seem important but if you look at the sponsoring members of the site?.

any help at all would be appreciated?.

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Hello, Susie

What an interesting website. I have read some of your previous posts. I have to say that you are very informed about the laws and politics for escorts. So you should in this industry. I myself do not know nearly as much as you. I am willing to help you out. Although I do think that our job should have mandatory STI testing. We are lucky to have such a nice community. That most of us do this on our own. Perhaps if some of us gave this job a positive spin. We could really get people to see it our way. Educated girls come on voice your opinion. This is the time we need you the most. XoXo Peachy/Val.

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I really would love to help you out, but I wouldn't be able to keep my temper.


A lot of abolitionists have deep-seated prejudices against prostitutes and nothing you or I say will change their minds.

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Susie ... good for you in your work to make things better for SPs. You are an amazing person and I admire you very much!


I'll be in touch with you shortly about the documentary I'm working on.

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i totally understand about the abolitionists hatred and not getting into the mix!!

thanks you guys for all your support!!


i would like to say, i don't support mandatory testing as it has been tried and failed before. it plays into the tired old steroe types of sex workers as the vector of disease. the only way mandatory testing would work is if the entire population was tested.

it is a violation of our human rights to impose mandatory testing only on sex workers not everyone else as well. all people are to be treated equally...article one of the international charter of human rights.

in new zealand, condom use is law. i support that.the onus is on the man and seeking unprotected services will get you a hefty fine.

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I like new Zealands law. I don't know how many guys ask for unprotected intercourse. It is always a no guys. The fact that they are making the guys who do this liable is great.


Like Erin said there will always be hate out in the world. It's to bad that people think of escorts are walking diseases. I'd like to think it is the opposite. We are more informed about disease ect. I don't know how many of my friends are clueless about stds. It is lol funny with some of the stuff they have said or think. Just look at the many posts here on cerb about stds, protection and so on.


I think it is great that you are on escorts side. I like the fact that you are not backing. Just like everything else. It takes time for people to come around. When there is more and more people standing together. It does make a difference. No matter how hard or fustrating it is. Keep up the good work.

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One of the posters there thinks that clients must be tested, which makes no sense, as customers you cannot require mandatory tests. As employees somewhere, then yes, and that can be mandated. But not from the customers side. That same poster seems to think that there must be industry regulations re: fluids, but I am not sure what exactly he thinks is already happening or likely to happen, but it is interesting when someone is willing to approach this biz from an industry/labour standards POV lol. I think that the possibility that many sps are technically self-employed and determine their own "regulations". It is at the mps and agencies that such standards could and maybe should be adopted.

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