Triple HHH 12345 Report post Posted March 21, 2015 I mentioned on an earlier post I like to Roller Blade during the summer, this winter I worked on my stationary bike plus lift weights. Two other ways this winter have being shovelling snow and splitting firewood. I watched my diet more this winter also, I tried to eat more soups and salads with my meals plus cutting out eating sweets in the evenings. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ik****g Report post Posted March 21, 2015 I eat chocolate cake for seems to be working;) As an alternative to chocolate cake for breakfast I have a home gym and do a lot of walking. And I think Cristy deserves a spanking for teasing us. ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eva Laperle 7898 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 I have always been a sporty girl, I love to keep active doing different things in the summer like soccer, tennis, roller skating, hiking, biking, jogging. In winter I like to go ski, skating and going to gym. The treadmill is one of my favorite friend and I love doing SQUATS Lol! They make me sweat in a sexy way and keep it really, really firm... ;) Finally, having a dog keeps me in great shape too, especially when we are going for long walks. Hey, let's not forget that staying active is a great way to deal with stress! And we all know the most fun, natural way to burn calories and be happy (wink, wink ;) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 The most I do is go to see a beautiful lady as often as I can. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 23, 2015 I love extreme fitness regimes. Right now I'm doing P90X. It has some weight training, cardio, plyometrics (jump training), Kempo (martial arts), and yoga. I find it challenging and the variety keeps me interested. For women there's a lean section, I do this. I just want to post about the belief of women bulking up if they weight train. This is not true. Shure if you lift a lot of weights, eat like a bodybuilder and or take steroids you will. However, if you use 5 up to 10 pounds, nope not going to happen. What will happen is you will lose the weight around the muscles and your muscles with get firmer. There is nothing wrong with being a female body builder but you just won't look like one. Here's a great article. You will not look like this (there's nothing wrong with this if you're going for it): You will look more like this: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ashleyangel4u 1341 Report post Posted June 24, 2015 I do lifting (2-3x/week), toning (6 day/week) and I take 3-4hour walks/hikes (2-4x/week) - for cardio/endurance/agility. The walks are SUPER effective!! I also diet 6 days a week, and cheat once a week to reward myself! Oh and I use a bunch of supplements and vitamins. I can go in greater detail if you're interested - I love talking about fitness!! LOL Oh... and sex, as much as sex as possible hahaha :) <3 #lovesex Good luck with your fitness journey!! Additional Comments: This is very true!! I do heavy weight lifting / body building and I'm shrinking in size. My muscles are becoming more and more defined but overall I'm smaller! Awesome! LOL You have to keep your mental in check when you work out. When you do strength exercises your body will go thru phases. Muscle is built faster than fat is burnt. After a really heavy day I might look a little larger but the day or 2 after I'm back to normal size, only much firmer! The more muscle you build the more fat you will burn constantly.. it doesn't take long to see the lean muscle you'd be looking for, especially if you combine it with a balanced diet and good cardio! The more I workout the more food I can get away with on cheat day hahaha... *thumbs up* I love extreme fitness regimes. Right now I'm doing P90X. It has some weight training, cardio, plyometrics (jump training), Kempo (martial arts), and yoga. I find it challenging and the variety keeps me interested. For women there's a lean section, I do this. I just want to post about the belief of women bulking up if they weight train. This is not true. Shure if you lift a lot of weights, eat like a bodybuilder and or take steroids you will. However, if you use 5 up to 10 pounds, nope not going to happen. What will happen is you will lose the weight around the muscles and your muscles with get firmer. There is nothing wrong with being a female body builder but you just won't look like one. Here's a great article. You will not look like this (there's nothing wrong with this if you're going for it): You will look more like this: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted June 27, 2015 I do crossfit, spinning classes, running, swimming and extremely long walks (at least 5 miles). I eat very healthy and make sure I get as much of my nutrients from my food as I can. What I don't get from food, I will use supplements. I found a great nutritionist and a fabulous trainer and I find it works very well for me. I want to get into better shape, so I have now incorporated cycling into my regime. Great way to get out and enjoy the summer weather. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted June 28, 2015 Six morning weight sessions and two evening leg sessions. I have my own setup at home. I use a Smith machine so I can do heavy squats, bench presses and standing calf extensions safely without a spotter. I rarely go to actual gyms because there are too many people mucking about. Bicycle to work as much as possible at moderate fat burning pace. Moderate cardio after weights is perfect for me, glycogen stores are depleted so fat gets burned as long as the heart rate stays in the right zone. A few recent papers that have been published suggest: -Carbs, not fat, are the main contributor to obesity -Training by heart rate is better for fat burning than high intensity -high intensity intervals do not increase long term metabolism (intervals do have a purpose but it is not weight loss) -Consistency is everything. Don't knock yourself out every Saturday. Do a bit every day. Edited to clarify: high intensity intervals will not make you burn fat for hours after your workout. This is a myth, it sells books to those looking for a quick fix. It is not supported by any research. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carley Chase 18985 Report post Posted June 28, 2015 The one and only thing I do is yoga! It is even better when done with a friend. :) It helps not only your body, but it does wonders for your mind. After a session you feel like a brand new person and your body will feel years younger. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted December 17, 2015 It's almost that time of year again where we make New Year's resolutions to get in shape and healthy again. This year I have lost weight and gotten in better shape. But recently due to being really busy in life and work, I have slacked off a bit. Usually in the winter I find more time to go to the gym, but there is no snow yet :(. Come January, time to get back to training. If you plan on getting gym equipment wait till boxing day, you can get up to 60% off at Canadian tires or Sears. If you wait till March or summer time you can get good deals on Kijiji or garage sales from people who made New Resolutions and couldn't stick to it. lol. You should never buy New equipment, as you can get a much better deal getting used equipment. Most of the time the new equipment is top of the line, but barely used :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted December 17, 2015 Not naturally athletic but I'm stubborn and persistent which often works just as well. I run 30- 40 km per week, outdoors when the weather permits (with my dog) and on a treadmill when it doesn't (enduring reproachful looks from same dog) and lift weights three times a week. I have a fairly extensive home gym setup but my routine is simple: bench, chin-ups, squats, deadlift, cable row and a bit of core work. I'd like to lean yoga as I'm not terribly flexible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted December 18, 2015 yoga (when I can), running outside (in the good weather, treadmill on the bad days), swimming, and general weights. Had to take time off from working out, now it is definitely time to get back at it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amelia Fox 9064 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 I ride ride and more ride. That's lunges & quad workout.. Lol. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted January 4, 2016 Since this is 2016. I thought that I would bump this thread up. I haven't been to the gym as much lately. But I intend to start again soon. Back to doing mostly weight training with a bit of cardio in between. I found that this has help. I've developed a lot of muscle which has trimmed me down a lot. Just have to watch my diet again. I am pretty near my weight goal. My pants are hanging on me now. Can't afford to buy all new clothes yet :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amelia Fox 9064 Report post Posted January 4, 2016 My fitness modules consist of eating a shit tone of seafood, salad and loads of water. I walk up and down my three flights of stairs about twenty times a day, so that's contruibting to my fit figure. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnybird 4391 Report post Posted January 5, 2016 It is takes a lot of work to lose weight, trust me I know, but you really have to find what works for you. Gyms, Stationary Bikes or treadmills are mind numbing to me, Even with the TV on watching something, it's pure torture, I go nuts!!! Repetitive movements over & over & over again...I'm getting aggravated just thinking about it. Losing weight is as simple as calories in/calories out. I've heard that weigh loss is 50% what you eat and 50% working out but these past 3 months I've realized that it's more 80% of what you eat and 20% of working out. I'm down 60lbs from 2 years ago (yes i'm boasting :P) and 30 of that has been from the last 3 months (was 32lbs but Christmas holidays you know). After all these decades of trying what works best for me, I finally landed on one on one Kickboxing, which is basically almost an hour of Cardio 3 times a week. All that torturous work, 3 times a week, amounts to about 3-4 lbs a week in weight loss, If I'm strict on what I eat. If I waiver slightly then it's only 1-2lbs and sometimes none. As most of you know, if you are not lucky enough to eat whatever you want and still maintain a normal weight, your lifestyle has to change to maintain the weight loss. You can't diet, you have to change the way you eat forever and incorporate some kind of regular activity to stay in shape, being skinny doesn't mean your healthy either. I still have 60lbs to go for my goal weight and what scares me is keeping it off once it's off. I can't continue to take one on one training indefinitely, it gets really expensive but it's worked for me, I enjoy going and haven't even convinced myself to quit. If I have to sacrifice vacations and material things to reach my goal, then it has tp be worth it. I haven't been this weight in close to 20 years so there's no turning back now. Hopefully I'll hit my goal by June/July and then the real hard work will start.... Well after I celebrate with a Nice Juicy Steak, fully loaded Baked potato, Salad with Blue Cheese Dressing a Beer and maybe a couple of Cannoli's for dessert . :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted January 5, 2016 My only real exercise is this hobby and I used to be mor regular in my participation but that has been a little less in the last year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted January 6, 2016 Drink a lot of beer, smoke heavily, eat take out food....oh wait, I thought this thread is how do I avoid staying in shape...never mind! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites