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I've been working crazy amount of hours lately. Not that I mind the work but it's starting to effect my health. In a day I'm lucky if I even eat a meal and I'm at the point that I need a energy drink daily. The wake up call happened today when I dozed off at the wheel while driving to work. Luckily it was only a scary swerve that effected no one accept myself, but being on a highway at that speed could of been fatal.


Now I'm not sure why it is but I can't say NO. I feel bad or guilty even contemplating and always end up saying yes. Don't get the wrong idea my boss is great and is in no way forceful. But I also know what it's like being in a bind and needing to get a job done.


How about you?

I know situations are different, but ladies it must be awkward to have to refuse a client for X reason? (assuming he is respectful)

What your thought?

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I'm kind of in the same boat. I plow commercial snow, so there were storms last winter where in was out 30+ hours just ttrying to get ahead of the storm. Only difference is, if in fall asleep at the wheel of my 10ton plow... Alot more things could go wrong.

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The only time I felt it necessary to refuse service to a respectful client was when someone came in whom I had encountered previously outside of work and who knew where I lived. This gentlemen did not end up asking for a massage (he came with a friend and had to rush back off to work suddenly), but if he had stayed I would have politely declined and referred him to one of our other attendants. If anything at work ever makes me feel uncomfortable, in any way, I always say no. In this case I did feel slightly guilty when I considered saying no, since he had done nothing wrong, but I am not going to provide a good experience if I feel uneasy.


Similarly, I think you should realize that your inability to say no is hindering your productivity. By trying to do everything you are probably limiting your efficiency even on your most basic tasks. Don't spread yourself too thin!

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The only occassions in which I have had to refuse a client is because I have a previous compromise.. being an appointment with another gentleman or a personal commitment... Simply timing does not work for both... It sucks .. but not much you can do.. you simply hope next time works better.

Edited by P*****n****o
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Guest realnicehat

I used to be the same way, trying to please all my clients at once. I would wake up in the middle of the night realizing I had been trying to sort out scheduling in my sleep.


Finally, I realized that if you do what you do well then people are willing to wait for you. I realize that all businesses are not the same but I would hope that there is some amount of loyalty and understanding amongst the clients in this lifestyle.


I would much rather be politely declined than add stress to a lady's day. That being said, they are all so good at their jobs that I would probably never know if I did.


I would sincerely hope that the SPs who have been around a while have found a balance and therefore have little issue (or awkwardness) in declining appointments (even from the politest of men) but I'm interested to see if that is truly the case.

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I too used to have a problem saying no, but after being used over and over, I have come to the realization that saying no isn't a bad thing. Not everyone is worthy or deserving of aide so I pick and choose who I give to more carefully.

As far as refusing a client, if I have to for my own good then I don't feel bad, but if I have to refuse a client because I don't have an opening or time, I do feel bad. But we all have to do what we must:)

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Saying No? I have no problem with this - if I don't want to see someone (for what ever reason), I will let them know. Of course, I will be nice about it, but I will decline if I want to. Good grief, if we accepted every invitation that came our way, what would that say about ourselves?


In my personal life, I've gotten good at saying no. I feel stronger and more confident being able to stand up for myself and say No. There are those that will consider me a BE YATCH, but that's ok with me. I am the one that lives with myself at the end of the day.

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Guest c**io**m7

I've gotten pretty good at it. I've had to say "no" a lot lately except this one lady...for some reason, I can't say no to her...lol. ;-)

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I have a hard time with this too. I want to be efficient.. With SPing I just find it awkward. I know it's tough for people to put everything on the table and I'd be devastated if a girl said no to me because Im sensitive like that.


It took a bad situation for me to finally realize that I am important too. I took stock of what I deserve and now I'm starting to get better.. starting to lol

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It's taken a long time, and I still have some work to do, but learning to say "no" has saved me much time, money and aggravation:

  • No, I won't help you paint your house
  • No, I won't help you move
  • No, you can't borrow $50
  • No, my schedule is full, I can't take on any new projects
  • No, I do not want to mega-size my order
  • No, I don't want to help a Nigerian prince with his $300 million inheritance
  • No, those pants do not make you look fat
  • No, don't stop!

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