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MR.Pen-Very Deserving

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Have you ever come onto the general discussion forum and continually read posts that you find so well done, articulate, concise and very politely put? I have and have messaged to thank the op. But in this case and of course this is just my opinion, but this person- MIGHTY PEN-(A well suited name) :) does just that EVERY time he posts. Never is there a note of bias, favoritism towards another member, insincerity, meanness, but rather, a sense of understanding, a willingness of acceptance and a very kind way of accepting and explaining another's point of view. So the point of this post-well- I think people like him need to be thanked, openly and often so....

Mighty Pen, you make this forum more pleasurable, more interesting and so much more inviting for me and for that I thank you:):)

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Guest webothscore

Spot on. Strong communication is a pleasure to deal with. You don't see countless bitter/negative posts with this guy, or any at all as the OP stated. Also for example, if you state your favourite colour is red, he does not come back with "please clarify or how dare you not mention yellow?". Even when he disagrees he does it tactfully. Well rounded package, and no, I have not seen his package...

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Oh! Yikes! Hey! Look at this! Oh! Wow. Geez. *blush*


Thank you so much Cristy, and everyone who has posted here. I just saw this thread now and you've rendered me sort of speechless. :) I think my internal monologue went pretty much like that first sentence up there.


You guys have no idea how much I value this place as an outlet for my own thoughts, and a treasure trove of other people's insights and ideas. I mentioned to another member recently that the main reasons I'm moved to write my own thoughts in such detail here is because I respect the honest contributions of everyone else here. These are the kinds of conversations, on the kind of subjects, that you just don't get to have very often... especially with more than one or two people at a time.


Also, if you'd like a hand knocking MightyPen down a peg or two after all these kind words, I'll let you know a secret: the reason I missed this thread all evening, at least 'til now, is that I've been sitting here at my computer playing "XCOM: Enemy Within" for, like five hours straight. :) My dogs are MOST displeased they got only their walk and no playtime!


But really, thanks for the compliments, and most especially thank you for making the community so worth contributing to.

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Thanks for this thread Cristy, and thank you Mighty Pen for your contributions. Enjoy reading your well written posts, your one of the reasons CERB is the positive community it is


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Well said, Cristy!


There's been many times I'll be reading a thread and am thinking of a response only to see that Mightypen has already voiced it, and more articulately than I would have. I'm sure a few times I've been nodding at the computer screen as I read his posts, and as others have stated they are unfailingly friendly, even in debate.


Plus, the man uses the Jayne hat screenshot as his avatar, so you know he's cool:



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Plus, the man uses the Jayne hat screenshot as his avatar, so you know he's cool:

Ha ha! Good catch! :) And thanks.


Firefly. *sigh* All the years we never got to see, and yet that awesome half-season we did.

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