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I am new to the site.. and thought I'd take some suggestions from you guys, since this communities tight, and everyone here seems like they know what they're talking about. : )


Anyway, I am planning on a long date with a sp. Not a quickie. I am thinking 6 hours to maybe even 8.


There's two parts where I need advice. Okie , so first.

I am probably really odd in this way, but I like to make love rather than fuck , weird right? i mean looking for a sp , who isn't all about the money, is very sensual, not very distant. I like it to be more romantic classy movie, rather than like a porn movie. Know what I mean? Basically, I want a girl , who can REALLY make me believe that she is my gf, for the time we are together. So , obviously an sp who would love dfk and stuff. you get the idea.Someone, who is REALLY fucking friendly, charming , sexy , talkative and passionate. I MEAN I am going to be 8 HOURS with her. Can't spend that time with a bitch full of attitude, right? Thats why I need you guys to give the heads up.

So , in your experience, who do you think would be best for such a date?


Secondly, since it is probably a 6 hour date, It can get a littleeee pricey. And my budget is about 750-1000$. Depending on the girl ofcourse. I was going with Pink kitty at first, since I am in ottawa, and their girls are pretty fucking good. But according to jason , its going to end up costing 1440$ for 6 hours! Damn. So , I dont know if I can afford pk , for such a long date and seems like a bit of a rip-off too? But, I guess their more about the short term encounters. Which is cool too, whatever.


So guys, and sps , help me out! I want this to be perfect.

btw, no , i am not filthy rich, i just had to save money for a life time. lol

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