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An open apology...

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Guest realnicehat



I read that poll in it's entirety. You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, the gentleman did not look up at the top banner of the screen before attacking you ("WTf do you know ...). While, I too feel sorry for what he admits about himself, he is lucky we don't point his post to the mod. Having 14 posts from 2012 and not knowing your nature like most of us do, he had no right. I am sure he will get defensive if he reads my posts, but if he steps back when reading it, he should make a proper realization, out of fact, not emotions. I have not butted heads with anyone since April, but I am happy to write this post. RNH, do not change your playfulness! No matter how low I am in my life, you can play with me and we can continue to punch each other's bags :)

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Guest realnicehat

Thanks webo,


I have no intention in changing my posting style. I've simply come to the realization that my words, for whatever reason, may not always be taken as intended. Perhaps I'm overly reflective this morning but the apology seemed appropriate.


Fear not, as I said, I still intend to challenge those who need it and you, clearly, are my biggest challenge. ;)


ps. who told you about my cock? :dncdick:

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I have to agree that there was nothing wrong with your post, In my opinion it was rather interesting ... I gave my opinion based in my own perspective.. we are all entited to that .., and that what a discusion board is about... we may all not like a thread because it touches a subject that may be more sensitive for each one of us... In those cases I just reserve my opinion and let it go...


In My opinion you do not need to apologize

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I know your post was made with all good intentions and there was nothing harmful with it.


No one can craft a post which is sensitive to all forms of political correctness, cultural differences, individual tastes, states of mind, etc.


All you can do is try to enjoy yourself within the context of this forum. If someone takes exception, so be it. Let them have their 2 minutes of rebuttal/rant. Life goes on.


Maybe once they calm down & reflect on their own post, they may learn a thing or two.

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I looked at the poll as well and agree that no apology is needed. It's a delicate and fine line when people may take things out of context or read it another way. I know looking at your history that your posts are written with the most respect and integrity. There are those that don't post for these reasons and it's better to keep going as you're a valuable contributor to this board. I've been both the lurker and poster through my time and have felt ok with both. There's been times I have said something and then I think about it too much wondering if someone may have read my words the wrong way? We can't please everyone. Jabba and Vitto said it perfectly as I ramble on.... :)

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Guest *Ste***cque**

The way you handled that says a lot about you. All good. :)


Very diplomatic. You could be a politician. I hear there may be a few openings...

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Jesus man, did you just play your only apology card? What will you write when you actually say something offensive or insulting?


I may have to save this for my own personal use the next time I F up.

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Guest realnicehat
Jesus man, did you just play your only apology card? What will you write when you actually say something offensive or insulting?


If you think that's all I've got you haven't been paying attention ;)

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Guest B**na***oy



People who post make mistakes, people who post a lot make a lot of mistakes. The only way not to make mistakes is to stay on the sideline and not get involved.


I'm not saying you made a mistake, but you get involved and put your neck on the line every time you do. This is why a board like CERB is so successful and home to it's members. Without people like you and all those who dare, this place would not be alive.


Although you did nothing wrong in the context of an adult only board for open minded people, you handled the situation with class and dignity.


For that, you got my utmost respect.


Keep on posting please.

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Guest realnicehat

Hey everyone,


I really appreciate all the support and kind words. While, in this particular instance, I didn't necessarily feel I was in the wrong but an apology still seemed somehow more appropriate than an argument.


It is pretty easy sometimes to feel like a ghost in this anonymous forum. Thank you all for reminding me that I'm not.



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