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Crappy phone call

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My brother called this morning. My brother who never calls. The one who lives in town with my parents.


Mom has gone into a nonresponsive state. She's done this before but the doc thinks this may be it. If her situation changes she won't be getting better. There is no "better" to get to.


We agreed there's no point in traveling right now. As he put it, there's no possibility of meaningful interaction.


So I'm keeping Air Canada on speed dial.


My mood matches the weather.

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Bcguy42, my heart goes out to you. Been there myself, so I get it. Stay busy, keep occupied and stay strong. And one more thing. If it's raining and miserable outside, stop looking out the window! We're with you brother.

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... so cherish the good times that you had together.


Yup... doing that. She's 89. We had 88 really good years (ok.. I didn't have all 88 since I'm not that old.. but you get what I mean). I've learned a lot from her and she left me a clear path to follow.


She's a writer and a poet and right now I'm remembering a poem she wrote in February, 1957 on the passing of her mother. There is a line in it that goes something like "And so I do not fear Death for what is Death but a door through which she has passed before me".


And speaking of rain, she wrote the following:


The rain falls on the just and the unjust.

But why do the unjust always seem to have umbrellas?


I like it...

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Best wishes to you in a rough time. It's never fun feeling helpless but I'm glad you can keep happier moments in mind. Be well.

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I love the saying and with permission, would like to use it in an email to a family member!


My thoughts are with you sweetie and I know you will use your strength to cherish all of the wonderful memories you obviously have!


Hugs to you!

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Same brother called this morning.


Mom woke up, had breakfast and is entertaining friends.


Go figure.


Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and wishes.


We shall see what the morrow brings...

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