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If characters could come to life

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Literary, or tv/film?


If they could walk off the pages, or step off the screen...who would you date/want to be friends with?


I'm sure I'll think of many, many more, but the ones that come to mind are:


I would date Lucas from Empire Records


I would KILL to hang out with Sloane and Don from The Newsroom. I'd sit there and stare at them lovingly and gaze at them while they exchanged witty banter and infuriatingly intelligent quips.

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For the greate good of the unverse I have to say that I would kill geoffry from (brain lapsee....ahhhhh...winter is coming... you know the show with the dragons.....)



But I would love to meet the characters in brave new world..and the maddaddam trilogy.


I read a lot of historical fiction so that leads to the whole "what time period would you love to visit?" question more so than the who would be there dilemma




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Derrick Morgan and Penelope Garcia off of Criminal Minds

I love both of them and I love the way they interact with each other

Penelope is so bubbly and I'm very much the same so we would get along great, and Derrick is quite fine so him and I could have a lot of fun together ;)

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I have a fascination with Vampires. I know how cliche. I would like to relive First Lastat and Jessie's romance, from "The Queen of the damned."



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Guest realnicehat

I would like to go drinking with Hank Moody, Archer, Jimmy McNulty, Ari Gold, Ron Burgundy and Chewbacca.

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I'd be friends with Longfellow Deeds from Mr Deeds (seriously, how much fun would he be?)


I'd like to bone Wheeler from Role Models just once


If Buffy the Vampire Slayer could be my best friend, I would be in heaven. But she'd likely get mad at my frequent attempts to bone Angel/Spike


I'd marry Captain Mal Reynolds from Firefly. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

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help snoopy shoot down the red baron ,


meet calliope from grrek mythology , considered the greatest of all muses in greek mythology .


elizabeth [ kim basinger ] , from 9 1/2 weeks .

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I think I would marry Eric Draven from the movie the crow. Another dark sexy character, I see a theme here. He cares so much for his lover that he comes back from the dead to avenge his lovers death. If that's not sexy I don't know what is.

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Wow! It so depends on my mood and the kind of relationship I'm looking for with the person.


First to mind as friends:


  • Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Malcolm Reynolds from the Firefly tv series/Serenity movie

And romantically:


  • Inara Serra, the "companion" from Firefly -- wait, I already know some very close approximations to her! :)
  • Beatrice (from Joss Whedon's Much Ado about Nothing movie, as played by Amy Acker)

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I think I would marry Eric Draven from the movie the crow. Another dark sexy character, I see a theme here. He cares so much for his lover that he comes back from the dead to avenge his lovers death. If that's not sexy I don't know what is.


Eric Draven was portrayed by Brandon Lee in the movie The Crow. Brandon Lee was the son of Bruce Lee, the famous martial arts actor. I would have loved to hang out with Bruce Lee who is my idol.


Here is the bio of Bruce Lee :



Some excerpts -


- UFC President Dana White considers Bruce Lee as "the father of Mixed Martial Arts"

- Alongside Muhammad Ali, Lee is cited as a major influence by many K-1 and MMA champions:

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Guest realnicehat
Eric Draven was portrayed by Brandon Lee in the movie The Crow. Brandon Lee was the son of Bruce Lee, the famous martial arts actor. I would have loved to hang out with Bruce Lee who is my idol.


Here is the bio of Bruce Lee :



Some excerpts -


- UFC President Dana White considers Bruce Lee as "the father of Mixed Martial Arts"

- Alongside Muhammad Ali, Lee is cited as a major influence by many K-1 and MMA champions:


Unfortunately, Bruce was real. Would you settle for the character Bruce Lee from the movie "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" played by Jason Scott Lee (no relation)?


Of course, he had to use the middle name "Scott" due to the popularity of actor Jason Lee who, among other roles, played lead singer Jeff Bebe in the movie "Almost Famous" which we have already established is the playground of my one true love Penny Lane. ;)

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Eric Draven was portrayed by Brandon Lee in the movie The Crow. Brandon Lee was the son of Bruce Lee, the famous martial arts actor. I would have loved to hang out with Bruce Lee who is my idol.


Here is the bio of Bruce Lee :



Some excerpts -


- UFC President Dana White considers Bruce Lee as "the father of Mixed Martial Arts"

- Alongside Muhammad Ali, Lee is cited as a major influence by many K-1 and MMA champions:


Unfortunately, Bruce was real. Would you settle for the character Bruce Lee from the movie "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" played by Jason Scott Lee (no relation)?


Of course, he had to use the middle name "Scott" due to the popularity of actor Jason Lee who, among other roles, played lead singer Jeff Bebe in the movie "Almost Famous" which we have already established is the playground of my one true love Penny Lane. ;)


I think Brandon Lee was a great actor and it's too bad that he dies in the crow. I think Brandon made the movie and I wouldn't say I was settling for Eric the character in the movie the crow. I think Eric is an honest warrior who wants justice served. I think he's nobble, however, I like that not everyone would see his actions as nobble or just. People may think that Eric is just out for revenge and for some reason that makes the whole story line interesting.


I do think actors do create the character, as they extend a part of themselves or they play out the character through their eyes.


For some reason Brandon Lees character in the crow reminds me of Heath Ledgers character as Joker in the Batman. Both are out of this world characters that are acted out really well. However, the differences are that one doesn't give a shit and one cares too much.


However, actors are not their characters. Brandon Lee played a great character. I wish I could see him play more characters. Brandon had a great background and had a promising future, which made him even more interesting. I think a lot of people feel like Brandon died before his time and that he had a lot of promise. I think that's why people include

Brandon's background when they talk about him. I also think that's going to happen a lot with Heath ledgers character the Joker in the batman. It's just natural to associate characters to actors or actors families sometimes, especially if a tragedy happens either during or after the movie.


What do I know? I'm just rambling at this point.

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Guest realnicehat
I think Brandon Lee was a great actor and it's too bad that he dies in the crow. I think Brandon made the movie and I wouldn't say I was settling for Eric the character in the movie the crow. I think Eric is an honest warrior who wants justice served. I think he's nobble, however, I like that not everyone would see his actions as nobble or just. People may think that Eric is just out for revenge and for some reason that makes the whole story line interesting.


I do think actors do create the character, as they extend a part of themselves or they play out the character through their eyes.


For some reason Brandon Lees character in the crow reminds me of Heath Ledgers character as Joker in the Batman. Both are out of this world characters that are acted out really well. However, the differences are that one doesn't give a shit and one cares too much.


However, actors are not their characters. Brandon Lee played a great character. I wish I could see him play more characters. Brandon had a great background and had a promising future, which made him even more interesting. I think a lot of people feel like Brandon died before his time and that he had a lot of promise. I think that's why people include

Brandon's background when they talk about him. I also think that's going to happen a lot with Heath ledgers character the Joker in the batman. It's just natural to associate characters to actors or actors families sometimes, especially if a tragedy happens either during or after the movie.


What do I know? I'm just rambling at this point.


I in no way meant to imply that anyone was "settling" for their chosen characters.


My reference was simply in regards to the person Bruce Lee versus the character portrayal of"Bruce Lee" as they pertain to the rules of this particular game.


Personally, I find the character that I chose (Penny Lane) far more intriguing than the actress who portrays her (Kate Hudson) although the separation of the two is difficult. While I can't imagine Penny being played by another actress I have yet to be drawn to any of Ms. Hudson's other characters in the same way.


In the simplest terms, during the course of the movie, I am in love with a girl named Penny Lane. She looks just like Kate Hudson. :)

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I in no way meant to imply that anyone was "settling" for their chosen characters.


My reference was simply in regards to the person Bruce Lee versus the character portrayal of"Bruce Lee" as they pertain to the rules of this particular game.


Personally, I find the character that I chose (Penny Lane) far more intriguing than the actress who portrays her (Kate Hudson) although the separation of the two is difficult. While I can't imagine Penny being played by another actress I have yet to be drawn to any of Ms. Hudson's other characters in the same way.


In the simplest terms, during the course of the movie, I am in love with a girl named Penny Lane. She looks just like Kate Hudson. :)


Yes, I agree. However, I think the actor does put a part of themselves into the character. The character can be far more interesting than the person for sure. I think the director chooses certain actors biased on how they would portray the characters.


I really like Brandon as Eric and that's why I said I would want to marry him.(Eric) I just happen to think that Brandon has an interesting background too.


Can real life people be Characters? Can someone's personality become characteristic? I think this is just a fun thread and that there's no right or wrong answer.

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Guest realnicehat
Yes, I agree. However, I think the actor does put a part of themselves into the character. The character can be far more interesting than the person for sure. I think the director chooses certain actors biased on how they would portray the characters.


I really like Brandon as Eric and that's why I said I would want to marry him.(Eric) I just happen to think that Brandon has an interesting background too.


Can real life people be Characters? Can someone's personality become characteristic? I think this is just a fun thread and that there's no right or wrong answer.


Nuh-uh. I'm right and you're wrong :tongue:


Real life people can be characters. Even what appears to be the most accurate portrayal (eg. Jamie Foxx in Ray) has some creative license whether it comes from the writer, director, actor or even the person the character is based on.


Even when people tell their own story they tend to embellish or mis-remember.

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I first met "Blade" back in High School; Grade 9. On the first day, the HomeRoom teacher took attendance and called out the names of each pupil. Teacher was puzzled about the lack of a gender specific name - just "Blade". He always sat at the back of the classroom. On more than one occasion, the teacher had to confiscate a weapon or some-such. Got to be a running joke after awhile....Better check out Blade's pockets - they might be loaded Haw Haw Haw!


Blade was a typical teenager - kind of skinny and awkward and he mostly kept to himself. But, what stood out about him was that he wore black leather all the time. Shirts with high collars. Even wore black leather shorts and T-shirts (with high collars) in gym class. Didn't go over well with the gym teacher because it clashed with the school colours. Gym teachers were kind of picky then.


We got acquainted in Science class. Pig dissections. He did very well. We both enjoyed the pungent, invigorating smell of formaldehyde and that cemented our friendship. Once you got to know him, he was funny batshit crazy! Boy, we did some stoopid stuff back in the day. Frig, he used to crack me up when he'd rearrange the school library...while hanging from the ceiling. You should have seen him at the prom - Hooo Boy...he emptied the room faster'n you could say: "I like dead people".


Even now, though we're both older and wider, we still have a great friendship. He's also a great bargaining wedge when it comes to negotiating a deal for a new car or mortgage. I like when he smiles & hisses. Last month, we dropped in at the local Toyota dealership. I can still hear the car sales guy saying: "Here! - take the damn car!....It's yours!!...Just don't eat me!". Holy-O-Jeez, we both slapped each other on the back and roared with laughter over that one!


Whenever I need some quality guy time, it's pretty cool to hang at his warehouse (or whatever the hell it is). He's got the ultimate guy garage - lucky bachelor bastard. Whenever I can, I escape for the evening, crack open a beer & tinker with all the latest anti-vampire gear and warehouse security shit. Cameras, automatic detection devices, lights, etc. I'm not much of a gun nut, but I do love all the moving parts & special effects thingies.


It's also pretty spiffy to do a "Vampire run" to kick some blood sucker ass. I'm the guy munching donuts in the bomb-proof family van BTW. When things get tough on Parliament Hill & the Senate, I save the evening & press the right missile button at the last, critical moment to save Blade's sorry butt. Ha, and he thought he could do without me.


Saayy, I do tend to get carried away, don't I?

Edited by Jabba

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I want to meet the leprechaun form lucky charms and get what's at the end of his rainbow. Or how about the Trix bunny or Tony the tiger, that's great! I would even like to meet that fruit loop bird. Why is it that morning cereal characters are so tricky?



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Oh, fun thread!


Put me down as well to hang out with the characters from Firefly. But don't worry MightyPen, you can have Inara...I'll be asking Kaylee out on a date!


Anyone mind if I really geek out and stretch this concept to computer games? If so, bring me the characters from the Mass Effect series.


Hmm,even if I couldn't spend time with them personally, politically I wouldn't mind if all the characters from the West Wing showed up in time for the next American election.


Finally, I'd leave my current job if I could go into business investigating crimes either with Richard and Beckett from Castle or Shawn and Gus from Psych.

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Unfortunately, Bruce was real. Would you settle for the character Bruce Lee from the movie "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" played by Jason Scott Lee (no relation)?


Of course, he had to use the middle name "Scott" due to the popularity of actor Jason Lee who, among other roles, played lead singer Jeff Bebe in the movie "Almost Famous" which we have already established is the playground of my one true love Penny Lane. ;)


Most likely not. I actually don't think he (Jason Scott Lee) played Bruce that well in that movie. I realize that Bruce Lee was not a fictional character, but was real. I guess those of us who saw his movies knew that the plots were not really that intriguing or great and that his acting was not that great either. In all his movies, he played some kind of a hero displaying his exceptional martial arts skills and beating the crap out of the bad guys (with no exception). Like most MA practitioners and fans, I went to see his movies to enjoy and admire his skills and kick-ass moves. So, in essence, he could come out as any character in any of his movies, I will still see Bruce Lee, the great martial artist. Hope I didn't confuse everybody! ;)

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