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Well it looks like I am making the move to Ottawa. I'm looking for suggestions on where to live in Ottawa. I am looking to buy a brand new or relatively brand new townhouse. To keep the price down, I am thinking of living in the outskirts (Barrhaven is a location being considered). I will be working downtown so that commuting is a consideration along with prices and ammenities close to our new home.


Any suggestion on location and builder would be greatly appreciated.

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  andflemcol said:
To keep the price down, I am thinking of living in the outskirts (Barrhaven is a location being considered). I will be working downtown so that commuting is a consideration along with prices and ammenities close to our new home.


The traffic from Barrhaven to downtown is a killer. If you bus expect an hour to two hours ride each way.


Consider Orleans instead, it is about 15-30 mins drive from downtown and housing is cheaper there.

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I would have to agree with etasman2000. The traffic from downtown to Barrhaven is long; especially in the afternoons and in the winter. Housing is cheaper in Orleans but their is still lots of building and the traffic will only get worse. If you want a short driving commute you are best to live closer to downtown and avoid the 417. Hockey nights are especially problematic if you decide to live west. In the end it depends on your budget and how much time you want to spend on the road each day. There are some areas off Huntclub and/or Riverside but traffic can get congested near the bridges. Hope this helps.

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its funny, this convo has come up several times this week between me and some close friends who live on "the dark side" (ie. quebec lol)


have you considered housing in Hull/Gatineau? its just over the bridge from downtown, rent is insanely cheaper for what you get...as for the language, totally bilingual and no one I know who has moved there has felt any difference than living downtown (cept for the price)


taxes ARE different, however most housing inclides your water bill. this was pointed out to me by a friend that lives there...she said "why do you think so many ppl there have pools??" lol


I do know some ppl who have gone around QC-billing etc using an ottawa address of a close friend or family member but if you're looking for more space for your buck, living just over the bridge might be something to look into.


If I could I would, unfortunately I'd have to enroll my son in a new school if I did. But for anyone that doesnt have those ties, this is my two cents :-)

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speaking as someone who moved here 10 years ago, I looked at Ottawa and Gatineau. After comparing everything (houses, services, taxes), it worked out to be cheaper to buy in Gatineau. Haven't regretted it at all. Only downpoint is the bridges in the morning. Even with that, I get to work quicker and travel less distance than a family member who lives in Sittsville. My thoughts.

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As far as a builder goes stay away from Ashcroft Homes they are the winner of Ottawas worst built home award. The other builders in ottawa are all a good bang for your buck. The Quebec issue, is a very good route. If you have the ability to plan your own work hours, you can avoid most heavy traffic times. I live in Wakefield Quebec. You can also find alot more for alot less if you move a little further out ie: Chelsea, Wakefield. The drive is still about an hour each way for me, but at least your moving instead of stopped in traffic.The quality of living is more like a cottage weekend away every day. Good Luck.

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IMHO, the ideal location for Ottawa (like London and Sydney if you follow the Commonwealth) is the Glebe. All amenities are here and it's relatively safe and quiet (and to mention MILF central) ...but unfortunately, way over-priced.


While I rent and have a sweet deal ($750/mn 2Brm All Util. & Laundry Incl. w/ No Lease) - I'm sure it's rare for this neighbourhood.


Being (somewhat) bilingual and having a French last name, I have considered buying in the Gatineau Hills area (for more of the nature-feel), but have heard horror stories from uni-lingual English speakers living there only to move back very disappointed (and out money).


I'll also agree that the commute from Barrhaven and other outlying neighbourhoods are agonizing at best, with the city broke as a joke and construction jobs takings YEARS (ex: King Edward Street) - stuffing-up most all major arteries; and only getting worse.


Oh, and as a knock - the Scotiabank Place location sucks! (haha, a favourite topic to bemoan here in Ottawa.)


Best of Luck and Success in Your Move andflemcol - Welcome to Ottawa!

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Thanks to all who gave me input. I am looking at all the options suggested and them some. I think Barrhaven is off my list. I have always been 5 - 10 minutes from the job. I think the commute from Barrhaven would be too hard to take.


Any information on Riverside South area?

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Guest M***ell***A

Perhaps Hintonburg would be a consideration. It has a bit of a history of not being the nicest neighbourhood but has been undergoing a major face lift over the last 3-5yrs with new condos and houses being built and a major "cleaning up" of the streets. Since it is only 5-10mins to downtown it would be very convenient and also since it is right next door to Westboro (seemingly Ottawa's new Glebe) it is becoming very trendy and is very nearby many great boutiques and other ameneties without the higher price tag that Westboro has...

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Depend on where you will work...but Aylmer, in the Quebec side is quiet bilingual and even a lot anglophone. It's cheaper, you have a lot of news neighboors, quiet, good for kids. It can be 30-45 minutes of traffic during the morning and afternoon, but with the economy you can make. I think it can be worth it. But if you have to bus...not super

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  andflemcol said:
Thanks to all who gave me input. I am looking at all the options suggested and them some. I think Barrhaven is off my list. I have always been 5 - 10 minutes from the job. I think the commute from Barrhaven would be too hard to take.


Any information on Riverside South area?


Riverside South is a stone throw across the river from Barrhaven ...same issues..traffic and more construction.


I agree with Michelle, Westboro area is fantastic, especially down by Scott street and Richmond road areas. Close to Ottawa River parkway to down town, Scott street bus transit system, newer built Loblaws superstore, lose proximity to the Queensway to go west or east bound.


I had invested in 2 properties in that area a few years ago, I got a great return when I flipped them.

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If you are taking the bus then Barrhaven is no worse than Riverside south, Orleans, or Kanata. It is the 95 Express route straight downtown on Tranisitway most of the way. Driving any distance in Ottawa at peak hour is a nightmare.


If you want the 'burbs' you are stuck with a commute. None of them have a good drive. If you want to live in older neighbourhoods than many of the one's mentioned are good and you could walk or bike to work.

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Have you considered renting to begin with and then getting a feel for the area before committing to buying? There's lots of little 'pocket' neighbourhoods with decent townhomes that aren't quite downtown, but are actually in the main city of Ottawa - not Barrhaven, Orleans or Kanata. All depends on what you want to spend and what appeals to you.


And I'm in Barrhaven and it takes 20 mins to get right downtown from here. Late at night when there's no traffic that is...

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Anywhere in the city that is not central is a bitch to commute from.....and with the lack of a light rail or subway system, it's only getting worse.


If you can find something central, it will only go up in value as these traffic issues compound over time.


Didn't our disfunctional city council just boohoo the latest light rail proposal? Or part of it?

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You may want to consider a Townhome or Terrace home downtown. It will always increase in value & you will be right downtown.

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  buggernot said:
Have you considered renting to begin with and then getting a feel for the area before committing to buying? There's lots of little 'pocket' neighbourhoods with decent townhomes that aren't quite downtown, but are actually in the main city of Ottawa - not Barrhaven, Orleans or Kanata. All depends on what you want to spend and what appeals to you.


And I'm in Barrhaven and it takes 20 mins to get right downtown from here. Late at night when there's no traffic that is...


check out hintonburg (mechanicsVille) cheaper than Westboro ("the new Glebe" and where I reside) yet a stone'st-hrow from scott street ( another jugular-vein into downtown thats faster than the queensway)....cheaper rent from what I know......however I used to work there and while one street may vary in quality from the next.....there may be some used condoms in your backyard and the occasional Giant-Tiger carrying crack-head yelling down the street.


in many ways, after seeing that on the ontario side i would much more favor just over the bridge in hull....even cheaper, less crack-heads (despite some stereotype) and better poutine :-)

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My best friend and my sister both recently purchased their first homes with great deals on price in the east end- one in Vanier, similar issues to Hintonburg, if not worse- not terrible depending on your location and you get great value for your money, and the other in Gloucester (close to Silvercity/Gloucester Mall)really great price and schools are great in the Olgilvie/Montreal area and it is really close to DT from Gloucester mall too...


I agree with Hintonburg being a great area too, if you can get a touch closer to Gladstone or Somerset I think you can avoid some of the riff-raff, and you are relatively close to Westboro and have easy access to the bike path along the Ottawa River.


Good luck!

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  etasman2000 said:
The traffic from Barrhaven to downtown is a killer. If you bus expect an hour to two hours ride each way.


Consider Orleans instead, it is about 15-30 mins drive from downtown and housing is cheaper there.



Orleans? Trific at the split is endless! I would recomend that you look at the older areas that have close access to the 417! I would reconsider the age of the house if I were you!


Newer home are a bitch to get to and from in trafic.

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You should also remember the property taxes! Ottawa need to pay a little extrat for BS from city hall!


May I recomend just outside of the city limits!

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Guest S***e

I live in Westboro and I couldn't be happier here as far as location goes. As noted in the foregoing posts, Hintonburg is very much in transition and the prices have risen significantly in that area. More condominiums both of the townhome and tower varieties are being built in Westboro and Wellington Village as these areas are booming in all respects.


Also, Orleans offers some very good values in townhomes and carriage homes as prices are very reasonable and a commute to the downtown area is quite good via bus or car.


Be warned, however, residential property taxes in Ottawa are very high and if you live in a more "popular" area your property assessment is higher. This coupled with what I feel is overly lavish spending by the city/council makes for high property taxes. They are amongst the highest in the country. Roughly, if you own a place that's assessed at $400,000, you can count on about $4000 minimum annually in property taxes plus various levies and fees etc. It looks like they will nail homeowners with about an 8 % increase for 2010. Not terrribly bright given the recession and fragile recovery. Just my observations over the past year or so.

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  Sweetest Massage said:
My best friend and my sister both recently purchased their first homes with great deals on price in the east end- one in Vanier, similar issues to Hintonburg, if not worse- not terrible depending on your location and you get great value for your money, and the other in Gloucester (close to Silvercity/Gloucester Mall)really great price and schools are great in the Olgilvie/Montreal area and it is really close to DT from Gloucester mall too...


Good luck!


I agree. There are some nice newer houses in the Ogilve Rd area and it's close enough to downtown and have all ammenties close by. Living in the suburbs east or west is a pain in rush hour traffic. Barrhaven or as I like to call Farrhaven seems so far away and the developments keep getting so big that it's like living in a little city inside of Ottawa. You can find yourself driving 3 or more Kms just to get to a nearby store when you're living in one of these sites. Buying a home in the east end is cheaper than kanata or Barrhaven. Just don't buy a Minto Home in any part of the city. Complete nightmare in my past experience. Another good place to consider would be Alymer, Quebec. Minutes to downtown and most people there are English speaking if there is a language barrier. I like it there.

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