emiafish 30979 Report post Posted October 30, 2013 Well do ya? There are lots of marathons and binge watching opportunities. What are your all time favourite spine tinglers? Here is my short list to get it started House on Haunted Hill Thirteen Ghosts Ghost Ship Alien Scanners Halloween Carrie Rose Red - Stephen King mini-series Evil Dead Army of Darkness Cabin in the Woods Night of the Living Dead American Werewolf in London Not on my list... Friday the 13th, Halloween II and onwards, Scream II and onwards, Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, Saw franchise. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178383 Report post Posted October 30, 2013 I lovelovelove scary movies. I've been working my way through this list during October, it's awesome http://www.listchallenges.com/the-greatest-horror-films-of-the-past-5-years I admit I love the Scream movies (1-3). Cabin in the Woods. Drag Me to Hell. Sleepaway Camp. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Jessica Lee 43328 Report post Posted October 30, 2013 I've been hooked on AMC's fearfest the past two weeks or so .... I'm really not a scary movie fan, but these are the oldest, cheesiest, silliest scary movies ever made. It's actually quite amusing that I found these movies frightening in my youth. I've been hanging out with Freddy, Michael Myers, Jason, the Candyman, etc. I'm watching Tremors right now. Modern horror flicks really do scare me, and I have a hard time watching them. It took me three tries to get through Saw, and I still don't think I saw every scene cause I kept covering my eyes. Never watched any of the sequels. I tried to watch Hostel, made it about 12 minutes in and turned it off. eewwww. The list you have there is a good one. I was always a fan of Stephen King. my faves were Cujo, the Shining, Carrie also liked Psycho, Alien, Hellraiser 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emiafish 30979 Report post Posted October 30, 2013 I should have included Hellraiser! So many good flics, so little memory. I left out the classics, but should have mentioned this little known gem from the late 70's, Magic, staring a young and creepy Anthony Hopkins. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Jessica Lee 43328 Report post Posted October 30, 2013 I should have included Hellraiser! So many good flics, so little memory. I left out the classics, but should have mentioned this little known gem from the late 70's, Magic, staring a young and creepy Anthony Hopkins. that pinhead was a freaky character... great movie!! what about The Hills Have Eyes ...? eeeeek! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gc1968 2033 Report post Posted October 30, 2013 Any list of horror movies without the Exorcist is incomplete for me. I watch them all every Halloween (even though the only really good one is the first) If time permits I add in the first Omen movie (the original) and The Changeling (the original with George C Scott) I watch horror movies all the time, I freaking love them! There's very few that actually scare me, and a lot don't have great stories, but I watch most of them anyway. You never know when you'll stumble on a great one. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IsaMassage 54318 Report post Posted October 31, 2013 I love horror Scary movies... Specially those that are based on real events.. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redseductress 9358 Report post Posted October 31, 2013 I love scary movies :) Most of my favourites have already been listed but what's missing from these lists is child's play and poltergeist. I watch these two (plus all my favourite Stephen King flicks) every Halloween. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qwertyaccount 15793 Report post Posted October 31, 2013 I like to watch scary movies, especially under the following conditions: -It's night -It's thunder storming -I'm cuddled up with a fine lass -I've seen the movie before and she hasn't 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Canuck 5348 Report post Posted October 31, 2013 I usually do, but the one that scared me to death was. The Conjuring. Freaky as all hell. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emiafish 30979 Report post Posted October 31, 2013 Many good additions to the list so far. I had forgotten about the original Omen. Great cast, creepy score and one of the best decapitations on film for the time combined to make a shocking and clever tale of horror. Also creepy was Videodrome. David Cronenberg at his best. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted December 1, 2013 I'm a big wuss so I tend not to like legitimately scary movies lol. Especially ghost/haunting stuff....*brrrr*. That stuff freaks me the fuck out. Unless I have some cutie there to protect me whom I can snuggle up to, I totally wuss out. Not afraid to admit it :p ) I tend to like the stuff I can laugh off....like the 80's slasher flicks...those were fun. Especially Friday the 13th movies! I love the ol' Universal monster movies (hey they were considered scary for their time so they count!) I'm a huge Stephen King fan so I tend to like a lot of his movies, a few of my faves which spring to mind are The Mist, It, Pet Sematary, etc. (there are more but they're not really horror movies). There are a couple exceptions to my "No legitimately scary movies" rule....one of my favorite movies of all time is The Exorcist (can only be watched during the day though lol), The Sixth Sense is a good one...and another of my favorite movies is Werner Herzog's 1979 "Nosferatu: The Vampyre", a German remake of the silent classic. The entire atmosphere of this movie is creepy as fuck! Speaking of Nosferatu, I also love Shadow Of The Vampire with John Malkovich and Willem Dafoe. This movie is brilliant! Sort of a horror/comedy, it's a fictional take on the making of the original Nosferatu, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted December 2, 2013 My father would always laugh at me, because after watching a scary movie I'd have to sleep with the lights on. Not sure why I like them so much but I do. they haven't made any good ones in a while, although I thought the Conjuring was pretty good. But the best ones imo were The Exorcist and The first Aminittyvile Horror. When I watch them now the special affects are a little laughable but still good scary movies:) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redskin44 3588 Report post Posted December 2, 2013 i much perfer thrillers along the lines of wolf creek or seven . i find too many scary movies to rather corny . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest K***e D****ls Report post Posted December 2, 2013 I don't like them. I never have. I prefer watching something that makes me laugh or inspires me. There's enough scary out there- watching the damn evening news is scary! When I was 11, I watched a Freddy Krueger movie and that scared the hell out of me through my teen years. haha Anything supernatural, I can't even watch a trailer for. I'm shuddering right now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted December 2, 2013 Really not a fan of scary/horror movies, although I did like Stephen King's Christine. Mind you maybe I've just never seen a horror movie yet that could scare the hell out of me RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ashley Ann 75247 Report post Posted December 2, 2013 I love them... .so much! Both my father and uncle used to rent the scariest ones-and the scare the absolute shit out of my sister and I! WE loved it though,,,,, Friday the 13th, ruled. Jason was the scariest MOFO ever!!! A touch scarier that Michael Myers ;) Love the Halloween movies too. Also a big fan of the SCREAM movies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Athos 108589 Report post Posted December 2, 2013 I must confess to having a bit of a love-hate relationship with scary movies. They freak me out, and in that sense I don't like them, but at the same time, I feel quite compelled to watch them. I guess at one level I love being scared, and after all, movies are a very "safe" way to be scared. Porthos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emiafish 30979 Report post Posted December 4, 2013 It occurred to me that one of my ATF movies could be considered a scary movie. The year was 1975 and following that summer people never looked at the beach in the same way again. Jaws scared the hell out me and most beach goers in North America. The next time you find yourself in the ocean and feel something brush up against your leg, do you hear that ominous theme music? Da na, da na...da na, da na... Da, da da, da da da da...DA DA DA!!!! Yikes :icon_eek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 It occurred to me that one of my ATF movies could be considered a scary movie. The year was 1975 and following that summer people never looked at the beach in the same way again. Jaws scared the hell out me and most beach goers in North America. The next time you find yourself in the ocean and feel something brush up against your leg, do you hear that ominous theme music? Da na, da na...da na, da na... Da, da da, da da da da...DA DA DA!!!! Yikes :icon_eek: Boooo on Jaws!! It's a great movie in its own right but thanks to the misperceptions it has given people about Great Whites there is literally no public attention given to great white conservation efforts, and as a result those beautiful, majestic animals are now in serious danger. People should read the novel by Peter Benchley that the film is based on instead, it paints a very different picture and really hammers home the fact that the shark in that story is a freak and is NOT acting the way other great whites act. That point wasn't mentioned anywhere in the movie and gave the public the impression that all sharks are evil man eaters who deserve to be blown to smithereens. Benchley himself was a strong figure in conservation efforts and speaks out in this clip, and the things shown here are more horrific and evil than anything shown in Jaws Man is a much scarier monster than anything in the ocean. 'Kay...done preaching now. Carry on, as you were ;) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 Boooo on Jaws!! Thanks to the misperceptions that movie has given people about Great Whites there is literally no public attention given to great white conservation efforts, and as a result those beautiful, majestic animals are now in serious danger. People should read the novel by Peter Benchley that the film is based on instead, it paints a very different picture and really hammers home the fact that the shark in that story is a freak and is NOT acting the way other great whites act. That point wasn't mentioned anywhere in the movie and gave the public the impression that all sharks are evil man eaters who deserve to be blown to smithereens. Benchley himself speaks out for shark conservation in this clip, and the things shown here are more horrific and evil than anything shown in Jaws Man is a much scarier monster than anything in the ocean. 'Kay...done preaching now. Carry on, as you were ;) But it did bring us the classic line "You're going to need a bigger boat" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gciFoEbOA8 and I forgot, one real scary scene from a scary movie LOL RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
6dave9 4008 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 Nope, not a big fan of scary movies either.. The 'Alien' series has been mentioned here, but for me that's more sci-fi in my book. Many movie genres incorporates suspense and thrills... the slash and gore just doesn't do it for me. Now, Scary Movie 1 and 2 and 3 and..... Including Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy's bosom bouncing all over the movie screen... LMAO... ;-) My 2c D. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 Nope, not a big fan of scary movies either..The 'Alien' series has been mentioned here, but for me that's more sci-fi in my book. QUOTE] I agree that the Alien sequels are definitely straight up sci-fi, but I feel the original movie is a pretty good classic horror movie. It's definitely creepy and scary as hell...even by today's standards. Forgot to include that one in my list! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maverick 2873 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 I don't really like scary movies very much but I do like going to see one on a date with a girl that gets scared so she can squeeze my hand when she's frightened and cuddle up to me :P I do like funny scary/slasher movies though, like Cabin in the Woods or Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites