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15 minute sessions?

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Just wanted to see what hobbyiest and SP's think of 15 minute sessions.

There must be a need as I see more SP's offering it.

But for me short session is 45 minutes. I like one hr sessions. I've done only 1 30 minute session, but found it too short to have fun and get to know someone.


In 15 minutes, I assume the clock starts when the door open.

That's not enough time to take your clothes off, take a shower and chat a bit.


I mean, it must be a real quicky to be in and out of so fast?


I guess for some guy's it's all they need to get off quick. But where's the fun in all this. I like to get to know the woman and spend time kissing and chatting first.


What's your opinion and experiences with the 15 minutes session?

Just interested in peoples opinions from both sides of the fence.


Hope to hear some interesting discussions.

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For me that is enough time to answer the door, let the lady in pour the glass of wine and we start the conversation, either getting to know one another if the companion and I don't know each other, or reconnecting if I'm having a encounter with a companion who is more a friend.

I personally prefer longer encounters, now I like four hour encounter. And I have had very memorable encounters where roughly two and a half hours of that four hours were spent in the living room of the hotel suite with the lady just reconnecting and enjoying each other's company.

So for me, and speaking for me only, a fifteen minute encounter would be a very empty encounter, serving primarily one purpose. That is not to criticize those that seek such encounters out, it's just not for me

A rambling


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Guest a**4*

A 15 minute encounter for me serves no purpose not enough time to get to know each other or catch up on other thing I perfer longer encounters hour and half -two hours even then it is still not enough time may have to have longer encounters that is my two cents

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Takes me that long to get my shoes off :). 30-45 min is perfect for me. Anything longer than that and I'd be the one watching the clock.




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For me 15 minutes would be too short. Actually 30 minutes is really too short as well. I wish more SPs offered 45 minute appointments. I usually do appointments during the day and an hour is a bit long for me to be away from work but 45 minutes would be just perfect!

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Guest realnicehat

I enjoy 15 minute appointments all the time. With my hand....


With a lady however, I just don't see the value in it. Anything less than two hours leaves me feeling that I have short changed myself. Yes, it means I get to play less often but at this point in my life quality over quantity wins every time.

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15 minuets isn't long enough to get to know you enough to know whether or not we should actually be naked together. I have a 2 hour minimum for a reason. If it isn't fun for me then I'm not playing. I do understand there are those on a limited time frame but I genuinely believe that they never get out the door in 15 mins thus they should take a 30 min option offered by those providers that specialize in in shorter visits. I just don't get 15 min sessions...



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Well I think 15 minute sessions are great...so great in fact that I always book at least 4 of them back to back!



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15 minutes eh ?


Shoe laces in a knot - 30 seconds


Zipper stuck !!!! Fuck !!!!! How long is this gonna take ? Tic toc Tic toc....What to do ......what to do ????? Gotta be back to work in 25 minutes damnitt !!! Can't be workin with ripped open zipper and the horsey hanging outta the barn now can we ? Connundrum


Hehe Silly but could happen ??


Hour and half minimum less than the time frame I like to spend but to each his own.


When I get older in a couple years or so and I might not be sure where I am after fifteen minutes it might be a good idea tho. ;)

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For some reason I can't help but picture this:



But yeah, no judgement on others, to me it sounds more stressful than fun. If I'm going to get to enjoy an encounter, I want to it to be a real experience. Hard to do that when you've given yourself less time than the previews last at a movie.

Edited by Brad
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15 minutes is just far to fast for me, like to at least sit and have some sort of conversation before getting going and my god all I can see if its 15 minutes its all about myself so I guess my DATY would be out the window and what fun would that be. Shit I would go over with just the daty

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To each their own. This may work for some, but I'm not interested. I've just recently stopped offering 1/2 hours as well. Those who've met me know I like to talk and warm up to the person, anything less than an hour just doesn't allow for that. I want to meet more than a penis and I want him to know me for more than my pussy;)

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Guest B**na***oy

Obviously, the 15 minutes option exists because there is a demand from some men. It's definitely not an option that would be offered on it's own merit by most ladies in the escorting industry, as it's just not worth the trouble.


Personally, I find 15 minutes encounters come short of my expectations by at least 45 minutes. As well, the consensus among CERB members appears to be that we seek more connection based sensual encounters rather than raw sex.


As long as there will be a demand, some of the less experienced ladies will feel pressured to provide the service. As much as I want no part of it, it's part of the freedom we all enjoy in our society and as long as it happens between two consenting adults, I'm OK with it.

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I'm glad to see that most people here agree that 15 minutes is not enough. I think the men and women of Cerb are here for the total experience. The chemistry, connection, the kissing and cuddling. The conversation. The whole GFE experience. It's not about just the sex for most people. Of course that is good too :). It's about the time spent together, getting to know each other before the intimate act. And hoping that there are more future encounters that get better and better each time. It's not Wham Bam Thank you Mam for most of the gentlemen here. We like to take our time and savour every moment with the beautiful sexy women of Cerb. I hope that I speak for most of men here.

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Let's do some time math for a quickie:


Before deed:

-Get in the door, say hello, untie & remove shoes, take coat off and hang up: 5 minutes (stuck coat zipper, add 1 minute; knot in laces, add 1 minute)

-Give donation: 1 minute

-Quickie hand wash: 1 minute

-Take cloths off without rips or popped buttons: 2 minutes (stuck pants zipper, add 1 minute)

-Quick minimal hand wash: 0.5 minutes


After deed:

-Quick minimal wash-up: 1 minute

-Put cloths on, neat & tidy: 3 minutes

-Put shoes & coat on: 2 minutes


So far, were up to 15.5 minutes, without the eventualities added in.


Maybe with practice my times could be improved, but even with a half-hour session, 14.5 minutes left for fun-time isn't enough for me.

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Guest realnicehat

I think your math is way off :)


Before deed:

-Get in the door, say hello, untie & remove shoes, take coat off and hang up: 5 minutes (stuck coat zipper, add 1 minute; knot in laces, add 1 minute)


- Get in the door, say hello, slide off loafers, take off coat and toss on chair: 3 Minutes


-Give donation: 1 minute


- Give donation: 10 sec. from pocket to table


-Quickie hand wash: 1 minute


- I'm guessing the 15min crowd skip this step but I'll give it to you: 1 minute


-Take cloths off without rips or popped buttons: 2 minutes (stuck pants zipper, add 1 minute)


- Undo belt, unzip pants and let drop to ankles: 30 sec


-Quick minimal hand wash: 0.5 minutes


- Why are you washing your hands again? How dirty were your clothes?


After deed:

-Quick minimal wash-up: 1 minute


- Granted: 1 Minute


-Put cloths on, neat & tidy: 3 minutes


- Pull up, zip up, belt up: 1 minute


-Put shoes & coat on: 2 minutes


- slip on shoes: 30 sec (you can do the coat in the elevator)


So far, were up to 15.5 minutes, without the eventualities added in.


- New time: 7 minutes 10 seconds leaving almost 8 full minutes to have the most fulfilling sexual experience of your life :)


Hmmm.....maybe it's time I rethink my approach to all of this. Here I've been wasting all this time, lounging around in bed kissing and cuddling with beautiful women. Allowing myself enough time for lengthy foreplay and sex more than once. I'm such a sucker ;)

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I think your math is way off...


There is only one way to work this out that I can think of, but do you think the ladies would be offended or just confused if I handed them a stopwatch and clipboard as soon as I arrived?

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Guest ***nno**n***

I can't see myself ever being a 15 minute woman.

I like to play too, plus that's almost no time for round 2 and not trying twice doesnt work for me.


I'm sure there is a demand for 15 minutes, and as long as their is someone will provide it.

For someone who wants to "try me first" 15 minutes is not the way to go.

Give me a couple hours to show what I can really do


I think each lady will have her own preference and what works for her.

Simply put, I need more time. I frequently go over my hour because i don't like a clock telling me when I'm done.


15 minutes would suck for me. That's like using an egg timer

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Just came to read this thread for the first time and... OUCH people! Wow is all i can say to some of these responses.


I used to regularly offer 15-minute encounters when I started in the industry. A lot of guys liked it as a 'quick introduction' and would book longer the next time. They NEVER made me feel cheapened or like cum dumpster. I don't offer them regularly anymore (I don't really offer anything less than an hour) because I personally prefer longer encounters - but I would never, EVER judge someone for wanting a quick release. And I definitely would never demean a woman for offering it.


If you need more than 15 minutes, great! You're in a place where many ladies specialize in longer encounters. The 'full experience' so to speak.


But some guys can only afford a quick bj. Or maybe their SO is watching their time so really that's all they can fit in. ANd maybe the SP needs to money to pay her rent.


If it doesn't work for you, then find what works - but why in the world are people judging and saying things like 'Okay great, glad to see people don't want these encounters'. All you're doing in insulting the people who DO, and the girls who DO offer them.


And you know what? I do have one regular gent who pops in when he can for a quick BJ. I like it. He walks in, I get on my knees, and I get him off. Do you think that cheapens me? If you do, I shake my head at you, seriously.


I thought this site was the place to keep it to yourself if you're not saying anything nice... well judging and insulting others for their choice of encounters is doing the exact opposite.



Just read this now. Respectfully Cleo, it was not my intent to insult other ladies who offer 15 min appts. I was simply saying that it makes me feel a certain way ( i.e. a device for a quick release rather than feeling like I'm being treated like a person) and especially since I DON'T offer these sessions and make it quite clear in my ads.


Receiving these requests after those who don't decide to fully read my ad is annoying and shows that they clearly are dismissive of my boundaries. And imo, that is the height of ignorance.


Those are my feelings and we are all entitled to what we feel and what we are willing to offer and not offer. While you may feel differently, we are all different and provide different experiences as service providers.

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