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Are Agency's Allowed On Here?

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I am new here sort of I was just wondering are agency's allow to post on here?.Another question I am not sure if I can ask this here if I cannot I am sorry but I want to start a agency here where I live and any advice or tips would be great thanks

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Yes, agencies are allowed to advertise here. You will see them as Red when they post. Depending on their location, they pay a fee to advertise. Here is some information:


Ladies working for spas, If you have more then one account promoting the SAME person you will be seen as abusing the system and SPAMMING us. If the SPA/AGENCY advertises you then you can not post ads here on top of the agency ads that promote you.


Ladies if you are working with other ladies (Sharing computers) but not working as an agency each lady will need her own account. If you share a commercial location, advertise together, share a receptionist or phone number, share emails, etc... you would be considered an agency and in some cities a paid account would be required.


If you work for an agency / Spa / Private Club (excluding public strip club) your company may require a PAID account to advertise the business here. (Ottawa and Toronto for instance require paid accounts for agencies and any lady who works for a agency or spa)


Any Agency, Massage Spa or Private club in Ottawa or Toronto must be PAID ADVERTISERS in order to post ads on cerb. Agencies and Spa's with MULTIPLE companies or location require a PAID ACCOUNT for EACH company/location (Please DO NOT advertise more then one spa or agency on a single account).


At this time the paid account rule only applies to cities that have over 5000 posts.


Cerb will NOT charge the Independent ladies for using cerb however anyone who works for a Spa or Agency and wishes to mention that company on cerb (or advertise here) will need to purchase a banner or paid account for that company.


Banner rates available here: CLICK HERE FOR RATES paid accounts are 50.00/mth or 100.00/3 months and the banner is optional and only available if space for the banner is available.


Agencies/Private Clubs/Massage spa's that run MULTIPLE COMPANIES will be permitted to have MULTIPLE PAID ACCOUNTS (One for EACH company) - Each account would require a PAID BANNER. Each paid account could advertise in the announcements area per 12 hour period as well.


- CERB remains an outstanding value for agencies and this will get rid of the "Fly by night" agencies and give exclusivity to the serious agencies who do pay for advertising and are branding a reputation.


- Agencies will be monitored closely to ensure compliance especially in regards to anyone trying to circumvent this rule with FAKE indie accounts will be banned from the site and purchasing a banner will no longer be a option. If you are unethical we do not want you here.


Public gentleman's clubs (Strip Clubs) are welcome to purchase banners and if they wish to advertise directly to cerb they may do so as well but so far none really seam to want to advertise but some of the dancers do from time to time so the ladies who work for these clubs can still post where they will be working without the need for a paid advertisement at this time. This exception is ONLY for PUBLIC STRIP CLUBS (Not Private Clubs or any other type of adult club).


Private adult entertainment clubs will be seen the same as agencies and massage spa's and will be required to purchase a banner to advertise.




Ladies who are Independent but work out of SPA locations who wish to advertise separately (Not advertise as the SPA but being available at a specific SPA must purchase a banner if they wish to advertise availability at these locations).


On the banner, the lady can advertise only her own name, not the name of any of the spas and it can link to her profile here on cerb or a personal website (Not the SPA's website).


She would have her OWN account (Not a SPA account but the name would show in RED like the paid agency account).


She can mention the name of any (or all of the spas) she works at in the ads posted by her (but can't mention the spas or locations in her ad titles just the description).

As far as help on starting an agency - well, are there specific questions you have?

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I will add to what has been already said... in the agebcy starting up tios...

1. Be honest. . Dont use fake pics...

2. Treat the ladies with respect. .. be ready to protect them and dont put them on dangerous situations

3. Be patient. .. people think that all agency or spa owners/managers are filty rich...many times ladies make more than the owner

3. Have lots of time on your hands... becauae this business run long hours... sometimes 24 hours 7 days a week

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Think on your motive first, as Passion Vito stated, if your doing it for the money, you may want to think again! A well run agency will make less then the ladies who are working. There are many expenses involved to operating a business like this. You really do need a business mind, as in any business out there.


I began my agency for the love of the industry and with 17 years experience of working as a provider. I stumbled into opening my business as many younger SP's were always contacting me when they had problems with the agency they worked for or with clients, or just did not feel comfortable working on their own. Eventually I decided there was a need for someone like me to open a business. There are many unfavored, poorly run businesses here in NB, drugs, violence, switch and baits etc... and so for a new lady to have to be exposed to that, I decided to provide a safe and clean operation.


KNOW THE LAW, there is a lot to learn. You may decide to have a lawyer on a yearly retainer.


Got to have thick skin, remember in this industry, many times ladies will come to you having many problems. You need to know yourself well, and how to place boundaries. Often times when a lady leaves an agency, that is when your biggest issues will arise. Anger, jealousy, sabotage and theft are often present.


I am assuming your a man, by your handle here, know that if you are the one answering the phone, this is not accepted easily by other men who are booking. You will be branded with the awful name "pimp" by those who don't like your agency or don't like to hearing a man is operating it. Even if not true.


Think on it, it is a very very BIG responsibility to ensure their safety, your safety as well.

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I forgot to add to it...

check the market in your area. .. make sure you ate bringing something new.. or perhaps fill in what it lacks.... concentrate on that...

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